
lán hēi
  • blue-black
蓝黑 [lán hēi]
  • [bluish dark color] 蓝黑色颜料(例如植物黑或碳黑)

  1. 铬蓝黑R分光光度法测定钢中微量铬

    Spectrophotometric Determination of Microamounts of Chromium in Steel with Chrome Blue-Black R

  2. 稀土-铬蓝黑R配合物体系的近红外发光研究

    Near-Infrared Luminescence of Yb 3 ~ ( + - ) Chrome Blue-Black R Complex

  3. 用铬蓝黑B作铌的分光光度测定

    Spectrophotometric Determination of niobium using Eriochrome Blue Black B

  4. 铝(Ⅲ)-铬蓝黑B络合物吸附波的研究

    Study on Adsorptive Wave of Complex of Aluminium and Eriochrome Blue Black B

  5. 依来铬蓝黑B的电还原

    Electroreduction of Eriochrome Blue Black B

  6. 铬蓝黑R固体石蜡修饰碳糊电极测定钙

    Determination of calcium by chrome blue black R solid paraffin modified carbon paste electrode

  7. 镓-铬蓝黑R络合吸附波的研究及应用

    Adsorptive Wave of Complex of Gallium (ⅲ) - Eriochrome Blue Black R and Its Analytical Application

  8. 结果表明,在中性乙醇溶液中,铬蓝黑R和Yb3+离子可形成配比为2∶1的配合物。

    It was found that Yb 3 + forms 1 ∶ 2 complex with CBR in natural ethanol solution .

  9. 蓝黑墨水字迹的DSC特征

    DSC Characteristics of Blue - Black Ink Writing

  10. 研究了金属指示剂铬蓝黑R对Yb3+的近红外发光的敏化作用。

    In the present work , sensitized near-infrared fluorescence from Yb 3 + - chrome blue-black R ( CBR ) complex was studied .

  11. 催化过氧化氢氧化镍-铬蓝黑R络合物光度法测定水体中痕量汞白炭黑原位复合聚丙烯酰胺水凝胶的流变行为与次级网络

    Spectrophotometric determination of trace mercury in water based on hydrogen peroxide catalyzing the oxidation reaction of nickel-palatine chrome black complex Rheological Behaviors and Secondary Networks of Silica In-situ Composits of Polyacrylamide Hydrogel

  12. 脂肪酰氨基酸性蓝黑10B表现出较好的染色性能和表面活性。

    Fatty amido Acid Blue Black 10B compounds show a good performance in dying effect and surfactivity .

  13. 蓝黑灯管(BLB)玻璃外罩所用的氧化铅。

    Lead oxide in the glass envelope of BlackLight Blue ( BLB ) lamps .

  14. 为了提高其染色性能,我们参考商品染料酸性蓝黑10B的结构来合成目标产物。

    In order to improve the dyeing effect , the structure of commodity dyestuff Acid Blue Black 10B is employed to synthesize the target compounds .

  15. 本文主要介绍了以对硝基苯胺、H酸、苯胺等基本原料合成酸性蓝黑10B染料的方法,论述了制备工艺及反应条件对染料性能的影响。

    In this article , the method of synthesis acid blue black 10B using P-nitroaniline % H-acid , benzyl-aniline was introduced . The influences such as synthesis process , reset condition on the properties of dye was discussed .

  16. 当长碳链加到酸性蓝黑10B后,我们就得到了一系列的最终产物&脂肪酰氨基酸性蓝黑10B。

    When the long alkyls were introduced to Acid Blue Black 10B , a series of final compounds the fatty amido Acid Blue Black 10B is obtained .

  17. 法切蒂选择了蓝黑军团,最终成为一代传奇人物。

    Facchetti chose the Milanese Nerazzurri , and would go on to become a legend .

  18. 他用了最近裙子是蓝黑还是白金的问题作为例子。

    He used the recent black and blue / white and gold dress as an example .

  19. 噢,那我要蓝黑的。我还要一打航空信封。

    Well , I 'll settle for blue-black . I 'll also take a dozen airmail envelopes .

  20. 术后中心蓝黑区变浅,趋向穹隆样外观,尤以术后4~6周明显,术后8周起中心蓝黑区渐回归原色。

    After operation blue-black area at center became thin like fornical figure especially at 4 ~ 6w which resolved till 8w postoperatively .

  21. 如果转会到国际米兰,意味着这名阿根廷球员下赛季可以参加冠军联赛,而蓝黑军团将用萨穆埃尔作为交换筹码。

    A move to inter would , however , allow the Argentine to play the Champions League next year and the Nerazzurri are willing to offer Samuel as a makeweight .

  22. 在服装的例子里,有些人认为在蓝黑服装上有相当数量的亮度(反射光线更少)。

    In the case of the dress , some people are deciding that there is a fair amount of illumination on a blue and black ( or less reflective ) dress .

  23. 蓝黑军团正在试图寻找2007年合同到期的路易斯。菲戈的接班人。在今天夏天卡莫拉内西被禁止离开前,表示过对他的兴趣。

    The Nerazzurri are looking to replace Luis figo , whose contract ends in2007 , and had already expressed an interest in Camoranesi during the summer before his departure was blocked .

  24. 过去两个赛季以来,27岁的弗洛卡里一直都是蓝黑军团的致命武器。贝尔加莫俱乐部很有可能会在本赛季结束后将他卖到一家大球会。

    The27-year-old has been lethal for the Orobici over the last two seasons and the Bergamo boys are resigned to losing him to a bigger club at the end of the current campaign .

  25. 不论你是“蓝黑党”还是“白金党”,你只是选择了眼睛看到的颜色,根本没有多想。

    Whether you were on Team Blue / Black or rooting for Team White / Gold , you had an opinion as to what you were seeing , even if you couldn 't fully articulate why .

  26. 目前蓝黑军已拿到三冠,他们将和欧联杯冠军马德里竞技争夺欧洲超级杯以及参加世俱杯。

    Because they won the Treble , the Nerazzurri are set to face Europa League winners Atletico Madrid for the European Super Cup , then take part in what used to be called the Intercontinental Cup .

  27. 但是,真正点赞的是那些不起眼的针织装,尽管其艳丽的色块带(橙黄红蓝黑等颜色)异常醒目:针织毛衣、长款无扣针织开襟毛衣、针织T恤以及厚款针织运动裤。

    But what really sung were the more humble knit pieces , though no less bold intheir strong bands of block colour : orange , yellow , red , blue and black . A knit sweater , a buttonless long knit cardigan , a knit T-shirt , blanket knit trackpants .