
  • 网络Sander;Sand;sunder;August Sander;Ebbe Sand
  1. 美国得梅因市的市政官员制定新市政计划时读到了有关上述桥梁的文章。他们也联系上桑德。

    When officials in Des Moines at work on that city 's new master plan read of the bridge , they , too , contacted Sand .

  2. 接下来,我带他们出来,到单位桑德。

    Next I took them out and onto the flat sander .

  3. 诺顿桑德身上覆盖着冰,这些冰有时会毫无征兆地破裂。

    Norton Sound was covered with ice , which could sometimes break up without warning .

  4. 过去3年,该公司已派遣约500名GroupOperations员工前往桑德赫斯特接受培训。

    The company has sent about 500 Group Operations employees to Sandhurst over the past three years .

  5. 风尚亚洲(SceneAsia)栏目与31岁的桑德豪斯聊了聊他对这一中国名酒的热爱。

    Scene Asia talked to the 31-year-old about his love of China 's national drink .

  6. 也就是说,吉尔亚迪成为了团购界的谢乐儿•桑德博格(谢乐儿•桑德博格为Facebook首席运营官&译注)。

    So Georgiadis becomes Sheryl Sandberg for the daily deals world .

  7. 至少从目前来看,Facebook的工作能为桑德博格带来滚滚财源。

    For now , working at Facebook is darn good financially for her .

  8. 介绍了瑞典桑德公司的KNCD/D型打捆机的结构及维护、维修、故障排除的一些经验。

    The structure , maintenance and some experiences of fixing about KNCD / D tier from Sweden Sandes Compang are introduced .

  9. 《TotalTatto》主编詹姆斯?桑德科克(JamesSandercock)说,如果希望有一个长远的未来,刺青艺术家应该将眼界拓展到身体艺术以外。

    Tattoo artists should look beyond body art if they want a long-term future , says James Sandercock , editor of Total Tattoo .

  10. 所以,我认为42岁的桑德博格将花上一年时间好好评估Facebook首次公开募股的情况。

    So I would give Sandberg , 42 , a year to evaluate how the Facebook IPO plays out .

  11. 老格林威治(人口6600人)的中心地带,是位于主干道桑德海滩大道(SoundBeachAvenue)的一片商业区。

    The heart of Old Greenwich ( population 6,600 ) is its business district on Sound Beach Avenue , the main thoroughfare .

  12. 哪怕桑德博格只说错了一个收入或用户数字,Facebook将被迫修正申请文件,并重新发布。

    Were she to misstate a revenue or user figure , the company would be forced to issue an amended filing .

  13. 酒吧的几位主人说,他们是今年早些时候跟桑德豪斯(DerekSandhaus)谈话、品尝白酒时获得的开店灵感。桑德豪斯是《白酒:中国烈酒必备指南》(Baijiu:TheEssentialGuidetoChineseSpirits)一书的作者。

    The bar 's owners say they were inspired by a talk and baijiu-tasting earlier this year by Derek Sandhaus , author of ' Baijiu : The Essential Guide to Chinese Spirits .

  14. Facebook首席运营官谢丽尔•桑德博格就发起了“禁用‘bossy’(独断专横)”的运动,因为用这个词来形容有领导能力的女性并不公平。

    Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg 's " ban bossy " campaign intends to show people that it is unfair to use the word " bossy " to describe women who aspire to take up leadership roles at work .

  15. 案例分析部分根据大量的数据资料,应用阿林俄姆和桑德姆所建立的预期效应最大法模型(简称A-S模型)对逃避税收的主要影响因素做出了分析。

    Basing on the case and a lot of information , this article analyst the key factors for the tax evasion using A-S model in the second part .

  16. 桑德表示年轻人可能寻求短期目标。

    Sande Taylor says younger people may seek short term goals .

  17. 迪克,欢迎进入桑德特区。

    Dick , you 've just entered the Xander zone .

  18. 进攻一直被认为最强的主教练桑德。

    Offense has always been considered coach Saunders strongest point .

  19. 这个车站在鲍尔塔桑德附近,如今已成为了旅游景点。

    The stop , near Baltasound , is now a tourist draw .

  20. 桑德的系统还需要特殊的麦克风录音设备。

    Sander 's system also requires special microphone recording devices .

  21. 声音2:但桑德将继续研究他的主意。

    Voice 2 : But Sander will continue working on his idea .

  22. 声音2:桑德解释了他的系统的工作原理:

    Voice 2 : Sander explains how his system works :

  23. 比利·桑德并不是唯一一个认为酒正在侵蚀美国的人

    Billy Sunday isn 't the only one who thinks alcohol is ruining America .

  24. 人人皆想成为桑德海,除了我。

    Everybody wants to be Sondheim but me .

  25. 桑德说,在呐喊时变得困惑的人们可能会大发雷霆。

    Sander says that people who become confused while chanting could also become very angry .

  26. 桑德解释说,或者观众可能会对新系统产生极为不良的反应。

    Or , Sander explains , crowds might react very badly to the new system .

  27. 声音1:桑德和其他研究人员开发了这一系统的早期版本。

    Voice 1 : Sander and other researchers developed an early form of their system .

  28. 与此同时,86岁的女王缺席星期天在桑德灵汉姆宫的一场圣诞节前的教堂服务。

    Meanwhile , the 86-year-old monarch was absent from a pre-Christmas church service at Sandringham Sunday .

  29. 汤姆林斯上校表示,桑德赫斯特学院配备了地面部队所能提供的最好导师。

    Sandhurst uses the best instructors that the field army can offer , says col Tomlinson .

  30. 我真的很期待和桑德赫斯特的其他同学一起'并肩战斗'。

    I am really looking forward to taking my place alongside all the other cadets at Sandhurst .