
  1. 部分海损是指被保险货物的损失没有达到全部损失的程度。

    Partial Loss means the goods are party lost or damaged .

  2. 由于被保险货物内在的缺陷或特性所造成的破损,不属于保险责任范围。

    Breakage that result from inherent vice or nature of the subject matter insure is outside the scope of coverage .

  3. 对保险货物的内在缺陷或本身缺点所引起的损失,一切险条款不负赔偿责任。

    No claim for loss or damage caused by inherent vice or nature of the insured goods shall be allowed under all risks condition .

  4. 另外,因施救或保护保险货物支出的合理费用,亦应负赔偿责任。

    Additional , because of rescue them or protecting the reasonable charge of insurance goods defray , also should lose liability to pay compensation .

  5. 被保险货物在最后卸载港卸离海轮后,保险责任以六十天为限。

    The cover shall be limited to sixty days upon discharge of the insured goods from the seagoing vessel at the final port of discharge .

  6. 也就是说,对于自然灾害或海上风险造成的被保险货物全部损失或部分损失,保险人都负有责任赔偿。

    That is to say , the insurer is liable for all total or partial loss of or damage to the insured goods caused by natural calamities or by sea perils .

  7. 投保水渍险意味着一旦发生自然灾害引起海水侵害被保险货物造成部分损失,保险人将负责赔偿;

    With Average ( W.A ) is the cover under which the insurer is responsible for the partial losses of the insured goods and protects them against damage from seawater caused by natural calamities .

  8. 因此贸易商需要为进出口货物购买货物运输保险,货物运输保险人将根据保险合同对保险责任范围内的损失负责赔偿。

    It is necessary for the trader to buy cargo insurance and the insurer will compensate for the loss and damage caused by insured liability .

  9. 方便读者对货物运输险有一个初步的认识,货物运输险的国内外研究现状及主要研究内容,并对A保险公司货物运输保险市场当前的环境进行分析,从而导出市场营销机会。

    The convenience of the reader risks have a preliminary understanding of freight transport , freight insurance domestic and foreign research present situation and the main research contents , and an insurance company cargo transportation insurance current market environment analysis , in order to export marketing opportunities .

  10. 我们可以花小额保险费给货物保损坏险。

    We may insure our goods for damage for small premium .

  11. 保险费用按照货物类别的具体情况会有所不同。

    The cover paid for will vary according to the type of goods and the circumstances .

  12. 我们也要贵方负责保险以及把货物运到港口的费用。

    550 We would also want you to cover insurance and the cost of transporting the goods to the port .

  13. 只要是中国人民保险公司海运货物保险条款中规定的。

    So long as it is stipulated in the Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses of the People 's Insurance Company of China .

  14. 托运人或者旅客根据自愿可以向保险公司办理货物运输保险,保险公司按照保险合同的约定承担赔偿责任。

    Any shipper or passenger may , on voluntary basis , buy insurance policy for transport of goods at an insurance agency and the insurance agency shall be liable for indemnity in conformity with the agreement as stated in the insurance contract .

  15. 从第三人利益合同的产生和发展过程来看,利益第三人约款广泛存在于不同类型的合同中,而在保险合同,货物运输合同中更为常见和典型。

    From the generation and development of Contract for the Benefit Of Third Party , we can see that the terms of the benefit for third party exist widely in all kinds of contracts especially exist frequently and typically in insurance contracts and freight transport contracts .

  16. 我方不会反对用纸盒包装货物,只要贵方能在销售确认书上保证,一旦保险公司以货物的包装不适于航海的理由而拒绝赔偿我方的损失,贵方就要作出赔偿。

    We have no objection to your packing the goods in cartons if you guarantee in your sales confirmations that you will pay compensation if we fail to get indemnification from the insurance company for the reason that the goods are not packed in seaworthy wooden cases .

  17. 证书的4.insurancepolies以可磋商的形式,一式两份和支持到悬挂seng的次序存入银行公司HongKong依照大海人的保险co的海产货物子句包含的所有危险。

    Insurance polies of certificates in negotiable form , in duplicate and endorsed to the order of hang seng bank LTD.

  18. 保险的财产由货物和存货或现金组成。

    The property insured comprises goods and stock and or cash .

  19. 保险费率将根据货物种类而定。

    Insurance brokers will quote rates foralltypes of cargo and risks .

  20. 本保险对被保险货物在运输过程中,因混杂、沾污所致的损失,负责赔偿。

    To cover risks of intermixture and contamination occurring during the course of transit .

  21. 本保险对被保险货物存放舱面时,除按本保险单所载条款负责外,还包括被抛弃或风浪冲击落水在内。

    To cover hook damage to the insured goods occurring during loading or unloading including expenses of reconditioning or change of packing , if any .

  22. 这类险别的保险费率将根据货物品类,比如陶瓷器,就根据货物的易碎性而有所不同。

    The rate for such risk will vary according to the kind of commodity , or as in ceramics . According to the fragility of the goods .

  23. 报价时,投标人还应填报内陆运输费、保险费和伴随货物设备交付的有关费用。

    Bidders should quote the relevant charges , includes : the prices for inland transportation and insurance , and other costs incidental to delivery of the goods to the final destination .

  24. 中国《合同法》总体上坚持了合同相对性原则,但在某些领域也进一步进行了突破,如保险领域和国际货物买卖等领域。

    Although some exceptions have been defined in some specific realms , such as in insurance and international goods trade laws , the entire system still centers on the protection of interests between contracting parties .

  25. 原则上,保险费率是随保险货物的不同而变化。

    In principle , the rates vary with different insured cargoes .

  26. 本保险责任自被保险货物运离本保险单所载明的启运地发货人的仓库时生效。你可以在地库里的架子上找到好的保险丝。

    This insurance shall take effect from the time the insured goods leave the Consignor 's warehouse at the place of shipment named in the Policy . You can find them on the rack in the basement .

  27. 保险金额按保险时保险货物的价值计算。

    Insured amount is decided in the light of the value of the insured goods when insurance is covered .

  28. 在保险责任开始前,被保险货物已存在的品质不良或数量短差所造成的损失。

    Risks and liabilities covered and excluded by the ocean marine ( cargo ) war risks clauses and strike , riot and civil commotion clauses of this Company .

  29. 对几种典型海上保险合同,包括船舶保险合同、海上货物运输保险合同、运费保险合同、船舶抵押权人利益保险合同及责任保险合同中的保险利益问题进行了探讨;

    Inquires into the insurable interest of several representative types of marine insurance contracts , including contract of marine insurance for Hulls , for the Carriage of Goods by Sea , for Freights , for Interests of Ship 's Mortgagees and for Liability ;

  30. 为迎接我国加入WTO,特撰此文将中国海洋运输货物保险条款(CIC)与伦敦保险协会海运货物保险条款(ICC)进行比较,以便正确学习和运用之。

    The essay is written , greeting China 's entry to WTO , to make comparison between China Cargo Insurance Clauses and London Insurance Institute Cargo Clauses in sea transport for the purpose of study and appliance .