
  • 网络Independent Association;Independence Institute
  1. 本论部分主要由四章组成:第一章主要论述了戊戌维新与独立协会民权思想形成的背景。

    The main body has four chapters : Chapter one mainly discusses the formation background of Civil Right Thought of Reform Clique and Independent Union .

  2. 是美国全国独立学校协会(NAIS)、美国西部寄宿学校协会(WBSA)和美国寄宿学校协会(TABS)的会员。

    Members of National Association of Independent Schools ( NAIS ), Western Boarding Schools Association ( WBSA ) and The Association of Boarding Schools ( TABS ) .

  3. 我国应建立独立董事协会

    On the Establishment of Association of Independent Directors in China

  4. 北岸大学医疗独立从业协会。

    North Shore University Hospital independent practice association , Inc.

  5. 建设独立董事协会和独立董事提名委员会从而确保独立的选拔机制。

    Build the independent directors ' association and nominating committee to guarantee an independently choosing mechanism .

  6. 目前这星期,富士康还有其他的生产商正接受独立劳工协会的调查。

    Foxconn and other manufactures are currently being investigated this week by an independent labor group .

  7. 与独立董事协会相比,独立董事办公室的运作则更倾向于市场化。

    Compared with the independent director association , operation of the independent director office tends to marketization .

  8. 由政府授权成立“独立董事协会”,从企业外部协调管理独立董事。

    And 3 . establish the " independent director association " by the authorization of the government , coordinating and managing independent director from outside the enterprise .

  9. 有专业知识的组织,努力实现共同的目标。英国服装工业供应商协会是一个独立的协会,我们的成员代表了几乎所有各部门相连的产业。

    From the company names of our members , it is evident that the ASBCI is a unique association in that our members represent nearly all the various sectors which are connected with the industry .

  10. 掌权的,在这件事中即独立的电视协会,干脆禁播了那则电视广告。

    The powers that be , in this case the independent Television Association , banned the advertisement altogether

  11. BillBox是国际独立油船东协会的通讯经理。国际独立油船东协会的成员目前拥有世界上3/4的油轮队。

    Bill Box is the communications manager for , an association whose members own about three-quarters of the world 's tanker fleet .

  12. 国际独立油轮船东协会油轮连续航次租船合同

    International Association of Independent Tanker Owners Tanker Consecutive Voyage Charter Party

  13. 国际油船委员会国际油轮委员会国际独立油船东协会

    International Association of Independent Tanker Owners International Oil Tanker Committee

  14. 伯南克在佛罗里达州的美国独立社区银行家协会一次会议上表示:政府和私营部门实体为减少不必要的房屋止赎状况做出的努力正在发挥作用,但我们能够、也应该付出更大努力。

    Efforts by both government and private-sector entities to reduce unnecessary foreclosures are helping but more can , and should be done , Mr Bernanke said before a gathering of community bankers in Florida .

  15. 英国独立旅游运营商协会(TheAssociationofIndependentTourOperators)已请求政府延长学校假期。

    The UK Association of Independent Tour Operators has pleaded with the government to spread out school holidays .

  16. 致力于司法独立的美国律师协会委员会正在起草指导方针,有关法官在什么情况下应该回避审判。

    The American Bar Association 's Committee on Judicial Independence is working on guidelines for when judges should recuse themselves .

  17. 独立学校联盟是美国最古老的独立学校体育协会。

    The Independent School League is the oldest Independent School athletic association in the United States .

  18. 引入独立监事的资格认证制度,并成立独立监事协会进行协助,从而推动独立监事的市场化进程。

    It also proposes that it should be established the independence supervisor 's association for assistance to drive the course to form a market of independent supervisors .

  19. 除了固定薪金的激励外,声誉激励在独立董事制度中的应用显得格外重要,而独立董事行业协会制度的建立保证了声誉激励的实施。

    This paper puts out that besides fixed salary , we attach importance to reputation incentive in independent director system , and which we establish independent director trades society which assure reputation incentive .

  20. 资本是任何一类公司成立和运作的基本物质保障。(2)实行独立董事职业化,形成一个专职的独立董事队伍,通过考试获得任职资格,独立董事应成立独立董事行业协会进行管理。

    Capital is the material fundament of any type of corporation . ( 2 ) The independent director and the stock supervision committee can be coexisted .