
  • 网络rectal temperature
  1. 结果表明:(1)夏季慢性热应激牛的直肠温度和呼吸频率极显著地高于冬季非热应激期(P<0.01)。

    Results showed that : ( 1 ) Rectal temperature and breathing rate of Hol-stein cow in summer slow heat stress period were significantly higher than that in winter non - heat stress period .

  2. 生理指标:奶牛发生热应激时其直肠温度及呼吸频率均显著高于非热应激期的指数(P0.05)。

    Physiological contant : heat stress in dairy cattle rectal temperature and respiratory rate were distinctly higher than those of non-thermal stress index ( P0.05 ) .

  3. 结论直肠温度和压力刺激可明显降低IBS患者的初始感觉阈值和排便阈值,以腹泻型患者最显著。

    Conclusion Visceral perception thresholds were decreased significantly after rectal thermal-and pressure - stimuli in patients with IBS .

  4. 结果表明,LPS注射激发短期免疫应激,显著影响8mg/kg铜处理组肉鸡的生长性能,对肉鸡直肠温度和血浆Cp影响极显著。

    One-time injection of LPS affected the growth performance of chicks treated with 8mg / kg copper significantly and influenced cloacal temperatures and Cp levels significantly as well .

  5. 结果实验1组中直肠温度在轻度低温的大鼠数量与其他两组比较有非常显著的差异(P0.01)。

    Results There was significant difference between the number of rats with light low temperature in test group 1 and those of the other two test groups ( p0.01 ) .

  6. 结果各时间段颈部温度和直肠温度的比较均有显著性差异(p<0.001),相关性分析显示均呈高度相关,有统计学意义(p≤0.001)。

    Result : There was a significant difference between jugular temperature and rectal one at each different interval of detection ( p < 0.001 ), and the correlation study demonstrated a high correlation , showing a significance in statistics ( p ≤ 0.001 ) .

  7. 试验组的直肠温度和呼吸频率显著(P0.01)低于对照组,分别为38.97和39.61℃及60.87和78.53次/分。

    The rectal temperature and respiratory rate of the treatment group were significantly lower than those of the control ( P0.01 ), they were 38.97 and 39.61 ℃, and 60.87 and 78.53/min .

  8. 实验前24h大鼠进行高温处理(直肠温度42℃,15min)。

    In the hyperthemia-treated group , rats were subjected to whole-body hyperthermia ( rectal 42 ℃, 15 min ) 24 h before the experiment .

  9. 直接脑温监测与直肠温度监测在sTBI亚低温治疗中的应用分析

    Clinical exploration of direct cerebral temperature monitoring and rectal temperature monitoring in mild hypothermia therapy of severe cerebral injury

  10. 测量了受试者配穿KH-3和KH-7时的卫生学参数、皮肤温度、直肠温度、心率等,并以综合热应激指数(CIHS)评定了热应激防护等级。

    The grades of heat stress were evaluated according to combined index of heat stress ( CIHS ) .

  11. 方法对54例晚期肿瘤患者用大功率915微波机加热下胸或脐周围持续120~180min,食管或直肠温度达40℃以上,120~180min。

    Methods 54 advanced cancer patients were heated by 600 ~ 800W microwave power to the lower chest or midabdominal region for 120 ~ 180min . The temperature in rectum or esophagus is higher than 40 ℃ to certain time .

  12. 抗寒霜在寒冷条件下对大鼠直肠温度的影响

    Effect of anti-cold cream on the rectum temperature of rats

  13. 方法:用热敏电阻温度计测定内毒素致热兔直肠温度变化。

    Method : the rectal temperature was measured with the thermistor thermometer .

  14. 常温组直肠温度维持在36-37.5℃。

    Normal rectal temperature was maintained at 36-37 . 5 ℃ in control group .

  15. 直肠温度的读数一般大于口腔温度1华氏度左右。

    A rectal temperature reading is generally 1 degree Fahrenheit higher than an oral reading .

  16. 本试验分二期研究了环境温度对鸡直肠温度、冠温和血浆睾酮水平的影响。

    The effects of long-term vasectomy on the serum testosterone , testis and epididymis tissues ;

  17. 尸体早期直肠温度与死亡时间关系的理论研究

    A theoretical Consideration on the Relationship of Changes in Rectal Temperature with the Death Time of a Victim

  18. 复合营养素对湿热创伤大鼠直肠温度和一氧化氮影响的研究

    The effect of compound nutriments on rat rectal temperature and plasma NO under moist heat and scald stress

  19. 湿热环境下低温输液对创伤家兔直肠温度的影响

    Study on the effect of the intravenous hypothermic transfusion therapy on rectal temperature of wounded rabbits in hot and humid environment

  20. 结论早期给予复合营养素可以减轻一氧化氮浓度和直肠温度的升高程度以及急性应激反应中一氧化氮对机体的影响水平。

    Conclusion Early nutrition is effective in reducing plasma NO and rectal temperature and so decreasing the damage of NO in the body .

  21. 采用直肠温度、平均皮温、出汗率、心率及热积等5项生理指标,作为评定基础。

    Rectal temperature , skin temperature , sweat rate , heart rate and heat store were used as physiological basis for the evaluation .

  22. 结果:环境温度发生变化时,平均皮肤温度、直肠温度以及能量代谢率与人体出汗率同方向变化;

    Results : Sweat varied directly with ambient temperature and there were the corresponding changes in mean skin temperature , rectal temperature and metabolic rate .

  23. 寒区指战员战时冻伤救护对策急性缺氧和缺氧习服对冻伤大鼠直肠温度和冻足皮肤温度的影响

    Countermeasures to prevent and rescue commanders and fighters with cold injury in the cold region during wartime EFFECTS OF ACUTE EXPOSURE TO HYPOXIA AND HYPOXIA-ACCLIMATION ON RECTAL

  24. 重型颅脑创伤急性期脑温与直肠温度关系及亚低温对其影响的研究

    A Study of the Relationship between Brain and Rectal Temperature and the Effect of Mild Hypothermia on It in Patients in Acute Phase of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury

  25. 监测直肠温度,亚低温治疗组保持大鼠体温在33.0±1.5℃。

    The temperature of the animals in the hypothermia-treated group was cooled to 33.0 ± 1.5 ℃, it was kept at 38.0 ± 0.5 ℃ in the normothermia group .

  26. 结果:低体温犬的体心温度可用直肠温度或食道温度表示,但二者不可混用。

    Results : Rectal and esophageal temperature could stand for the core temperature of the hypothermic dog model , but mixing with each other was prohibited because of leading to mistakes .

  27. 目的通过预防性用药,观察大鼠在寒冷条件下直肠温度的变化,为寒区人员预防冻伤提供有效的药物及给药途径。

    Objective To observe the changes of rectum temperature in rats under a cold condition after preventive administration , provide the people in cold area with effective anti-cold medicine and approaches of medication .

  28. 受试者于人工气候室内进行高湿热锻炼,连续10天,两组每天平均锻炼时间分别为59.8min和52.6min,平均直肠温度达38.71℃和38.32℃,生理紧张指数为3.5和3.0。

    The mean exercise time per day of the both groups was 59.8 min and 52.6 min , the mean rectal temperature after training reached 38.71 ℃ and 38.32 ℃, and PSI was 3.5 and 3.0 respectively .

  29. 无遮阳措施的运动场上的母羊的呼吸频率、直肠温度和毛尖温度等分别比遮阳棚内的羊平均高约50%、0.3℃和10℃。

    Comparing with sheep under shading screen , the respiration rate , rectal temperature and wool surface temperature of the sheep on the paddock without any shading measures were 50 % , 0.5 ℃ and 10 ℃ higher respectively .

  30. 预处理期间各组生理参数比较:直肠温度、动脉血氧分压、动脉血二氧化碳分压、血压及血糖在预处理期间各组间无明显差异。

    Physiological parameter comparison among every group during pretreatment phase : There was insignificant difference of rectal temperature , partial pressure of oxygen of arterial blood ( PaO2 ), partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide , blood pressure and blood sugar during pretreatment in every group .