
  • 网络Direct production costs;dmc
  1. 用自来水、食用白糖配制培养基,生根采取液体培养15d,比用蒸馏水、蔗糖配制培养基,生根采取固体培养30d,试管苗的直接生产成本可降低28%。

    So using tap water , white sugar and reducing rooting culture time to 15 days in liquid medium instead of using distilled water , sucrose , rooting culture 30 days in solid medium can reduce 28 % of the cost of tube seedling .

  2. 为了便于表述和分析,文中生态成本为生态损失成本与直接生产成本之和。

    In other words , the ecological costs are equal to the costs of ecological loss plus the costs of direct production .

  3. 当制药厂的所有商业成本、商业风险和商业利润都成为药物定价的考虑因素时,药物的价格将远远高于直接生产成本。

    When the commercial cost , risk and profit all consist of the considerations of the medicine pricing , the price of the medicines might be much higher than the direct production cost .

  4. 经认真测算项目生产成本中的直接生产成本、管理费用、营业费用三项费用,本项目总成本费用6780万元,经营成本费用为1979万元。

    After serious calculate project production cost of the direct costs of production , management fee , operating expenses , this project total cost three cost 6780 yuan , management cost for 1979 million yuan .

  5. 使用50%丁草胺、24%果尔进行杉树苗圃地除草,结果表明,除草率达91%以上,较人工除草节约直接生产成本58%以上,节约用工70%以上,具有明显的经济效益。

    Conducting the weeding on the fields of fir seedling using 50 % of Butachlor and 24 % of Goal . The result shows that the rate of breeding is up to more than 91 % . The direct saving cost is over 58 % compared with the manual weeding .

  6. 它既体现了产品质量又直接影响生产成本。

    It shows the quality and direct link to the production cost .

  7. 转炉终点控制的技术水平直接影响生产成本、钢水质量和劳动生产率。

    The control of converter end point has a direct effect on the cost of production , steel quality and labor productivity .

  8. 石油价格的上涨不仅直接影响生产成本,生产力和经济增长,对通货膨胀和贸易平衡也有负面的影响。

    Similarly , the oil price rise not only has adverse direct impact on the cost of production , productivity and growth but also has negative impact on inflation and trade balances .

  9. 可用旧式圆盘机模具直接生产,节约成本。

    Can run the disk-type mould , and can decrease the cost .

  10. 其次,这些国家的大部分纺织厂仍然使用已过时的老机器,这些老机器直接导致了生产成本的增加,从而使生产的产品没有竞争力。

    Secondly , most of the textile units in these countries have old and outdated machinery which leads to high production costs and in turn the products they churn out are uncompetitive .

  11. 最后在成品胶合板上印刷柚木、山毛榉、红木、黑胡桃四种木材花纹,增加产品的附加值,并对直接印刷的生产成本和利润进行分析。

    Finally , directly print Teak , Beech , Rosewood or Black Walnut grain on the surface of the plywood to add the value of the product , and analyse the production cost and profit .

  12. 而产品生产质量的控制往往依赖于产品生产过程检验,产品检验方案的好坏又直接对产品生产成本和售后服务成本产生影响。

    On the other hand , the product quality control is often dependent on the production process inspection . Whether the product inspection strategies are good or bad have a direct impact on the production costs and after-sales service costs .

  13. 直接播种可降低生产成本,也容易机械化。

    Direct seeding reduces the cost of production and lends itself to mechanization .

  14. 造纸纤维在湿部的絮聚留着情况直接影响到生产的成本、成纸质量及物料流失情况。

    The retention directly affects the cost , paper quality and the loss in the wet end .

  15. 传统的湿法炼锌过程中,电积能耗直接影响冶炼的生产成本。

    The power consumption in process of traditional zinc electrowinning effects directly ( production ) cost of electrolytic zinc .

  16. 炼钢生产是钢铁生产过程的关键环节,也是现代钢铁企业的核心工序,直接影响着钢铁生产成本和经济效益。

    The steelmaking continuous casting and mould casting make the key roll in steelmaking , and also the key working procedure in modern steelmaking company , which directly affects the production cost and economy benefit .

  17. 在农业收入支持和补贴政策中,农业投入品补贴政策的调整,直接关系到农业生产成本,以及农业生产者的利益,并进而影响农业的持续发展。

    Between income-support policy and subsidy policy , the adjustment of the agri-input subsidy policy , can directly affect the cost of agricultural production and the interest of agri-producers , and consequently affect the sustainable development of agriculture .

  18. 其中采用糖质原料直接发酵生产腺苷的成本最低,但在国内此方法尚未完全成熟,国内目前主要仍以化学合成法为主。

    Among these methods , cost of the direct fermentation of sugar is the lowest to produce adenosine , but this method has not been totally perfect in China . At present , the production of adenosine still relies mainly on chemical synthetic method domestically .

  19. 第四十八条直接为生产商品和提供劳务等发生的直接人工、直接材料、商品进价和其他直接费用,直接计入生产经营成本;

    Article 48 Expenses directly incurred by an enterprise in production and provision of service , including direct labour , direct materials , purchase price of commodities and other direct expenses shall be charged directly into the cost of production or operation ;