
  • 网络Fair-faced concrete;as-cast finish concrete;exposed concrete
  1. 清水混凝土的碳化及其对钢筋腐蚀的影响

    Carbonization of As-cast Finish Concrete and Influence on Reinforcing Bar Corrosion

  2. 建筑师在工程中使用了大面积的清水混凝土。

    Architects use large areas of as-cast finish concrete in this project .

  3. 高架桥H型立柱清水混凝土施工技术

    Construction Technology of Plain Concrete for the H Column of Overpass

  4. 不同配合比清水混凝土的微观分析不同结构ABS的特性和费用比

    Microanalysis of Fair-Faced Concrete with Different Mix Proportion Designs

  5. 上海F1国际赛车场清水混凝土施工技术

    The Construction Techniques of Plain Concrete for Fl International Velodrome in Shanghai

  6. 深圳东方花园P1区清水混凝土施工技术

    Construction technology of finish concrete at area P1 of Shenzhen Eastern Garden

  7. C60清水混凝土柱冬季施工技术

    Construction Technology for C60 Fair-Faced Concrete Column in Winter Season

  8. 500kV惠州换流站清水混凝土防火墙施工

    Construction of Dry Concrete Fire Fighting Wall in Huizhou 500 kV Converter Station

  9. 石嘴山电厂扩建工程220kV配电装置楼清水混凝土的施工评述

    Review of construction of 220 kV-switch house with clear water concrete for enlargement of Shizuishan power plant

  10. 禹州电厂一期主厂房柱、梁、板等构件均采用清水混凝土施工工艺。梁、柱模板采用拼装大块钢模板表面粘贴PVC板;

    As-cast-finish concrete technology was adopted in the works of columns , beams and floor slabs of main plant of Yu Zhou power plant phase 1.Huge spliced steel forms stuck with PVC board were used for concrete pouring of beams and columns .

  11. 深圳规划大厦外墙面和部分内墙柱为清水混凝土,面积达3万m2,施工中采用爬模续浇法解决了一次浇筑过高带来的质量问题;

    The external wall face and some internal walls and columns in Shenzhen Planning Plaza are of fair-faced concrete with an area of 30,000 m2.Continuous concreting method with climbing formwork was employed in the construction to avoid such quality problem as is caused by concreting once too high .

  12. 根据F1国际赛车场项目采用大体量、多类型的清水混凝土结构的特点,着重介绍了清水混凝土控制、模板设计、预制清水混凝土看台板的安装及产品保护等方面的施工技术措施。

    With large quantity and variety of architectural concrete used in F1 International Velodrome , the construction techniques are emphatically introduced in such aspects as concrete control , mould design , the installation of stand board with precast architectural concrete as well as products protection etc. .

  13. 清水混凝土表面性能的分形研究

    Fractal Analysis on the Surface Quality of As-Cast - Finish Concrete

  14. 大连快速轨道交通工程墩柱清水混凝土施工

    As-cast-finish concrete construction of pillars in Dalian fast track transportation project

  15. 清水混凝土施工工艺及质量保证措施

    On construction craft of fair-faced concrete and measures of quality guarantee

  16. 在高层建筑中清水混凝土墙的施工技术要求

    Construction technology requirements of the fair-faced concrete wall in high-rise building

  17. 某游泳跳水馆工程看台清水混凝土施工

    As-cast Finish Concrete Construction of an Swimming and Diving Hall Projects

  18. 武汉市轻轨桥梁清水混凝土施工技术

    Construction Techniques for As-Cast Finish Concrete of Wuhan Light Rail Transit

  19. 超大面积清水混凝土结构清水混凝土配制及施工技术

    Preparation and construction technology of super large area fair-faced concrete structure

  20. 主厂房大型框架清水混凝土工艺的改进

    Technological improvement of large scale framework concrete for main power house

  21. 消泡剂对清水混凝土表面性能影响的研究

    Study on effect of foam resistance agent on as-cast-finish concrete surface

  22. 框架清水混凝土工程质量技术措施

    Technical measures to ensure construction quality of fair-faced concrete frame structure

  23. 自防水清水混凝土水池防渗施工技术措施

    The impervious construction technical measures of self waterproofing plain concrete pool

  24. 浅述清水混凝土模板技术和薄抹灰技术的应用

    On application of rinsing concrete formwork and thin plastering technology

  25. 大面积清水混凝土楼地面施工

    Construction of the Extensive As-cast Finish of Reinforced Concrete Floor

  26. 火电厂主厂房工程清水混凝土施工技术

    Construction technology of as-cast-finish concrete for main plant of a power plant

  27. 谈建筑石材清水混凝土饰面施工

    Talking about Architectural Stone Material Decorative Construction of Fair-Faced Concrete

  28. 无对拉螺栓孔的镜面清水混凝土施工工艺

    Construction Technology of Fair-Faced Mirror Concrete without Tying Bolt Holes

  29. 大截面清水混凝土结构&汽机基座上部结构施工工艺

    Large Section Fair-Faced Concrete Structure-Construction Technology of Superstructure for Turbogenerator Foundation Base

  30. 清水混凝土工程模板体系的分析、选型与设计大跨砼结构中扣件式钢管模板支架设计

    Analysis ? selection and design of formwork system of ass-cast-finish concrete project