
  • 网络blue topaz
  1. 辐射:是很常见的照射海蓝宝,伦敦蓝黄玉,翡翠,钻石及其他宝石。

    Irradiation : It is common to irradiate Aquamarine , London Blue Topaz , Emerald , and Diamond as well as other stones .

  2. 利用中子辐照改色法把天然无色黄玉改成蓝色黄玉,对天然黄玉和改色后的蓝黄玉分别进行了常规检测、X-荧光测试、紫外-可见光谱测试及红外光谱测试研究。

    In the experiment depicted in this paper , the neutron irradiation method was used to change natural topaz color from colorless to blue . The topaz was measured under ultrared spectrum , X fluorescence and ultravioletvisible light spectrum respectively before and after color changing .