
qīng jìng
  • quiet;tranquil;secluded;seclusion
清静 [qīng jìng]
  • [quiet] 安静;不嘈杂

  • 清静过日而已。--清. 林觉民《与妻书》

  • 清静的地方

清静[qīng jìng]
  1. 他不在的时候这里非常清静。

    It is very quiet without him

  2. 他是在莫斯科一个清静的街区里长大的。

    He grew up in a quiet neighborhood of Moscow .

  3. 你就不能滚开,让我清静清静?

    Why don 't you just piss off and leave me alone ?

  4. 我到图书馆去清静一下。

    I go to the library for a little peace and quiet .

  5. 她渴望安宁,渴望独享清静。

    She longed for peace and solitude .

  6. 就是因为想要清静,我们最终在本出生后搬家了。

    It was the lack of privacy that eventually persuaded us to move after Ben was born .

  7. 我就想清静一下,和孙子孙女们一起好好呆几天。

    All I want is to have some peace and quiet and spend a couple of nice days with my grandchildren

  8. 咱们找个清静的地方谈谈。

    Let 's find a quiet place to chat .

  9. 据说,这位私人收藏家向一名家具修复工支付了1200欧元(约合人民币9552元)来修复《埃斯克利亚的清静受胎》的复制品。

    The private collector is said to have paid a furniture restorer 1200 euros to carry out work on the copy of " The Immaculate Conception of Los Venerables " by the baroque artist Bartolom é Esteban Murillo .

  10. 几年前,当美国政府考虑解除对使用手机的禁令时,众议员汤姆・彼得里(TomPetri)在2008年联合他人提出了《停止机上噪音还我们清静法案》(HaltingAirplaneNoisetoGiveUsPeaceAct)。

    Several years ago , when the government considered lifting its cellphone ban , U.S. Rep. Tom Petri co-sponsored the Halting Airplane Noise to Give Us Peace Act of 2008 .

  11. 新泽西礼仪顾问玛丽&12539;哈里斯(MaryHarris)说,如果航空公司决定允许乘客打电话,暴打别人一顿显然不是获得清静的最佳方法。

    If airlines decide to allow calls , punching someone 's lights out clearly wouldn 't be the best way to get some peace , says New Jersey etiquette consultant Mary Harris .

  12. 卡普里酒店由西班牙NH酒店集团(NHHotelGroup)管理,可以上网,但服务时好时坏,所以我最后一晚搬到了一家更清静的家庭自营民宿,结果肯定是不能上网了,享受更谈不上。

    The Capri , operated by the NH Hotel Group of Spain , also has Internet access , although the service was so spotty that I moved for my final night to a quieter , family-owned bed-and-breakfast , which turned out , in fact , to be decidedly lacking Internet access and other luxuries .

  13. 他说,清静独处是非常难得的事情。

    Privacy , he said , was a very valuable thing .

  14. 我丈夫在上班,家里清静得很。

    My husband was at work and the house was quiet .

  15. 我喜欢用这种办法旅行,那是非常清静的。

    It 's my favourite way to travel , deeply restful .

  16. 我们搬到乡下,以得到一点安宁和清静。

    We moved to the countryside for some peace and quiet .

  17. 这对夫妇喜欢清静,不喜欢与他人交往。

    They were a quiet couple who kept themselves to themselves .

  18. 这些莫名的压力搅了你的清静

    all this stress coming at you and ruining your clarity ?

  19. 如果你们想清静,我们可以略过圣诞节。

    If you want a break , we can skip Christmas .

  20. 他地下室的一间摆有家具的私室的清静隐秘。

    The privacy of a furnished den in his basement .

  21. 它让大脑得到清静,并释放焦虑的想法。

    It helps quiet the mind and release anxious thoughts .

  22. 山,远远的、清静的矗立着;

    Hill , which is far , the quiet stand ;

  23. 我们决定对你们隐瞒这事,因为我们想躲着清静一下。

    We decided not to say anything because we wanted a break .

  24. 但我不会鸣叫,不会打扰你的清静。

    But I cannot sound , cannot disturb your quietness .

  25. (指场所)清静的,不受侵扰的

    ( of a place ) quiet and free from intruders

  26. 我们要么找个清静一点的地方去谈谈,要么停止说话。

    We must either find some place more private or stop talking .

  27. 但是不久,这些海狮的清静生活就要结束。

    But soon their isolation will come to an end .

  28. 关闭动画可以让浏览体验更加清静。

    Turn animation off to get a calmer browsing experience .

  29. 快走开,让我清静清静!

    Just clear out and leave me in peace !

  30. 你要牺牲一点清静。

    You will sacrifice a little of your solitude .