
  • 网络independent writing;The Independent writing Task;Independent Task
  1. 从局部入手讨论如何进行变化写作、分格写作训练,到整体独立写作,讨论如何鼓励学生全过程写作的训练策略。

    Strategies of how to encourage students in their writing process is discussed .

  2. 本研究旨在对中学英语课堂中学生独立写作和配对写作进行研究。

    This study intends to compare middle school students ' individual writing with paired writing in the Chinese EFL secondary classroom .

  3. 结语部分进一步阐释废名小说的主体意识以及废名坚持独立写作精神所具有的历史和现实意义。

    The last part highlights the historical and realistic significance of the independent spirit and liberal thoughts in the novels by Fei Ming .

  4. 在写作阶段依次有头脑风暴,集体模仿写作、草稿或独立写作、交换草稿,改写、获得反馈、修改,再稿和展示。

    In the writing , there is seven-step : brainstorm , imitate , draft or creative writing , exchange draft , revising and getting feedback , second drafting and presentation .

  5. 本文依据相关写作原理,从苏轼作为一个独立的写作主体出发,重点研究了苏轼的主体心灵建构,以及这种建构对于他的写作活动的统摄,对苏轼的写作理论进行了分析整理。

    Based on the relevant writing theories and taking Sushi as a writing subject to start with , this thesis makes and analyses his subjective mental construction and writing theory .

  6. 在20世纪90年代诗歌写作语境中,个人写作成为一种具有独立自我意识的写作姿态,在诸多因素所造就的多元话语时代坚持话语差异。

    In the context of poem writing in the 1990s , individual writing became a kind of independent self-conscious writing style and stuck to " language discrepancy " in the time of multi-discourse which resulted from many factors .

  7. 他甘于孤独寂寞,独立思考,把写作作为晚年的生存方式,极力应对和避免衰老带来的局限,不断地和消极情绪抗争,在退守当中积极进取呼唤。

    He is willing to be lonely , think independently , regards writing as the existence way of old age , do his utmost to resist and prevent the decrepitude limitation and negative mood constantly , keep forging ahead and calling actively .