
  • 网络security company;security firms;PMSC
  1. 这保安公司信得过吗?

    Why should we trust this security company in particular ?

  2. 另有人称宰里迈被一家外国保安公司保护。

    Another said that Zalmai was protected by a foreign security company .

  3. 数以千计的退伍军官在私营保安公司找到了收入不菲的工作。

    Thousands of ex-army officers have found lucrative jobs in private security firms .

  4. 我知道他在一家保安公司工作。

    I knew he worked for a security firm

  5. 这个电话可以帮我接通burton保安公司。

    This phone should connect me to Burton security .

  6. 这里是DDX保安公司,请问您是哪位?

    This is DDX Security . Who am I speaking with ?

  7. 我今天打电话给palisades保安公司了。

    I called Palisades security today .

  8. 已经不在falstead保安公司了。

    Is no longer at falstead security .

  9. 在有关奥运会保安公司G4S未能为奥运会找到1.04万名保安的新闻占据媒体主要版面后,约翰逊声称没有因为交通和安保灾难的预言而感到烦恼。

    After a week dominated by headlines about the failure of G4S to find 10,400 security guards for the games , Mr Johnson professed to being unruffled by prophecies of transport and security calamity .

  10. 总部位于英国的保安公司G4S曾希望为奥运会处理安保工作能为其增光添彩(它也对奥运进行了赞助,尽管并未跻身顶级赞助商行列)。

    G4S , a British-based security firm , was hoping that handling security for the games ( which it , too , sponsors , though not at the top level ) would gild its reputation .

  11. 他们派一些自己人混入保安公司。

    They infiltrated their own people into the security firm .

  12. 所以我让你告诉我保安公司的名称。

    So , tell me the name of the company .

  13. 他是市里一家保安公司的顾问。

    He 's a consultant at a security firm downtown .

  14. 我朋友在那里开了家保安公司。

    Someone I know runs a body guard company there .

  15. 私人保安公司仍必须在法律规定的范围内经营。

    Private security firms must still operate within the limits of the law .

  16. 我发现他们保安公司用的软件

    Turns out the software their security company is using

  17. 我认识私人保安公司的人。

    I know people in private security .

  18. 试过那个保安公司么?

    You check over at the price-mart ?

  19. 1995年,我出狱了,创建了一家保安公司。

    In 1995 , I was released from prison and I set up a security company .

  20. 保安公司,像我们揭露骇人听闻的新的威胁和破坏性的新的袭击,每一天。

    Security companies like ours uncover horrifying new threats and devastating new attacks , every day .

  21. 涉及此事的警犬队由购物中心运营商承包的私人保安公司所拥有。

    The canine unit involved was owned by a private security firm contracted by the mall operator .

  22. 所以他们,这家保安公司失去的金钱和警方开始调查此事。

    So they , the security firm that lost the money and the police started to look into it .

  23. 这名警员在为一家私人保安公司工作时,与18岁的男孩发生了争执。

    The officer was working for a private security company when he got into an altercation with the 18-year-old .

  24. 美国中情局长官为向有争议的保安公司黑水公司提供大额订单而辩护。

    The head of CIA has defended awarding a large contract to the controversial security company formerly known as Blackwater .

  25. 我弟弟接到保安公司的促销电话,说要给他一个免费的防盗报警系统。

    My brother got a call from a security firm that offered him a promotional burglar alarm at no charge .

  26. 到达北京的第二天,他通过报纸找到了一份在保安公司当保安员的工作。

    The second day when he arrived at Beijing , he found a job working as security guard at some company .

  27. 至少要两分钟保安公司才会打电话通知她然后她需要一分钟穿衣服拿钥匙

    Two minutes for her to get a call from the alarm company . One minute to get her coat and keys .

  28. 该公司说,不清楚详细情况是怎样的,一家私营保安公司正在与当地警方就此事进行沟通,但没有透露保安公司的名字。

    The company said it wasn 't aware of details and that an unnamed private security firm was dealing with local police .

  29. 我当年在一家很大的私人保安公司的巡逻队担任轮班指挥,那家公司在科罗拉多州的科罗拉多泉镇。

    I was working as a Shift Commander in the patrol division for a large private security firm in Colorado Springs , Colorado .

  30. 你打过电话给保安公司吗打了,我换了锁,也设了新密码

    Have you called the security company ? Yeah , I did . I changed the locks , I got a new code .