
yáng rén
  • foreigner;outlander
洋人 [yáng rén]
  • [foreigner] 外国人

洋人[yáng rén]
  1. 洋人眼中的中国包装市场

    Chinese Packaging Market in Foreigner 's Eyes

  2. 假洋人现象

    An Analysis of Fake Foreigner Phenomenon

  3. 明朝正德以后,这病由洋人带来

    The disease was brought by Westerners after the Cheng-te period of the Ming dynasty .

  4. 外国人·洋人·外宾·老外&谈一组同义词的选用

    Selection of a Set of Synonyms for the Word Foreigner

  5. 这几个头戴高帽、身穿燕尾服的洋人就是鸦片战争时侵略我国的英国侵略者;

    These men wearing tall hats and tailcoats are supposed to be the foreign aggressors .

  6. 这是我未来的妻子看到洋人的平生第一个反应。

    This was my future wife 's first recorded reaction to the sight of a Western man .

  7. 很多我刚认识的洋人,都因为我能够讲英语和华语而感到讶异。

    Many Westerners whom I 've met are surprised that I can speak both English and Mandarin fluently .

  8. 从理论上,他认识到西方军事科学可抵御外侮、洋人非夷狄之辈。

    In theory , he realized that Western military science can resist foreign aggression and foreignerswere not yidi .

  9. 有些玩家的英文不是很好,所以他们很难跟洋人沟通。

    Some of players in Meetoto can not speak english well , so they hard to communicate with European .

  10. 洋人骂人无智,“你象个孩子一样,人家给你粪,你也吃!”。

    " You are like a little kid , people feed you shit , you 'll eat it !" .

  11. 洋人街是一个可以自由出入的游乐园,而设计在洋人街的便池堪称是一个大胆创作。

    The urinal is a bold creation at the kitschy Foreigner Street , or Yangren Jie , a free-entry urban amusement park .

  12. 这就是为什么有时你对洋人说了半天,他却愣塄地看着你,问你想要说什么

    That is why sometimes you say foreigners for a long time , he was stunned Leng watching you , ask what you want to say

  13. 对外以郑和下西洋为契机,希冀四方来朝,获得洋人的承认,在国外树立威望。

    Externally , he hoped Zheng He 's Expedition to the West could attract tributes and recognition from foreigners , thus to establish prestige abroad .

  14. 在电视上看到的“红毛”,住大房子,有大花园,都有钱有教养,过去我们对洋人固定的理解就是这么形成的。

    In TV shows we see that they live in spacious houses with gardens and behave graciously . That 's how our stereotyped concept of Caucasians was formed .

  15. 从十七世纪中叶到十九世纪四、五十年代的二个多世纪里,伴随世界和中国近现代以来的,下洋人不断地移民海外。

    From17th century to mid19th century , along with the historic development in China and the world , coastal Chinese had several large scale migrations to oversea countries .

  16. 几千年的古国文明有着丰富而优良的文化传统,博大精深的中国文化尚能让洋人五体投地也必定会影响每一个中国足球人。

    Thousands of years of civilization have a rich and fine tradition , extensive and profound Chinese cultural able to make foreigners charm also will affect every Chinese football .

  17. 晚清地方势力借助洋人发展自己的势力,当清政府对外宣战的时候,违背中央的旨意与列强达成了“东南互保”的协议。

    When the Qing government declared the war against the big powers and signed the agreement of " Joint Defence of Southeast ", which violated the emperor 's edict .

  18. 洋人侵略中国,洋人都该杀,将爱国主义变成盲目排外,这种思想将被时代所淘汰。

    The thought that foreigners invaded China and all foreigners must be killed , changed patriotism into blind rejection of foreign things , will be washed out by the times .

  19. 一个西方的洋人节――圣诞节,引到中国,就连中国的一些娃娃都知道,圣诞节上会有圣诞树,圣诞树上会接金糖果。

    A western foreigners festival-Christmas , leads to China , even some of China 's dolls all know , Christmas tree , Christmas trees will have will meet gold candy .

  20. 有些这样的洋人就站在大众之间,如同鹤立鸡群,毫不掩饰自己的优越感。

    Some of such foreigners were standing among the multitude , just liked a Triton of the minnows , and with no intention to cover up their sense of superiority .

  21. 我们还进行了一些良好友善的交谈,关于洋人钢琴老师和中国钢琴老师的不同。

    There 's always room for improvement and she gave me a couple of hints and tips on how to play the piano'well'and not simply make a melody out of it .

  22. 这根骨头到了国外,被聪明的洋人换作金身铜骨,成了世界人民喜爱的西洋管乐器。

    The bone was sent to foreign countries , and was replaced as gold body and copper bone by wise foreigners , which became western orchestral instrument loved by the global people .

  23. 林小姐笑不离口,为的铺子里生意好,为的大绸新旗袍已经做成,也为的上海竟然开火,打东洋人。

    A smile never left Miss Lin 's face , for business in the shop was good , her new silk dress was finished , and because they were fighting back against the Japanese in Shanghai .

  24. 另外,中国最大的“洋人街”&西街就坐落在这里。西街建筑风格可以说是中西方的完美结合。酒吧、的吧还有很多小饰品店充满了整条街。

    In addition , there is the biggest foreign street in Yangshuo called West street , its architectural style is the the perfect mixture of East and West , it is thriving with bars and accessories shops .

  25. 义和拳民打着扶清灭洋旗号,围攻使馆教堂,残杀教士洋人,接着发生了八国联军侵华战争。

    The Boxers people are flaunting the " support the qing dynasty and exterminate the foreigners " banner , besieges the embassy church , massacres the priest foreigner , has caused the Eight Power Expeditionary Force aggressive war against China finally .

  26. 这批陕西画家不同于古人,不同于洋人,不同于东南沿海,也不同于京津之地,他们立足于陕西得天独厚的地域因素,重新发展了从生活到创作的民族绘画传统。

    These Shaanxi artists are different from the old men , the foreigners , also unlike the people from the southeast coast of China and Tianjin , Beijing . They who rely on the unique geographical factors , re-evolved the national tradition that was from life to creation .

  27. 格致书院作为洋务运动时期中西文化交流的产物,既是洋人向华人展示先进科学技术的平台,又是华人向洋人汲取先进文化的窗口。

    The Polytechnic Institution was the product of Chinese and western culture exchange during the period . It was not only the platform on which the West showed the advanced science and technology to China , but also the opportunity for China to learn the advanced culture of the West .

  28. 大叫大嚷,夸夸其谈用粗野的,极大的声音或粗野的态度说话或下结论;大声责骂他们有点骂人了,骂洋人叫洋鬼子,骂军阀叫抢钱司令,骂土豪劣绅叫为富不仁。

    To speak or declaim in a violent , loud , or vehement manner ; rave . They become rather abusive , denouncing the foreigners as " foreign devils ", the warlords as " robber generals " and the local tyrants and evil gentry as " the heartless rich " .