
  • Red Alert;Command & Conquer Red Alert;The Thin Red Line
  1. 当要塞进入红色警戒状态,他们就会封锁下水道。

    When the fortress went on red alert , they sealed off the sewers .

  2. 我喜欢玩红色警戒。

    I prefer to play Red Alert .

  3. 存款保险资金在2009年进入红色警戒区。

    The deposit insurance fund fell into the red in2009 .

  4. 随后安全部队迅速安置到全国各地的红色警戒区。

    Security forces have been placed on a state of " red alert " nationwide .

  5. 这部电影大体上根据的是皮特·乔治的冷战惊悚小说-“红色警戒”进行的改变。

    The film is loosely based on Peter George 's Cold War thriller novel " Red Alert . "

  6. 每个人都需要一个不必挂出红色警戒信号的港湾。

    Everyone needs a place where they don 't have to put out the red cones of caution .

  7. 当被问及伊朗今年是否会越过核武器红色警戒线时,他表示:我不知道,我猜可能不会。

    Asked if Iran would cross a nuclear red line this year , he said : I don 't know , I would guess probably not .

  8. 卫生部表示,31个省中有27个省处于感染高风险的红色警戒状态,其他4个省处于黄色警戒状态。

    The ministry says 27 out of 31 provinces are on red alert for a high risk of infection , while the other four are on yellow alert .

  9. 内蒙古清水河水源地地下水允许开采量计算随后安全部队迅速安置到全国各地的红色警戒区。

    Calculation of groundwater allowable exploitation in water source region in Qingshuihe , Inner Mongolia Security forces have been placed on a state of " red alert " nationwide .

  10. 该应用程序会监测手机用户,如果辐射水平达到“红色警戒区”的临界值,就会发出警报,同时会给出一些减少辐射的建议。

    The application monitors the phone user and if radiation levels reach a certain threshold called the " red zone " an alert is emitted along with suggestions to minimize exposure .

  11. 图中,黄色和红色的线条表示警戒阈值。

    The yellow and red line on the chart above represents the alert thresholds .