
dú lì jīnɡ shen
  • spirit of independence
  1. 人文科学的创新要求主体具有独立精神、科学精神、批判精神等心理品质和个性特征。

    The innovation of humanities requires the psychological makings & personalities : including the spirit of independence , scientific spirit , critical spirit .

  2. 她的独立精神使她有别于共事的男性军官。

    Her independence of spirit marked her out from her male fellow officers .

  3. 我敬佩她的独立精神和勇气。

    I admired her independence and her spunk .

  4. 从维护司法公正和WTO协议司法独立精神的角度出发,应进一步加强和完善民事检察监督工作。

    To promote judicial justice and to stick up for the principle of judicial independence of WTO , we should strengthen the procuratorial work on civil procedure and do it better .

  5. 我们真正的力量并不在于我们的独立精神,而在于我们彼此依存,相互依靠。

    Our real strength lies not in independence , but in interdependence .

  6. 她跟我过去见过的任何姑娘都不一样,更富于独立精神。

    She was different from any one I had ever knwon-more independent .

  7. 一个独立精神确实存在的世界?

    A world where the spiritual realm really exists ?

  8. 牛仔是一种独立精神的体现。

    The cowboy mentality is a spirit of individuals .

  9. 这个工作没有给他多少施展朝气和独立精神的余地。

    It gave little scope for the exercise of his vigorous and independent mind .

  10. 独立精神

    The Stick and Losing of Independent Spirit

  11. 本文在诠释校园文化内涵的基础上,认为开放性、传承性和独立精神是现在大学校文化建设中的三个重要理念。

    Opening , passing on and independent spirit are the important ideas of campus culture .

  12. 但晁补之指出,导致这一现象的深层原因与文学乃非功利活动的本质相关,他更为强调文学的内在独立精神对作家的巨大支持作用。

    He stresses the great influence of the internal and independent spirit on the authors .

  13. 高等教育的独立精神排斥大学承载行政惯性与世俗思维;

    The independent spirit of colleges and universities resists the administration and hierarchy of higher educational relation ;

  14. 其核心精神主要体现在四个方面:人文精神、独立精神、兼容精神和批判精神。

    This essential spirit embodies in four aspects : Humanities , independent , compatible and critique spirit .

  15. 他说:“由于他引人入胜的个人经历,众所周知的性格和独立精神。”

    Mann says , " Because of his fascinating biography , his reputation for character and independence . "

  16. 在个人表达、主流话语、商业传播之间,这部具有独立精神的纪录片从容找寻到了属于自己的平衡点。

    It finally fond the balance between the personal expression , the mainstream discourse and the business spread .

  17. 这种独立精神在左翼革命文学占主流的文坛是那样的耀目。

    This spirit is shining at the literary arena mainly occupied by Left-wing revolution literature at the time .

  18. 相反,它本身正是追求个体独立精神的主体性课程的产物。

    On the contrary , the intersubjective curriculum in itself is the result of seeking individual independent spirit .

  19. 他把这座葡萄园称为秘密果园,认为这里代表了他家族的独立精神。

    For him , this secret garden , as he calls it , represents his family 's independent spirit .

  20. 我们尊重名副其实的园丁,却鄙视一个没有自由思想独立精神的教师。

    We respect the true gardener , but contempt for an independent spirit is not free thought for teachers .

  21. 只要愿意,他们可以整夜不归,我将为他们的独立精神和值得信赖而鼓掌。

    My children could stay out all night , if they wanted , and I would applaud their independence and trustworthiness .

  22. 这些作品所呈现出来的异常丰富、多元的创作风格以及独立精神,正为世界瞩目。

    Those works attract the attention from all over the world by their colorful and multifarious creation style and their independent spirit .

  23. 米歇尔-威廉姆斯刚凭借在这部电影的表现获得了独立精神奖最佳女主角提名。

    Michelle was just nominated for an Independent Spirit Award in the Best Female Lead category for her work in the film .

  24. 废名是一位特立独行的作家,在小说创作方面更有着鲜明的个性和独立精神。

    Fei Ming is a individualistic writer , and has obvious individuality and independent spirit , especially in the aspect of novel creation .

  25. 时代要求作家作出政治选择,但作家作为有着独立精神向往的个体又时时得听从艺术的召唤。

    Times request writers make political choices , but as a writer for the independent spirit the individual must be heeded art calls .

  26. 大学精神主要包括自由精神、自治与独立精神、人文精神、科学精神、创新精神和批判精神。

    College spirit mainly includes free spirit , autonomy , independent spirit , humanistic spirit , scientific spirit , innovative spirit and critical spirit .

  27. 论文第三部分即第二章节,介绍了小妇人成长过程中责任感和独立精神的形成过程。

    The third part , Chapter Two , discusses the formation of sense of responsibility and independent spirit in March sisters ' growing progress .

  28. 大学精神通过其信念和价值的表达得以外显,表现为自由精神、独立精神、人文精神、科学精神、创新精神和批判精神等多种形态。

    University spirit gets present through its faith and value , and have freedom , independence , humanities , science , innovation and animadversion spirit .

  29. 他们应该学习自己做正确的决定,而这正是鼓励学生培养独立精神和责任感的方法之一。

    They should learn to make the right decisions for themselves , and this is one way to encourage the development of independence and responsibility .

  30. 真实的赵树理秉承了现代知识分子的理性与独立精神,专注于国民性批判和现实批判。

    The true ZHAO Shu li concentrates on the national critic and reality critic in accordance to the rational and independence spirit of modern intellectuals .