
zhí xiàn zhì
  • line organization
  1. 试论直线制组织结构现阶段在我国企业的适用性企业直线职能制评析

    Discussion on Practical Applicability of Linear Organizational Structure for Our Country 's Enterprises in Recent Period

  2. 从长远角度看,现有的单一的直线制结构将无法满足不断壮大和发展的裁判队伍的管理要求。

    In the long term , the existing " linear system structure " will not meet the growing needs .

  3. 传统的直线制组织管理模式的思想基础是机械还原论,不能适应时代发展的要求。

    Management patterns of traditional linear organization are being met by a challenge from complexity , and the basis of their ideas is mechanism-reductionism .

  4. 从直线制到直线职能制、从矩阵制到事业部制,强大的经济发展引擎不断推动着企业组织结构的创新与变革。

    From beeline system to beeline-function system , from matrix system to project-department system , the powerful economic development engine have being continually driven the innovation and reform of the organization and structure of enterprise .

  5. 本文从三方面论证了现阶段对于我国众多企业(尤其是私营企业)来讲,选择直线制组织结构将更有利于企业的发展。

    From three aspects this paper expounds and proves that the organizational structure with linear system will be more beneficial for the development of massive enterprises especially for private enterprises of our country in recent period .

  6. 组织架构存在包括直线制、职能制等多种模式,组织架构的设计包括部门和职能设计、关键岗位设计、制度流程设计等,对组织绩效产生长期影响。

    Organizational structure have line structure , functional structure and so on . Design of organizational structure is including the departments and function design , key position design , system process design , etc. , which affect on organizational performance in long-term impact .

  7. “企业直线职能制”存在的重要特征是集权式管理。

    The feature of " Line-Staff " organization is concentration management .

  8. 浅析直线职能制结构的功能缺陷及改良

    On the Function Bug and its Improvement for Beeline System Structure

  9. 以往单一的直线职能制学科组织结构迫切需要调整与创新。

    So the former discipline organization structure needs to be changed and innovated .

  10. 建立适合我国小型工业企业的现代直线职能制

    A proposal to build up modern straight-line staffs fit for small industrial enterprises

  11. 经营管理上采用直线职能制的组织设计,以方便进行管理。

    The organization design of linear function of the management , management to facilitate .

  12. 当需要额外的人员处理更多专门职务,如行政、会计和人事时,直线参谋制组织便应运而生了。

    A line-and-staff organization exists when additional staff are needed to handle more specialized duties , such as administration , accounting and personnel .

  13. 到后来投产初期到设备稳定后的一直采用的直线职能制的组织机构形式。

    From the initial manufacture time to the time after the machine was stabilized , the institution adopted the beeline function style all the while .

  14. 第三,根据业务范围、经营规模,深圳经济特区体育场馆物业管理公司的机构设置应采用直线职能制,同时发挥职能部门的指导参谋作用。

    Third , according to operation scope dan management scale the accessory firms of the gyms should adopt live function system and exert direction as a operation management .

  15. 公益基金组织要建立健全适应项目化运作的内部管理机制,建立直线职能制为主的复合型管理体制,实现务实的、柔性的、以人为本的高效管理。

    The public fund must establish internal measures to apply the project and establish linear administration to realize the efficient management which is realistic and flexible and people-first .

  16. 目前铁路施工企业的组织结构普遍采用的是直线职能制,随着建筑市场的开放,这种组织结构已经制约了企业的发展。

    At present , the engineering enterprises often adopt the linear functional structure , but this form of organization has restricted the enterprises ' development due to the opening of building industries .

  17. 在发展过程中逐步实现了实业公司的独立经营,直至检修公司的独立运营,但是公司的组织机构形式一直属于直线职能制的组织机构形式。

    At the follow time , gradually realized the independence management in the industry company and in the examining and repairing company , but the other institutions was always belonged to the beeline function style .

  18. 把原来的直线职能制管理改为项目制管理,成立产品研发项目事业部,并成立专门的产品研发项目管理机构来进行产品研发项目的立项决策和对项目进行全过程的监控管理。

    The old linear functional system should be changed to project system , SBU ( Stategic Business Unit ) of product R D project should be established and a specific administrative organization of product R D projects should be set up to monitor the overall process of project management .

  19. 用直线电子加速器制备~(18)F的初探

    The Preparation of Fluorine - 18 With an Electron Linear Accelerator

  20. 直线轴承钢制外毂架长槽侧冲模具设计

    Design of Flanker Die for Slots 6f Steeliness Shell to linear Bearing

  21. 本文介绍了我国企业组织机构的形式和特点,并对我国企业普遍采用的直线职能参谋制组织机构与矩阵式管理组织机构进行了对比分析。

    The paper introduces the forms and characteristics of chinese enterprise organization system , and compares linear function management with matrix management which are applied universally in chinese enterprises .