
  • 网络thinking and language;Thought and Language
  1. 由思维与语言的关系看英语写作中的问题与解决方法

    Discussion on Some Problems in English Writing and Their Solutions Through the Relationship Between Thought and Language

  2. 隐喻思维与语言

    Metaphorical Thought and Language

  3. 思维与语言相互作用、相互影响、相互推动。

    Thinking and language have close interaction , influence and promotion .

  4. 思维与语言统合的理论假设

    A Theoretical Hypothesis of the Integration of Thinking and Language

  5. 思维与语言差异及翻译

    The Influence of Thinking Pattern on Language and Translation

  6. 写作思维与语言的发展呈现出一种多变性,这主要表现在:思维与语言并不是同步产生与发展的;

    The relation between the thinking of writing and the development of language appears variable .

  7. 思维与语言紧密相连。标准总是同贸易紧密相连的。

    Thinking and language are closely interrelated . Standards are always closely related to trade .

  8. 思维与语言文化的思维方式。

    Mode of Thinking and Language Culture teaching is not merely the transmission of information .

  9. 隐喻,作为认知语言学的一部分,为思维与语言之间的关系提供了一种可能的解释。

    Metaphor , as one part of cognitive linguistics , serves as one explanation for the relationship .

  10. 然后分析思维与语言的辨证关系,从是语言决定思维还是思维决定语言这两个方面展开讨论;

    Next comes to the analysis of dialectical relation between thought and language , covering two conflicted aspects : thought determines language or language determines thought .

  11. 此论文由四个章节构成:第一章:分为思维与语言、思维与翻译两个小节。

    This paper is composed by four chapters components : The first chapter : divided into " thinking and language , thought and translation " two sections .

  12. 本文通过讨论思维与语言的关系,对英语思维和汉语思维进行了比较,认为在英汉翻译过程中存在着两种思维的切换。

    Based on the relation between thought and language , this paper contrasts English thought with Chinese thought , and concludes a thought-changing mode in English-Chinese translation .

  13. 识解操作的这四个方面:详略度,聚焦,突显和视角充分证明了人类思维与语言相连时是如何组织和工作的。

    The four aspects of construal operations : specificity , focusing , prominence and perspective demonstrate how the human beings ' brains organize and work in order to associate with language .

  14. 模糊是人类思维与语言的内在特性。模糊语言所特有的意义上的不确定性大大提高了语言表达的多样性、灵活性及有效性。

    Fuzziness is an inherent nature of human cognition and language . With its very property of semantic indefiniteness , fuzzy language contributes greatly to the variety , flexibility and efficiency of language expression .

  15. 本文从应用语言学、心理学、现代英语教学、思维与语言、国内外英语教学方法以及中国少数民族英语教学等多学科视角对大学蒙授初级公共英语教学方法进行研究,试图在这方面做些贡献。

    This paper starts from language teaching , psychology , modern English teaching , thought and language , minority education and the situation of domestic English teaching to try to make some deeper discusses and studies on this subject .

  16. 通过基于网络的语文教育跨越式创新试验,发现小学低年级学生的思维与语言能力通过正确的教育和网络的支持,有可能得到大幅度提高。

    According to the results of the " Experiment on Great-Leap-forward Innovations of Chinese Language Education in the Network-based Environment ", the thinking and language capacity of lower-grade pupils may be greatly enhanced through correct education and network support .

  17. 写作作为言语活动的书面表达形式,本质是思维与语言的互相转换,思维能力是写作能力的基础,而创造性思维能力又是作文创新的内核。

    Content Composition is written form of speech , whose essence is the interchange between thought and language . Thinking ability is the base of writing ability , while creative thinking ability is the core of renovation of composition writing .

  18. 首先,本文分析思维与语言的相互关系,探讨中西思维方式的差异,以及思维差异对于电影片名的影响。

    Firstly , from the perspective of the relationship between language and thought , this paper analyzes the differences between the Chinese and the westerners in thought , and points out the effects of the thought differences on film titles .

  19. 本文从思维与语言的辨证关系出发,总结了中英思维方式的差异,及其在语言和文章结构上的反映,同时也提供了一些英汉翻译的技巧。

    Starting from the discussion of the dialectical relation between thought and language , this paper provides detailed coverage of Chinese and English thought pattern differences , their reflections on the two languages and text structure , and offers some techniques on how to do E-C translation well .

  20. 略述语言思维与非语言思维的关系

    On the Relationship between Linguistic Thought and Non - linguistic Thought

  21. 隐喻,是自然科学不可或缺的思维方式与语言表达手段。

    Metaphor is an indispensable thinking mode and linguistic expression .

  22. 英汉民族思维方式与语言结构

    Thinking Patterns and Linguistic Structures of the Chinese and British

  23. 中西思维方式与语言逻辑比较

    The Chinese and Western Thinking Modes and Linguistic Logic Comparison

  24. 东西方思维差异与语言翻译

    West - eastern Thought Differences in English Language Teaching

  25. 听觉思维与音乐语言

    Auditory Thinking and Musical Language

  26. 语言思维与非语言思维

    Thinking with and without Language

  27. 具象与抽象:汉英思维方式与语言表达差异对比研究

    Concreteness and Abstractness & A Contrastive Study of the Differences between Chinese and English Thinking Mode and Diction

  28. 本论文主要研究在写作方面思维模式与语言迁移的关系及其对中国大学生英语写作教学的影响。

    This dissertation investigates the relation of thinking patterns to language transfer and the teaching of English writing to Chinese students .

  29. 英汉思维差异与语言对比英汉思维方式的差异对翻译有重要的影响。

    A Comparison of English and Chinese Thinking Modes and Languages The difference between English and Chinese thinking greatly affects translation .

  30. 影响英语写作的主要文化因素包括词语附加意义的差异因素思维特征与语言组织方式的差异因素话语模式的差异因素等几方面。

    These factors are differences of connotative meaning , differences of thinking pattern and language organization , and differences of discourse pattern .