
  1. 桑植民歌于2006年列入我国第一批国家级非物质文化遗产保护名录。

    Sangzhi folk song was listed in the first national nonmaterial cultural heritage protection lists in2006 .

  2. 那么对于桑植民歌从社会伦理变迁和当下呈现形式进行分析就成为必要。

    So to the SangZhi from social ethics changes and folk to make an analysis on present form then become necessary .

  3. 从文化保护的角度出发对于桑植民歌的前世今生做一个梳理,从而变得格外重要。

    From the perspective of cultural protection for SangZhi folk songs in the past , and make a comb became so important .