
  • 网络santa;Shantae;Susan Sontag
  1. 桑塔·伊莎贝拉号的船员们加紧了靠岸的准备工作。

    Among the Santa Isabella 's crew , landing preparations intensified .

  2. 好的,请来一瓶桑塔海伦娜吧。

    Yes , a bottle of the Santa helena , please .

  3. 如今,桑塔莫雷纳主管NetApp全美范围内的商业销售队伍。

    Today Mr Santamorena runs NetApp 's commercial sales group for the Americas .

  4. 在本世纪初,门多萨的这种习惯让他指派销售代表乔•桑塔莫雷纳(JoeSantamorena)主管纽约分公司快速壮大的金融销售队伍,尽管桑塔莫雷纳的直接上司们反对这次任命。

    In the early 2000s , the habit led him to put sales rep Joe Santamorena in charge of the New York office 's rapidly expanding financial salesforce , even though his immediate bosses argued against the appointment .

  5. 桑塔安娜战败被俘,被迫承认德克萨斯共和国的地位。

    Santa Anna was taken prisoner and forced to recognise the Texas Republic .

  6. 德克萨斯人要求召开会议,并写信给领导人桑塔·安纳。

    PHOEBE ZIMMERMAN : The Texans called a meeting to write a letter to Santa Anna .

  7. 桑塔阿那风是温暖、干燥的风,是空气在向山脉移动的过程中被压缩而形成的。

    Santa Anas are warm , dry winds created when air is compressed as it moves down a mountain range .

  8. 在波哥大闹市区的桑塔多声音工作室,一名声音教练在帮助一名学表演的学生提高念台词的水平。

    At the Centauro sound studio in downtown Bogota , a voice coach helps an acting student improve his lines .

  9. 另外一种有名的重力风是桑塔阿那风,它出现在加州南部的秋天和冬天。

    Another famous katabatic wind is known as a Santa Ana , which blows over southern California in autumn and winter .

  10. 但是,在注意到桑塔莫雷纳自发地指导经验较浅的销售代表后,门多萨相信他是一位天生的领导者。

    But Mr Mendoza was convinced that Mr Santamorena was a natural leader after observing him spontaneously mentoring less experienced reps .

  11. 国际天文联合会学术会议(序号134):活动星系核(1988年8月15&19日,加利福尼亚大学,桑塔克鲁兹,美国)

    IAU Symposium No. 134 : Active Galactic Nuclei ( University of California , Santa Cruz , August 15-19 , 1988 )

  12. 高质量和技术是桑塔利塔的标志,桑塔利塔是智利新时代受欢迎的酒厂。

    Superb quality and craftsmanship are the hallmarks of Santa Rita , one of Chile 's most admired and innovative wine estates .

  13. 他和米勒先生从前在桑塔·克拉拉山谷时只是极好的朋友,但是巴克从来没爱过他。

    He and Mr Miller in the Santa Clara valley had been very good friends , but Buck had not loved him .

  14. 当它在桑塔莫尼卡的一家模拟店中试验商品摆放时,是在一个人们很难发现的仓库里进行的。

    When it tested the layout of a mock store in Santa Monica , it did so hidden from view in a warehouse .

  15. 如今它被一个公园所取代,用来纪念马丽丽、安吉丽娜、桑塔、瑞德、亚撒利雅、丹尼尔、罗德尼和帕特蕾娜。

    It has been replaced with a park to remember Malili , Angelina , Shantae , Rayden , Azariah , Daniel , Rodney and Patrenella .

  16. 塞吉奥:1492年哥伦布在他的第三次航行中发现了美洲大陆。尼娜、平塔和桑塔·马丽亚完成了这次横渡大西洋的航行。

    Sergio : Christopher Columbus found America in1492 when his three ships , Nina , Pinta , and Santa Maria made the voyage across the Atlantic .

  17. 一名记者近期拜访了贝尼多-赫纳德兹与桑塔•玛莎-德拉克鲁兹•维拉里尔这对夫妇,他们的家位于德克萨斯州以南50英里的原始沙漠。

    A reporter recently visited the couple , Benito Hernandez and Santa Martha de la Cruz Villarreal , in their primitive desert home 50 miles south of Texas .