
  • 网络false belief;false-belief
  1. 大学生错误信念任务的事件相关电位研究

    An Event-Related Potential Study of College Students in False Belief Tasks

  2. 幼儿错误信念理解能力的训练研究

    Training Study of Young Children 's Ability of False Belief Understanding

  3. 外表真实区别、表征变化和错误信念的任务分析

    The Task Analysis of Appearance-Reality Distinction , Representational Change and False Belief

  4. 视力残疾学生对他人愿望、情绪以及错误信念的理解

    Understanding of Others ′ Mind in Students with Visual Impairment

  5. 儿童二级错误信念认知与二级情绪理解的发展

    Second-order False Belief Attribution and Second-order Emotion Understanding in Children

  6. 留守儿童和非留守儿童错误信念理解能力的比较

    Comparative Study of False Belief Understanding between Left-over Children and General Children

  7. 男人特别容易受到他错误信念的伤害。

    A man is particularly vulnerable to this incorrect belief .

  8. 各年龄段儿童行为上的外显欺骗和错误信念理解没有显著相关。

    No significant correlation between overt behavioral deception and false belief understanding existed .

  9. 从回避型错误信念任务看大学生心理理论的发展

    University Students ' Response on Avoidance False Belief Tasks

  10. 特定句法提示对3~4岁儿童错误信念理解的影响

    Influences of Special Syntactic Cues on False Belief Understanding in 3 - and 4-year-olds

  11. 3~5岁幼儿错误信念理解能力的发展趋势

    Development Trend of False-belief Understanding among 3-to 5-Year-Olds

  12. 结果表明4、5岁儿童行为上的隐蔽欺骗和错误信念理解显著相关;

    4-and 5-year-olds ' covert behavioral deceptions significantly correlated with their false belief understanding ;

  13. 心理理论及其发展成为国际发展心理学研究的新热点,理解错误信念被认为是儿童获得心理理论的主要标志。

    Executive function and its development become popular among the research of the international development psychology .

  14. 3岁儿童语言上的外显欺骗(说谎)和错误信念理解显著相关;

    3-year-olds ' overt verbal deception ( lying ) significantly correlated with their false belief understanding ;

  15. 但研究者们已经达成共识,即错误信念理解后,儿童心理理论确实有更进一步的发展。

    But researchers have achieved consistency that children 's theory of mind actually develops after false belief understanding .

  16. 结论:部分学龄期AS儿童缺乏表情归因和判断他人错误信念的能力。

    Conclusion : Some AS children are incapable in expression reasoning and could not understand others false belief .

  17. 研究程序包括假装游戏的拍摄、麦卡锡幼儿言语智力测验和两类标准错误信念任务。

    All subjects are videotaped for pretend play and measured upon MSCA-CR Verbal Test and standard false belief tasks .

  18. 错误信念理解不同于解释性心理理论;

    Results are followed as such : 1 . False belief understanding was different from interpretive theory of mind ;

  19. 但他使用这个术语,是为了修正我们的错误信念,代之以他的思想体系。

    But he is using that terminology to help us correct our erroneous beliefs and accept his thought system instead .

  20. 目的考察大学生在三地点回避型错误信念任务中的选择偏好和反应时。方法通过自己设计的计算机程序来呈现任务。

    University students ' selective preference and response time were tested on Three Places Avoidance False Belief Tasks by computer program .

  21. 4岁儿童对他人记忆的评判与错误信念理解的关系当回应服务器的记忆文件时发生错误。

    Relations between Judgment of Others ' Memory and Theory of Mind in Preschoolers Error while receiving freeze file from server .

  22. 考察了72名3~5岁儿童在三个改造过的经典错误信念任务中的表现,结果显示,大部分4岁儿童能够正确认识自我错误信念;

    In this study , 72 children aged from 3 to 5 , were examined in three modified classical false belief tasks .

  23. 本研究通过在三种不同实验条件下,系统比较60名幼儿在错误信念认识和表征变化任务上的表现。

    In three situations , sixty young children 's performances in false belief understanding tasks and representational change tasks were surveyed and compared .

  24. 意外转移任务的错误信念显著难于欺骗外表任务的错误信念。

    False belief of " unexpected transfer " tasks was more difficult to answer than the false belief of " deceptive appearance " tasks .

  25. 结果发现,6岁左右是儿童的二级错误信念认知和二级情绪理解发展的关键期;

    The results indicated that the critical period for children to attribute second-order false-belief and second-order emotion was both around the age of six .

  26. 以来自两所幼儿园的133名儿童为被试,探讨了3~6岁儿童二级错误信念认知和二级情绪理解的发展分化与联系。

    The ability to attribute second-order false-belief , second-order emotion and their developmental stage were investigated in a sample of 133 children from two kindergartens .

  27. ‘歌剧的前提是一种关于艺术创作过程的错误信念,其实就是牧歌式的信念:以为凡是有所感触的人都是艺术家。

    The premise of the opera is a false belief concerning the artistic process : the idyllic belief that every sentient man is an artist .

  28. 女人有了这些误认男人为何不说话的错误信念,她会因男人而沮丧就一点也不足为奇了。

    With all of these incorrect beliefs about why a man is not talking , it is no wonder that women are frustrated with men .

  29. 大量研究表明,焦虑也影响学生的自信,使得学生对外语产生非理性的错误信念而阻碍了外语学习。

    A large number of studies have shown that anxiety can also affect students ' confidence , cause irrational belief of students and hinder foreign language learning .

  30. 结果显示,错误信念测试问题中使用不同心理状态术语对幼儿错误信念理解成绩有局部显著影响。

    The result showed that the false belief understanding performance was partly influenced significantly by using different mental state terms in the test problems of false belief .