
  1. 说到那些讲演,我觉得我有话说,特别是关于旅行,迷惑和穷困;

    As for the lectures , I feel that I have something to say , especially on Traveling , Vagueness , and Poverty ;

  2. 我还是有能力把话说清楚的,谢谢你吧!

    I 'm quite capable of speaking for myself , thank you !

  3. 对于别人的误解,我觉得有一句话说的真好:解释什么呢?

    To others'misunderstanding , I feel it was said good , what to explain ?

  4. 去我老婆那里,我有话说。

    Go to my wife , gelsomina , I 'll deal with this .

  5. 那也是我的婚礼,我有话说的权利。

    It 's my wedding , too , and I should have a say in it .

  6. 今天我男友打电话告我他过来有话说。

    Today , my boyfriend called and said he was stopping by to talk .