
  • 网络european history;AP European History;history of europe
  1. 学生可以选修欧洲史和美国史。

    Students are allowed to take European history and American history .

  2. 因为这是现代欧洲史上首次

    because it 's the first time in modern European history

  3. 她正在写一部新的欧洲史。

    She 's writing a new history of Europe .

  4. 国际东南欧洲史研究协会

    International Association for the History of South - East Europe

  5. 撰写一部新的欧洲史

    Writing a new history of Europe

  6. 美国人去英国上大学,如果不学欧洲史,还有什么可学的?

    What would an American go to college in england for , if not for European History ?

  7. 大学里开设的课程并不都是像“经济学导论”和“欧洲史:1500年至今”这样的课程。

    College courses aren 't all " Econ 1011 " and " The History of Europe : 1500-Present . "

  8. 苏格兰女王玛丽·斯图亚特的婚姻在16世纪中后期的欧洲史上占有十分重要的地位。

    The marriage of Mary Queen of Scot played an important role in the Europe history of midterm and later period of 16 century .

  9. 20世纪中期起,西方学术界围绕着17世纪普遍危机问题进行了一场论争,促进了对近代早期欧洲史的理解。

    From the middle period of twentieth century , the groves of western academe have carried on a debate about the history of seventeenth century around the problem of ` the general crisis of the seventeenth century ' .

  10. 17世纪在欧洲史上可谓是一个危机时代,15、16世纪的繁荣烟消云灭,但它却蕴藏着转机,它标志城市经济向领土国家经济的过渡。

    The 17th century was an era of crisis in which the prosperity in the 15th and 16th century disappeared , but it gestated a favorable turn , and indicated a change from the urban economy to the national economy .

  11. 导演昆汀·塔伦蒂诺、马丁·斯科塞斯都曾称这部影片对自己的影响很大,并影响到了他们导演电影的方式。人们认为,这是一部伟大的电影作品,许多影评人认为这是欧洲史上最杰出的的电影。

    Directors such as Quentin Tarantino and Martin Scorsese have spoken about the influence the film had on them and the way they made their movies.It is now considered one of the greatest films ever made and numerous critics consider it to be the finestever Westerns .

  12. 这是欧洲统一史上最重大的事件。

    This was the greatest event in the annals of European integration .

  13. 《致远方的爱人》(AndieferneGeliebte,Op.98)是贝多芬创作的唯一一部声乐套曲,也是欧洲音乐史上第一部真正意义的声乐套曲。

    As the only Song Cycle created by Beethoven , An die ferne Geliebte , OP. 98 is also the first real Song Cycle in the musical history of Europe .

  14. 据说今年冬天将会是欧洲有史以来最冷的一个。

    It 's gonna be a long and cold winter .

  15. 质是欧洲哲学史上的一个重要范畴。

    Quality is an important category in European philosophy history .

  16. 大学发展不能摆脱历史&《欧洲大学史》第一卷《中世纪大学》译介

    University Cannot Develop without History & An Introduction to Medieval European Universities

  17. 从欧洲中心史观看美国中国史研究的变迁

    The Evolution of Chinese Historical Studies in America : An Eurocentric Perspective

  18. 巴洛克时期(1600-1750)在欧洲音乐史上非常重要。

    The Baroque era is of vast importance in European music history .

  19. 马雷施还指出,这两具婴儿骨架是欧洲有史以来发现的最古老的人体骨架,从埋葬方式可以看出,他们在死后并不是简单地被下葬,他们已是某种社会的成员。

    The burial suggests " they were members of society ," she said .

  20. 《堂吉诃德》是欧洲文学史上卓越的喜剧性文学作品。

    Don Quixote is an outstanding comedy in the history of European literature .

  21. 霍布斯是欧洲哲学史社会契约论的著名代表。

    Hobbes is a well-known representative of socid contract theory in European philosophy .

  22. 地理大发现是欧洲中世纪史上的一个重要事件。

    The geographical discovery was an important event in the Middle Ages Europe .

  23. 这是欧洲有史以来的最高温度。

    That 's the highest ever recorded in Europe .

  24. 我选修一节欧洲思想史的课程。

    I took a course called European Intellectual History .

  25. 印象派艺术在欧洲艺术史上的过渡性

    Transition of Impressionist Art in European Art History

  26. 从康德到列维纳斯&兼论列维纳斯在欧洲哲学史上的意义

    EUROPE From Kant to Levinas-And Concurrently On the Significance of Levinas in European Philosophy

  27. 他是论欧洲思想史的书的作者。

    He 's the author of a book on the history of European thought .

  28. 国际欧洲当代史协会

    International Association for Contemporary History of Europe

  29. 欧洲艺术史的分期标准

    The Dividing Standards of European Art History

  30. 在欧洲军事史上,汉尼拔无疑占据着极为重要的地位。

    In the history of European military , Hannibal has undoubtedly occupied a very important position .