
qīng tán
  • idle talk;empty talk;impractical discussion
清谈 [qīng tán]
  • [idle talk] 本指魏晋间一些士大夫崇尚虚无,不务实际,空谈哲理,后世泛指一般不切实际的谈论

  • 清谈误国

清谈[qīng tán]
  1. 生活中有多少麻烦不都是由清谈引起的么。

    How much trouble in this life is caused by idle talk !

  2. 东晋初,王导极力推动清谈之风,以之团结南方士族,安抚北方士族,进而巩固江东政权统治。

    Wang Dao promoted idle talk to hold together the southern scholars and appease northern scholars in the early Eastern Jin Dynasty .

  3. 清谈误国。

    Empty talk and no action will ruin the country .

  4. 难怪长期以来,批评人士一直将东盟视为一个清谈俱乐部(talkingshop)。

    Little wonder that critics have long dismissed ASEAN as a talking shop .

  5. 这正是世界所需要的:又一个清谈俱乐部。

    Just what the world needs : another talking shop .

  6. 魏晋以来,社会上尤尚玄学清谈之风。

    Wei has been especially Shangxuan school community talk in the breeze .

  7. 于是清谈、玄学之风一时大盛。

    Hence metaphysical discourse and learning flourished amongst the literati .

  8. 保持低调出书上清谈节目。

    We lay low , we jump up , we Bob and weave .

  9. 清谈·淡思·浓采&诗学与哲学之间的文化透视

    Pure conversation , unadorned thinking and embellishment Cultural perspective between poetics and philosophy

  10. 玄学清谈与山水清音&魏晋文章之思想与艺术探源

    Origin of Ideas and Arts in the Articles of the Wei and Jin Dynasties

  11. 魏晋清谈:语言游戏&以伽达默尔的游戏概念为视角对魏晋清谈的分析

    Idle Talks of WeiJin : Language Games

  12. 其次说清谈之风。

    Secondly said talk of the wind .

  13. 由此可以得出,清谈具有一定的积极的社会意义。

    These idle talks emphasize social excellence and natural beautifulness and hence Possesse certain social significance .

  14. 他们很适于娓娓清谈。

    They are fit for conversation .

  15. 如果您喜欢清谈的食物,我建议您以点菜的方式。

    If you would prefer a light meal , I would recommend the a la carte dishes .

  16. 建筑师们表示,有关学校校舍本应更为坚固的提议,不仅是网上清谈。

    Architects say suggestions the schools should have been more robust are not just idle Internet chatter .

  17. 可即时互动并且匿名发言的互联网与清谈电台节目成为美国人表达仇恨的聚集地。

    The instant and anonymous connectivity of the Internet and talk radio became a hothouse for hate .

  18. 怀疑论者认为,中美对话只不过是清谈。但谈比不谈要好很多。

    Sceptics dismiss the dialogue as a talking shop . But it is infinitely better than not talking .

  19. 佛教在对本土文化的曲迎中曲藏原始佛义,悲悯被消释,佛理清谈成了论辩技巧、华美言辞的演练场,佛学成为士人摩登的标识。

    The primitive buddhism were concealed , the discourse of buddhism becomes the practice field of argues technique .

  20. 她为自己匆匆地准备了一顿清谈的晚餐,然后蜷缩在床上看起书来。

    She bustled around and fixed herself a quiet supper , then curled up with a book in bed .

  21. 如果你不吻她,如果你不能让她来电,那么你们之间所有的谈话都将是&清谈。

    All the talking in the world won 't help if you can 't kiss her and make her want you .

  22. 这些英格兰机构将拥有主导地位,而下议院将沦为对外政策的清谈场所。

    Such would be the dominance of these English institutions that the Commons would be reduced to a foreign policy talking shop .

  23. 玄学清谈文化的盛行是东晋玄言诗风形成的主要原因。

    The prevalence of the metaphysical insipid culture is the main cause of the formation of the occult poetic style in East Jin Dynasty .

  24. 后期为惠帝太安二年至晋愍帝年间,回乡的南方士人将清谈习气带至江左,其中的代表人物有张翰等。

    Later King two to Emperor Jin Min years , returning south they talk habit to the south , one of the representatives of Zhang Han .

  25. 对这一组织,最初西方不屑一顾,称其为“清谈俱乐部”。

    The SCO , comprising Russia , China , Kazakhstan , Uzbekistan , Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan , was initially dismissed as a talking shop in the West .

  26. “我不相信(加州)会容忍所有这些保姆,简直是挑剔找茬的法律,”KFI-调幅电台清谈节目主持人约翰克拜尔特说。

    " I can 't believe that ( Californians ) will put up with all these nanny , nit-picking laws ," KFI-AM radio talk-show host John Kobylt said .

  27. 据相关记载,谢安家教的主要内容包括以儒家礼法为核心的“仪范”、子弟的从政态度与能力、玄学清谈及文学艺术等。

    His education included the bearing based on the Confucian etiquette , the attitude and ability in politics , the idle talk of metaphysics , literature and arts , etc.

  28. 另一部分则在“清议”、“清谈”、玄虚的文化中,伴随势族的发展,演化为魏晋“清简”型官吏。

    Another part , in " idletalk " & the culture of mystery , accompany the development oftendency clan , evolution into " clear and simple " type official .

  29. 二者关系之失调致使翻译实践常失去规矩方圆,翻译理论多流于清谈空论,所谓翻译研究成了一方谁都可以在里边建构理论的无界限领地。

    Thus , some translation practices become too free as if they depend on no source texts , and a number of translation theories have utterly lost touch with translation .

  30. 这样的一个集团,如果不想沦为清谈俱乐部,就必须与其成员国国内的政治论战有实质性的区别。

    For such a grouping to be anything more than just a talking shop , it needs to make a material difference to the political debate in its member countries .