
  • 网络exotic matter
  1. X射线能谱分析说明根系内K的主动吸及Ca的被动吸收被紫茎泽兰内含的异克物质严重干扰,导致根系发育受阻。

    The analysis of EPMA showed that the active transportation of K and the passive transportation of Ca in maize roots were obstructed , which retarded the growth of maize roots by allelopathic materials contained in plants of Eupatorium adenophorum .

  2. 饮用水中异嗅物质&土臭素及二甲基异冰片的测定方法

    Measurement of odor causing compounds geosmin and 2-MIB in drinking water

  3. 研究了乙二硫醇与异戊醛物质的量比、催化剂用量、反应时间等因素对反应收率的影响。

    Effects of mole ratio of1,2-ethanedithiol to isovaleraldehyde , amount of catalyst and refluxed time were investigated .

  4. 粪臭素是L-色氨酸的细菌降解产物,是引起反刍动物急性肺水肿和肺气肿(ABPE)的主要物质,同时也是产生猪肉异臭味的主要物质,严重危害家畜养殖。

    Skatole , a compound formed by the bacterial degradation of tryptophan , causes acute bovine pulmonary edema and emphysema ( ABPE ) in cattle and is responsible for boar taint in pigs which may cause great damage to livestock raising .

  5. 岩浆演化过程中主要发生结晶分异作用,外来物质的混染作用较弱,混染物来自上地壳和俯冲板块。

    The fractional crystallization is the main geological process in magmatic evolution , and contamination is weak . Two exotic components come from upper crust and / or subduction plate .