
  1. 学习一项新技能、发展一个新爱好或掌握一门新语言,让思维保持新鲜活力。

    Learn a new craft , hobby or language to keep your mind creative and fresh .

  2. 在不同空间中的重组构成,扩散思维,激发创造活力。

    It rebuilds the structure , extends the idea and stimulates the creativity in different interspaces .

  3. 二是加强个性教育,培养学生创造性思维,增强社会活力,促进社会进步;

    To strengthen the education of individuality , train students'creative thinking , thus to enhance social vitality and promote social development .

  4. 咀嚼咔特树叶(对大脑有轻微刺激,不利于思维的清晰和活力)这种也门式习惯几乎是和以往一样普遍。

    And the Yemeni habit of chewing a leaf called qat , a mild stimulant not conducive to clear thinking or dynamism , is almost as pervasive as ever .