
  • 网络recruiting;employee recruitment
  1. 员工招聘是人力资源管理活动的基础和开始。

    Employee recruitment is the basic and beginning of the activity of human resource management .

  2. 设定适当的人力配置,及员工招聘、培训、考核、发展计划;

    Set up well-adapted store human structure and employee recruitment , training , appraisal and development plan .

  3. 在此基础上,本文从加强招聘体系理念建设、提升人事部门管理水平、加强企业文化建设、完善招聘管理制度等四个层面,提出了保障TL公司员工招聘有效进行的相关措施。

    On this basis , this article from strengthen concept of recruitment system construction , improve the personnel department management level , strengthen corporate culture construction and improve the management system , proposed the relevant measures to guarantee TL staff recruitment effectively .

  4. 从工作流程系统与自助服务系统、员工招聘与选拔、绩效考核、员工培训、知识管理、劳动关系等方面,探讨了E-HR的优势。

    From aspects of the workflow system and self-service system , recruitment and selection of employees , performance check , employees training , knowledge management , and labour relationship , etc. , this paper probes into the advantages of E-HR .

  5. 0-1整数规划模型及其在企业员工招聘中的应用

    0-1 Integer Programming Model and Its Application for Recruitment of Employees

  6. 提高英特龙公司员工招聘质量的研究与应用

    Research and Application for Improvement of Hire Quality in Interlong

  7. 不同国家的员工招聘方法是不一样的。

    In different countries the way of recruitment of employees is different .

  8. 执行招聘工作流程,协调全公司范围内的普通员工招聘、录用工作。

    Follow up recruiting process and coordinate normal staff recruitment and employment .

  9. 员工招聘是确保员工队伍良好素质的基础。

    Recruitment is a foundation of employees ' good quality .

  10. 企业普通员工招聘筛选量表的编制与施测

    Development and Test of the Enterprises Ordinary Staff Recruitment and Filtration Scale

  11. 应扎实做好员工招聘工作,严格甄选聘用人员。

    The job of personnel recruitment should be done steadily and strictly .

  12. 职业价值观视野下的员工招聘与企业文化建设

    Staff Recruitment and Organizational Culture Construction from the Perspective of Vocational Value

  13. 构建有效的员工招聘体系研究

    Research on the Establishing of Effective Recruitment System

  14. 基于最小错误率贝叶斯决策的企业员工招聘决策

    The Recruitment Decision in Enterprises Based on the Bayes Decision of Minimum Error Ratio

  15. 人才测评在信息技术企业员工招聘中的应用研究

    An Empirical Research on the Application of Personnel Assessment in the IT Technical Employees'Recruiting

  16. 问题得从公司的员工招聘说起。

    The trouble starts with who gets hired .

  17. 企业员工招聘与培训外包研究以武汉某软件企业为例

    The Study of Recruitment and Training Outsourcing According to a Software Firm 's Cases

  18. 员工招聘不能只看技能。

    Don 't hire based on skills alone .

  19. 在我现在的员工招聘和支持工作中,它给予了我帮助。

    which helped me in the work I now do in staff recruitment and support .

  20. 可以说,员工招聘的效果直接决定了员工和企业的绩效。

    Can say , the recruitment effect directly determines the performance of employees and enterprises .

  21. 生产线员工招聘、离职和考勤。

    Operators recruitment , termination and attendance .

  22. 在可能时,在进行员工招聘面谈时,应至少有两人参加。

    Short listing and interviewing will be carried out by more than one person where possible .

  23. 基于“博弈人”假设的民营企业员工招聘问题分析

    Analysis of private enterprise employee job application problem basing on assumption of " game player "

  24. 所以说,员工招聘与选拔工作在企业的发展中占据非常重要的地位。

    Staff recruitment and selection work in the development of enterprises occupy a very important position .

  25. 在员工招聘和社会化阶段实施现实工作预览是其中行之有效的员工保留措施。

    Realistic job preview was proved to be an effective retention strategy for employee recruitment and socialization .

  26. 在此基础上,本文针对各因子提出了提高员工招聘效果的相应对策。

    On this basis , this paper proposes some suggestions to improve staff recruitment effect according to each fator .

  27. 提出了员工招聘的薪酬策略、员工培训的薪酬策略、绩效考核的薪酬策略和人才储存的薪酬策略。

    This paper put forward the compensation strategy about staff recruitment , training , performance appraisal and talent storage .

  28. 对于有条件的旅游企业,也可以通过员工招聘和解聘工作外包加强企业员工招聘和解聘管理。

    Similarly , for the conditional tourism enterprises , outsourcing can also enhance the recruitment and dismissal of management employees .

  29. 员工招聘的效果直接影响到企业中人岗的匹配,并进一步影响员工队伍的素质。

    The recruitment effect has direct impact on personnel-post-fit in organizations , and has further impact on the quality of employees .

  30. 有效的员工招聘是进行人力资源管理的前提,也是人力资源管理的关键性环节,是组织实现其绩效和目标的重要保证。

    Effective recruitment is the presupposition and the critical step of human resource management , and ensures organizational performance and goals .