- 名want ad;employment ad;wanted for a job

To curb the overflowing of discriminatory employment ad is fundamental for the purpose of promoting social justice and constituting a harmonious society .
Last April , he saw an online employment ad posted by Wuhan Dingcheng for a human resources assistant for its " inside " staff .
A quick trawl through the newspapers yielded five suitable job adverts .
The job advertisement stipulates that the applicant must have three years ' experience .
I saw an advert for a job with a large engineering company
We advertised for staff in a local newspaper
Nearly everybody in the group agreed that in this job market the usual avenues , like searching the want ads , are useless .
Recruitment advertisements routinely call for " team players " .
The Moldovan has lived here seven years as a caregiver to Italian kids and the elderly , but in order to stay she 's had to prove her language skills by taking a test which requires her to write a postcard to an imaginary friend and answer a fictional job ad .
So she sends an ad for a job .
Watt : OK , Miss Li , we have received your letter in answer to our advertisement .
IBM Korea thus looked to be at the cutting edge of South Korean social change .
In the UK , Ms Farrell says there had been a 16 per cent increase in job advertisements on the IT jobs board over the past year .
On looking over todays newspaper my attention was attracted by your advertisement for a librarian .
The current lack of seriousness placed onusing the term " digital native " in job ads , though , could very well be because people are ignorant of its definition , explained Fredeen .
Earlier this year , New York University students circulated a petition asking the career services office to stop posting ads for unpaid internships , calling such jobs ' illegal ' and ' exploitative . '
Chinese job ads are notorious for their overt , occasionally blas é descriptions of the preferred height and weight and gender - and sometimes even astrological signs - of candidates .
In bound Marketing Agents " co-founder Pat Owings told Fortune that Inbound has been using the term " digital native " on itsjob ads since last year .
IN LATE September , the South Korean arm of IBM , an American computing multinational , put out an advertisement soliciting applicants for a round of job vacancies .
China Investment Corp has yet to celebrate its first birthday ( and is advertising on its website for staff ) while the Qatar Investment Authority is only slightly older .
However , Mr Osborne 's nominee does not exactly meet the criteria set out in the job ad. Immediately before becoming an MP in 2005 , Sir Danny was a press officer at the Cairngorms National Park .
Where , for $ 350 , you can list a job that Joel on Software readers will see .
It would make money from companies paying for information about candidates and to post job ads , as they do on LinkedIn .
ODesk posted the job ads on its site .
Khan discusses the typical job advertisement that includes a statement such as " must be able to work well in a team " and asks what that actually means ?
Rebecca Brooks , who owns a PR agency in New York , has taken to " tweeting " job advertisements to her followers on twitter , the free mini-blogging service .
The recession means that one job advertisement in a broadsheet newspaper can attract up to 700 applicants , reports Owen Morgan of Penna , a human resources consultancy .
If the job posting is the only piece of evidence the plain tiff has , they 're " probably going to be out of luck , " said Anne Golden , a partner at prominent employment law firm Outten & Golden .
A group of quant researchers at Deutsche Bank analyzed a database of several million job listings from job search engine LinkUp .
Zack Whittaker , security editor for US news site ZDNet , stumbled on the advert when he was analysing information sent from iPhone apps to advertisers .