
qīng fēng
  • cool breeze;refreshing breeze
清风 [qīng fēng]
  • [cool breeze] 清凉的风

  • 清风徐来

  • 清风明月

清风[qīng fēng]
  1. 一阵清风从窗口吹来。

    A cool breeze came in through the window .

  2. 清风徐来,水波不兴。

    A cool breeze blew gently , without starting a ripple .

  3. 清风吹拂,浓郁的花香向她飘来。

    A slight breeze rose , wafting the heavy scent of flowers past her .

  4. 清风徐来。

    A refreshing breeze is blowing gently .

  5. 我从座位上能看到一角天空,白日的云彩已经散尽,夜空中充斥着繁星,清风吹过时微微摇颤。

    The triangle of sky I see from where I am sitting is stripped of its daylight clouds .

  6. 捕捉那阵阵的清风,

    To catch the breezy air ;

  7. 那部讲述友谊的电影在这个充斥着低成本浪漫爱情喜剧的时代宛如一股清风,令人耳目一新。

    That film about friendship is a breath of fresh air in an era1 of low-cost romantic comedies .

  8. 例句米兰达总能提出非常棒的想法,而且她充满热情,给我们的办公室注入了活力,让人如沐清风。

    Miranda , with her wonderful ideas and passion , is a breath of fresh air that brings life to our office .

  9. Tips3:“abreathoffreshair”,顾名思义,一缕清风。把苏珊·博伊尔称作“一缕清风”,这位说话者必是“苏珊大妈”的支持者无疑了。

    Susan Boyle is a breath of fresh air .

  10. 空中的清风彼此吹拂满怀着柔情蜜意。

    The winds of heaven mix forever with a sweet emotion ;

  11. 你能不能画出多彩的清风?

    Can you paint with all the colors of the wind ?

  12. 目的:分析正清风痛宁配合功能锻炼治疗产后腰痛的疗效。

    Objective : analyze the mechanism and essential treatment of postpartum lumbago .

  13. 另一阵温暖的清风吹来,但是这次不同了。

    Another warm breeze picked up , but this one was different .

  14. 清风徐来,松涛竹籁,美景令人陶醉。

    A gentle breeze whistles through the pine forest and bamboo groves .

  15. 译:赵彦春你是清风,我是明月

    You are the breeze , and I am the moon

  16. 但是我的脖子还可以享受舒畅的清风。

    But my neck is enjoying a pleasant breeze now .

  17. 因为它像清风一样吹拂悄无声息,渺无踪影。

    For the gentle wind doth more Silently , invisibly .

  18. 让清风对我吟唱你芳名。

    And the wind will whisper your name to me .

  19. 我要变成一股清风抚摸着你;

    I shall become a delicate draught of air and caress you ;

  20. 现在我的生活也吹着那清风。

    Now a breeze blows in my life , too .

  21. 外部表面的造型特殊只要淡淡清风

    The outer surface is so shaped that the slightest breeze

  22. 小摩斯号到了比较开阔的海面,凉爽的和风逐渐变成阵阵清风;

    Gaining the more open water , the bracing breeze waxed fresh ;

  23. 横斜的短笛尽情在掳掠四月的清风。

    Horizontal inclined piccolo heartily Be taking captive the pleasant breeze of April .

  24. 你怎能独占雨水和清风?

    How can you own the rain and wind ?

  25. 随着清风吹拂微微摇晃

    Are slightly swaying To the tune of a breeze

  26. 因为当清风拂过我的脸庞时,我想起了你。

    Because when the breeze crushed my face , I thought of you .

  27. 你就像冬季的一缕暖阳,夏日的一缕清风。

    You are like warm sunshine in winter and cool wind in summer .

  28. 看红尘,你是青丝飘飘,舞动清风。

    Look at the Red , you Jingsi Music , dancing cool breeze .

  29. 清风就用了我们的说笑来欢笑

    When the air does laugh with our merry wit

  30. 但清风扑面的时候,你却关上了窗户。

    but you close your windows when wind blows .