
yáng guǐ zi
  • foreign devil
洋鬼子 [yáng guǐ zi]
  • [foreign devil] 旧时对在中国的外国人的憎称

洋鬼子[yáng guǐ zi]
  1. 她除了洋鬼子以外实在不知道该用什么称呼来叫我。

    She simply know no other words but " foreign devil " to call me .

  2. 要结果掉一个过分好奇的洋鬼子,这是个好去处。

    It was the perfect setting for the blotting out of a too inquisitive foreign devil .

  3. 为什么哪些洋鬼子不学广东话?

    Why can 't the foreigners learn cantonese ?

  4. 可是,这样的革命假洋鬼子也还是不准。

    But even this kind of revolution is denied him by the bogus foreign devil .

  5. 洋鬼子怎样就骗了钱去,老通宝不很明白。

    How the foreign devils had accomplished this , Old Tong Bao wasn 't too clear .

  6. 我看在这点上,有些人很有点像假洋鬼子。

    It seems to me that in this respect some people are quite like that bogus foreign devil .

  7. 在这些案例中,这些外国人又重新扮演了“洋鬼子”的角色,欺凌着中国朋友。

    In these cases , the foreigner resumes the role of the " foreign devil " who abuses Chinese friends .

  8. 老通宝深信这都是串通了洋鬼子干的。

    Old Tong Bao was firmly convinced that all this occurred as part of a government conspiracy with the foreign devils .

  9. 因此,假洋鬼子形象不仅具有文学史上的意义,而且还具有政治学、文化史的意义。

    Therefore , the image of pseudo-foreigners plays a significant role not only in literature , but also in politics and the cultural history .

  10. 老通宝恨洋鬼子不是没有理由的!他这坚定的主张,在村坊上很有名。

    It was not without reason that Old Tong Bao hated the foreign devils pIn the village , his attitude towards foreigners was well known .

  11. 并且老陈老爷也是很恨洋鬼子,常常说“铜钿都被洋鬼子骗去了”。

    Old master Chen had hated the foreign devils too . " the foreign devils have swindled our money away ," he used to say .

  12. 他专门写了不准革命一章,说假洋鬼子不准阿q革命。

    He devotes a whole chapter , " Barred from the Revolution ", to describing how a bogus foreign devil bars Ah Q from the revolution .

  13. 老通宝向来仇恨小轮船这一类洋鬼子的东西!接着,他又伙同另一位朋友搭乘一艘小轮船前往上海。

    He had always abominated the foreign devils ' contraptions . Then he joined another friend and together they were taken in a small boat to Shanghai .

  14. 五年前,有人告诉他:朝代又改了,新朝代是要打倒洋鬼子的。

    Five years before , in 1927 , someone had told him : The new Kuomintang government says it wants to " throw out " the foreign devils .

  15. 假洋鬼子的革命、假洋鬼子的入党等行为,体现了近代中国士绅政权化、政党化的蜕变趋势。

    Their actions in the entrance into the revolutionary force and party clearly represented the decay tendency of the modern Chinese esquires in turning into the regime and parties .

  16. 然而阿Q不肯信,偏称他“假洋鬼子”,也叫作“里通外国的人”,一见他,一定在肚子里暗暗的咒骂。

    He also called him " The man who fraternizes with foreigners "( T32 ) . As soon as he saw him , Ah Q was sure to swear under his breath .

  17. 他从没见过洋鬼子,可是他从他的父亲嘴里知道老陈老爷见过洋鬼子:红眉毛,绿眼睛,走路时两条腿是直的。

    He himself had never met a foreign devil , but his father had given him a description of one old master Chen had seen red eyebrows , green eyes and a stiff-legged walk !

  18. 假洋鬼子可以说是新式士绅的代表,其从文童到假洋鬼子再到参加柿油党等身份的变化,形象地反映了科举废除后中国古典士绅的土崩瓦解而新式士绅兴起的必然进程。

    Their changes in status , from schoolchildren to pseudo-foreigners , then to Liberal Party members , vividly reflected the necessary progress of the collapses of the classical esquire system and the rises of the new type esquire system .

  19. 我们不要当《阿q正传》上的假洋鬼子,他不准阿q革命;也不要当《水林传》上的白衣秀士王伦,他也是不准人家革命。

    We should not act like the bogus foreign devil in the true story of ah q.who bars Ah Q from revolution , nor should we ape Wang Lun the scholar-in-white in water margin , who also bars other people from revolution .

  20. 大叫大嚷,夸夸其谈用粗野的,极大的声音或粗野的态度说话或下结论;大声责骂他们有点骂人了,骂洋人叫洋鬼子,骂军阀叫抢钱司令,骂土豪劣绅叫为富不仁。

    To speak or declaim in a violent , loud , or vehement manner ; rave . They become rather abusive , denouncing the foreigners as " foreign devils ", the warlords as " robber generals " and the local tyrants and evil gentry as " the heartless rich " .