
  1. 今年我要减肥这条新年决心年年处处都能听到,但是如果你真的决定实现这个目标,你需要问问自己该如何去做。

    The age old New Years Resolution : This year Im going to get fit will be heard far and wide , but if you really commit to the goal you need to ask yourself how you are going to do it .

  2. “今年我要减肥”这条新年决心年年处处都能听到,但是如果你真的决定实现这个目标,你需要问问自己该如何去做。

    The age old New Year 's Resolution : " This year I 'm going to get fit " will be heard far and wide , but if you really commit to the goal you need to ask yourself how you are going to do it .

  3. 每次去时装周前我都要减肥。

    Every time before going to a fashion week , I make an effort to lose weight .

  4. 我被告知要减肥并戒烟。

    I 've been told to lose weight and stop smoking

  5. 医生,我要怎么样才能减肥?我没吃东西似乎更怕了?

    How can I lose weight , doctor ? I seem to get fatter even when I just no eat food ?

  6. 今年我下定决心要减肥,最终让身材变得苗条。

    This year I made a resolution to lose weight and finally get into shape .

  7. 我发现,要让减肥保密比告诉别人还要难。

    I found that trying to keep my diet a secret was harder than just telling people .

  8. 我同意!毕竟我要减肥可不是要失去我的健康。

    I agree ! After all , I want to lose weight not my health .

  9. 我不吃。我要减肥。

    I want to lose weight !

  10. 但我觉得这样好像不太好耶,我想我应该要减肥了。

    Angela : I don 't think this is good for me . I think I need to go on a diet .