
  • 网络waiting alone;WAIT ALONE;parallelism;we'll meet in the end
  1. 我独自等待--贾森·L·盖多斯

    Alone I Wait -- Jason L Gaydos

  2. 我在寒冷的门外独自等待。

    I stay alone , and the outside is cold .

  3. 而我,只愿意独自等待,等待属于我的那一份。

    But I , am only willing alone to wait for , waited for belongs to my that one .

  4. 我独自在等待室,玩弄著手指,直到被引导回到比赛场。

    Alone in the " waiting room ," I twiddled my thumbs until I was escorted back into the meeting room .

  5. 于是,他动身走出森林,坐在一个地方,独自一人等待着有人来给他提供食物。

    So , he left that place in the forest , and sat down somewhere , alone , waiting for someone to feed him too .

  6. 拉普独自在悬崖边等待下面传来更多的动静。

    Rapp waited alone on the cliff 's edge for more clues from below .