
  • 网络cinque;Shank;John k shank;Bosanquet
  1. 在战略成本管理内容方面,着重介绍了改善企业竞争地位的桑克模式。

    As far as the content of strategic cost management is concerned , the thesis focuses on introducing the SHANK Theory about improving the competitive position of enterprise .

  2. 通过对酒店企业的相关文献和战略成本管理理论的研究,结合国内会议型酒店的现状,以桑克模型为理论基础,初步探讨了会议型酒店战略成本管理的分析框架。

    Conference hotel enterprises the relevant literature and the theory of strategic cost management , combined with the status quo of the conference hotel , use Shank model , build a model of strategic cost management conference hotel .

  3. 桑克和其他同行的非洲人于1842年回到了他们的家乡。

    Cinqu é and the other Africans reached their homeland in1842 .

  4. 在被押送登船后,桑克便展开一系列的反抗。

    Cinqu é initiates a rebellion on board the vessel .

  5. 战略成本管理的主要模式是桑克模式,其内容主要包括价值链分析、战略定位和成本动因分析几个方面。

    SCM includes the analysis of value chain , strategic , position and cost drive .

  6. 2保罗.桑克。《奥古斯丁时代形象的权力》。安娜堡∶密西根大学出版,1988。

    Zanker , Paul . The Power of Images in the Age of Augustus . Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press , 1988 .

  7. 本文理论部分介绍了战略成本管理的概念和基本框架,以理论界普遍接受的桑克模式为研究基础。

    The theory section describes the concept and basic framework of strategic cost management , which bases on Cinque Mode that has been generally accepted .

  8. 但具有讽刺意味的是,塞拉利昂当时正面临着内战,而桑克也因此失去了他的家人,并自己成为了一个奴隶贩卖者。

    The irony was that in Sierra Leone , Cinqu é was faced with civil war and having lost his family became a slave trader himself .

  9. 「我们相信可能是苍蝇跑进他的耳朵里产卵,卵孵化成为幼虫,导致耳朵痒,」治疗这名男子的医生桑姆沙克?诺萨斯瑞说。

    " We believe flies might have gone inside his ears to lay eggs , which hatched into larvae and caused the itching ," said Somsak Nonthasri , the doctor who treated him .