
fà lánɡ
  • hair salon
发廊 [fà láng]
  • [hairdresser's barbershop] 理发、美发的屋子

  1. 在创立第一家85度C之前,吴政学曾开过发廊、鞋底工厂和装修公司,还有几家别的公司。

    Before opening the first 85C store , he had set up a hair salon , a shoe-sole factory and an interior decoration business , among several others .

  2. 日本一家发廊从毫不起眼的番茄身上获得了时尚灵感,改写了前沿的定义:造型师Hiro设计了一款熟番茄发型。

    A Japanese hair salon is rewriting the meaning of cutting edge after taking fashion inspiration from the humble tomato : stylist Hiro has designed a hairdo called Ripe Tomatoes .

  3. 他的美发天赋令他很快在当地一家发廊找到一份兼职工作。

    His flair with hair soon landed him a part-time job at his local barbers .

  4. 她晋升为高级发型师,然后又冲破种种限制,开起了自己的发廊。

    She graduates to senior stylist and then flies the coop to set up in a salon of her own .

  5. 顶级发廊//LoveIsintheHair。

    TOP COIFF / / Love Is in the Hair .

  6. W:我以前一到周末总是上街购物,去发廊做头发。而你呢,通常是在家看足球赛。

    W : I used to go shopping and have my hair done during the weekend .

  7. 日本一家发廊从毫不起眼的番茄身上获得了时尚灵感,改写了“前沿”的定义:造型师Hiro设计了一款“熟番茄”发型。

    A Japanese hair salon is rewriting the meaning of " cutting edge " after taking fashion inspiration from the humble tomato : stylist Hiro has designed a hairdo called " Ripe Tomatoes " 。

  8. 怡芳发廊何约翰:他们爱死这种感觉了。

    JOHN HO , YVONNE HAIR SALON : They loved it .

  9. 呃,事实上我想她去发廊了。

    Uh , actually I think she went to the salon .

  10. 实际上,她会用你的创意命名发廊。

    In fact , she 'd probably let you name the salon .

  11. 我曾经在发廊里为女士们洗头。

    I worked in a salon washing women 's hair .

  12. 我们还要开一个发廊,记的么?

    We 're going to open a salon , remember ?

  13. 康妮发廊为各位男士女士们服务欢迎随时光临!

    Connie 's For ladies and gentlemen Drop in at any time !

  14. 在到达发廊之前不准说话了。

    No more talking until we get to the salon .

  15. 怡芳发廊何约翰:它们永远不会饱。

    JOHN HO , YVONNE HAIR SALON : They never get full .

  16. 有事去发廊找我。

    If you need me , I 'll be at the salon .

  17. 我梦想要开一间属于自己的发廊。

    I dream of having my own hair salon .

  18. 我在蒙德维的亚给你买了间发廊。

    I bought your hair salon in montevideo .

  19. 本发廊专门设计流行发式,给您的青春增添美丽。

    Our hairdressing salon specializes in fashionaBle hairstyles that give Beauty to your youth .

  20. 来康妮发廊为您选择一个适合你新生活的新发型!

    For a new hair-style to suit your new life-style , come to Connie 's !

  21. 你不准备开个发廊?

    Are you gonna open a salon ?

  22. 这其中包括有;美发廊。72洞的高尔夫球场和小孩游乐室。

    These include a hair salon , a72-hole golf course and a children 's playroom .

  23. 他经营一家发廊。

    He runs a hairdressing business .

  24. 别再提你的发廊了!

    Stop it with your salon !

  25. 怡芳发廊何约翰:它们的确会啃你的脚。

    JOHN HO , YVONNE HAIR SALON : They [ 're ] actually nibbling on your feet .

  26. 23岁刚服完兵役那年,吴政学与一些朋友合伙开了间发廊。

    Mr Wu started the hair salon with some friends as a 23-year-old fresh out of military service .

  27. 呵护你的头发在黛比家附近新开了一家发廊。

    Reading Page 23 Care for your hair A new hairdressing salon has opened near Debbie 's home .

  28. 深圳地区发廊从业人员性传播疾病/艾滋病健康教育及行为干预研究

    The Study of Health Education and Behavioral Intervention Related to SID / AIDS among Barbershop Attendants in Shenzhen

  29. 这群姐妹在同一家发廊集体剃光头,她们微笑着庆祝自己的新形象,然后就去见麦肯纳给她惊喜。

    The women smile and celebrate as they shave their hair at the same hair salon before meeting McKenna .

  30. 那些在发廊门口,穿着裤衩背心的人可能是有钱的主吗?

    Are those people dressed in shorts and singlets in front of hair salons likely to be rich customers ?