
dú lì xì tǒnɡ
  • Independent system;standalone system
  1. 使用ITCAMforSOA监控独立系统的总体设置步骤包括

    The overall setup steps of using ITCAM for SOA to monitor the standalone system including

  2. WLM是一个复杂的工具,可用于监视性能、收集记帐数据以及管理独立系统上的负荷。

    WLM is a complex tool you can use for performance monitoring , gathering accounting data , and also for managing the load on a standalone system .

  3. 构成单个Systemp机器的一部分可以组织为包含硬件资源并可作为独立系统操作的LPAR。

    A subset of a single System p machine can be organized as an LPAR that contains hardware resources and operates as an independent system .

  4. 为避免增加独立系统运行人(IndependentSystemOperator,ISO)支付中断补偿费用的负担,该模型设有中断补偿费用约束。

    To avoid increasing the burden on the independent system operator ( ISO ) to pay IL compensation , compensation cost for IL are constrained .

  5. Puppy最适合充当瘦客户机的独立系统。

    Puppy is best suited for stand-alone systems used as thin clients .

  6. R2提供了几个专门面向独立系统供应商(ISV)的特性。

    R2 offers several features targeted specifically at independent system vendors ( ISVs )

  7. 改进后的物理隔离模块实际是一个独立系统,该系统采用嵌入式Linux操作系统内核,包括存储介质和开关控制两部分。

    In fact , the physical isola - tion module is an independent system which employs the kernel of Embedded Linux Operation System , including storage medium and switching control .

  8. 但是对车辆制造商而言,在诸如42V车载电源,独立系统和多媒体技术的集成及软件的开发和使用等方面具有很大的挑战。

    But there will be some challenges in vehicle manufacturers , e.g. 42V vehicle power supply , the integration of systems and multimedia , and the availability of soft ware .

  9. 摘要介绍城轨交通中环境与设备监控系统(bas)的典型系统结构,包括独立系统结构和集成系统结构;通过对比,分析系统结构的特点、利弊和采用条件。

    The paper introduces two typical structures of BAS system in urban rail transit , that is , the independent system structure and integrated system structure , analyzing through comparison the features , virtues and defects of the two systems and the conditions that permit to adopt these two systems .

  10. 关于图的导出森林独立系统

    On the forest - inducing independence system of Graphs

  11. 独立系统中的一种偏序关系

    A Sort of Partial Order Relation in Independent Systems

  12. 企业应用常常都要涉及到很多独立系统的集成点。

    RB : Enterprise applications often leverage many integration points with disparate system .

  13. 每个专区充当一个独立系统。

    Each zone behaves as a separate system .

  14. 在开始使用独立系统时,您将需要这些文件。

    You will need these files when you start working with a stand-alone system .

  15. 我国网球女子双打竞技水平提高是一个有特定结构的独立系统。

    Upgrading athletic competitiveness of Chinese tennis women 's double is an independent system of its own structure .

  16. 迄今,你还是需要依靠支持应用程序级代理服务的独立系统。

    Until then , you need to rely on a stand-alone system that can support application-level proxy services .

  17. 而国内对公用事业市场化的研究才刚起步,目前还没有形成一个独立系统的理论体系。

    But the domestic utility market research has just started , so there is not yet an independent theoretical system .

  18. 该系统将动态规划、线性规划、贪婪决策等算法有机地结合在一起,形成一个具有多种功能的独立系统。

    Combining with dynamic programming , linear programming and greedy method naturally , the system can be used for many goals .

  19. 可以指向任何系统(作为一个整体),无论它是不是某个集群或者独立系统中的一部分,而

    Refers to any system as a whole , whether or not it is part of a cluster or a standalone system , and the

  20. 整组动力箱成一简单完整的独立系统且隔音处理良好噪音符合标准。

    The whole power pack is a simple and complete independent system that has a very good noise proof processing , which reaches corresponding standard .

  21. 重点论证了研究生德育是不同于大学生德育的一个独立系统。

    It mainly demonstrates that graduate students ' moral education is an independent system from undergraduates ' moral education . It particularly argues the necessity and .

  22. 在现行体系中,是由“独立系统运营商”来监控并网的。它负责协调电网规划,并决定谁及何时能获得并网。

    Under the current system , interconnection is overseen by " independent system operators " who coordinate grid planning and decide who gets connected and when .

  23. 对于这样一个小而全的自动化系统,不宜建立多个独立系统,而应该将多种功能集中在一个系统中实现。

    For such a little and complete automatic system , it is unfit for establishing many independent systems , so we should concentrate many kinds of functions in a system .

  24. 住宅区集中供暖具有明显优势,新建住宅采用一户一表独立系统是分户热计量的主要途径。

    The central heating in residence zone possesses clear superiority . The independent system with one meter per household in newly built residence is the main way of household heating measurement .

  25. 这种将水土资源视为独立系统分别进行研究的思想阻碍了区域水土资源系统整体效能的充分发挥,容易导致系统超负荷运行的弊端。

    This idea which consider such resources as an separate regional system hinder the overall performance of the system into full play , easily lead to the shortcomings of the system overloaded .

  26. 蓝色地平线-2包括必需的组件去完成相关无人机任务,任一的被当做一个独立系统或被当做整个情报和武器投放系统的一个部分。

    The Blue Horizon-2 contains the necessary elements to achieve relevant UAV missions , either as a stand-alone system or as an integral part of a total intelligence and weapon delivery system .

  27. 安全权的思想自人类文明开始之时就已经存在,考察国内外相关安全权理论发现,法学界学者对安全权独立系统的研究至今还是一片空白。

    The thoughts of the right to safe have existed since the beginning of human civilization , while studies on the right to safe in an independent system , viewing the system of the right to safe , are still in blank .

  28. 国内外现有的烟气净化技术中脱硫、脱氮往往是通过多个独立系统分别完成,目前最常用的脱硫方法是采用石灰石/灰法、氨法、钠法和镁法等对烟气脱硫。

    In the existing technology for flue gas purification , desulfurization and denitrification is commonly done by each independent system , respectively . At present , the most method of desulfurization to flue gas is limestone / lime , ammonia , sodium and magnesium desulfurization and so on .

  29. 目前,国际上的虚拟演播室系统已达到了商品化程度,但这些系统基本上是基于工作站的独立系统,其价格昂贵,一般都在100&300万元左右,在中国很难普及。

    At the present time , the products of virtual studio have been brought into the market , but all these products are based on the graphic workstation , which is too expensive almost around from 1 to 3 million RMB , and can 't be used widely in China .

  30. 传统系统要增加USB接口,均需采用独立于系统以外的单独与USB接口的方案,因此,对于USB接口部分必须增加单片机来处理USB的协议和接口信息。

    For appending a USB interface , people normally add an individual processor to run the firmware for USB protocol .