
  • 网络Unknown;obscure
  1. 除了医院的精神病科外,这种病几乎不为人知。

    The condition is practically unknown outside psychiatry clinics .

  2. 街上的销售情况几乎不为人知。

    Street sales were almost unknown .

  3. 这个乐队是由一个不为人知的人资助的。

    The band was financed by a mystery backer .

  4. 他写到了关于他家庭生活的一些不为人知的细节。

    He wrote about the intimate details of his family life

  5. 一颗不为人知的行星被命名为“祝融”。

    The name Vulcan was given to the undiscovered planet

  6. 残留在心里的或不为人知的恐惧都可能引发梦游。

    Unresolved or unacknowledged fears can trigger sleepwalking .

  7. 大量不为人知的优美旋律正等着这批新听众来发掘。

    A vast treasure-trove of virtually unheard melody awaits discovery by this new audience .

  8. 我们中的一些人有些不为人知的习惯,我们也不想改变这一状况。

    Some of us have habits few people know about and we keep it this way

  9. 埃里克有个不为人知的私生子。

    Eric has a secret love child .

  10. 我们选了这位西班牙骑手早年一些不为人知的照片刊登出来。

    We print a selection of previously unseen photos from the Spanish rider 's early years .

  11. 这就是关于我们印象中的惩戒措施的不为人知的一面年轻人总是担心随时会被截停、搜身和逮捕无论是在街上还是在家在学校还是在工作

    to line city coffers . This is the hidden underside to our historic experiment in punishment : young people worried that at any moment , they will be stopped , searched and seized . Not just in the streets , but in their homes , at school and at work .

  12. 这类Java应用都有一个不为人知的秘密,就是它们其实并不‘真正’使用数据库。

    The deep hidden secret about many of these Java apps is that they don 't really use databases .

  13. 15年前,MBA在德国还不为人知。

    Fifteen years ago , the MBA was unknown in Germany .

  14. Thedaypingpongchangedtheworld老美眼中的“乒乓外交”37年前,美国惧怕中国,那时不为人知的远东地区共产主义大国。

    Thirty-seven years ago , America feared China , then the largely unknown Communist giant of the Far East .

  15. 在基因组水平,哪些转录是由微RNA调控的还不为人知。

    It is unknown how much translational control is exerted by miRNAs on a genome-wide scale .

  16. 当时,中国没有西方意义上的商学院,而工商管理硕士(mba)课程基本不为人知。

    There were no business schools in the Western sense , and the MBA was practically unknown .

  17. 《数字黄金:比特币背后不为人知的故事》(DigitalGold:TheUntoldStoryofBitcoin),作者纳塔涅尔波佩尔(NathanielPopper)审视了虚拟货币比特币的崛起;

    Digital Gold , Nathaniel Popper 's examination of the rise of bitcoin , the virtual currency ;

  18. 克里斯蒂•吕•斯托特这一举措意义重大,因为中国长期以来一直对Windows持怀疑态度,害怕其中会装有什么不为人知的电子装置,造成国家机密的泄露。

    KRISTIE LU STOUT A significant gesture , as China has long been suspicious of Windows , Fearful that electronic backdoors could be installed to leak national secrets .

  19. 不易发现并不为人知的是,事实上webform可以包含任意数量的服务器端form,只要同一时刻仅有一个可见并呈现。

    Not so obvious , and not very well known , is that a Web Form can actually contain as many server-side forms as needed , so long as only one is visible and rendered at a time .

  20. 此研究揭示了纳米Pd催化剂尚不为人知的一种性质,从形貌剪裁的角度为Pd催化剂的理性设计提供了新的指导思想。

    This study reveals an unknown nature of Pd nano-catalysts , and provides a new guideline for the rational design of Pd catalysts through morphology tailoring . 2 .

  21. AlienDalvik来自Myriad,一个也许不为人知的名字。但是它却不是小的玩家。

    Alien Dalvik comes from Myriad , an unknown name perhaps , but they 're no small player .

  22. CNN特派员洁茵·维尔吉:英国最恶名昭彰的国王,在登基500年后的今天,不为人知的一面己慢慢浮现。

    ZAIN VERJEE , CNN CORRESPONDENT : Five hundred years after his coronation , a new side of Britain 's most notorious monarch is emerging .

  23. 他们在合作中发现,这款间谍软件依赖之前不为人知的三个iOS安全漏洞。它们被叫做“零日”(zerodays),因为苹果不知道它们,没花哪怕一天时间去修复它们。

    Together , they discovered that the spyware relied on three previously unknown iOS vulnerabilities - called " zero days " because Apple didn 't know about them and had zero days to patch them .

  24. 本月,林书豪为纽约尼克斯队(NewYorkKnicks)拿下多场比赛,从一名不为人知的二线球员一跃成为明星。林书豪是台湾移民的后裔,自2010年起得到耐克赞助。

    Mr Lin , a son of Taiwanese immigrants who has been sponsored by Nike since 2010 , has gone from second-string obscurity to stardom this month by securing a series of victories for the New York Knicks .

  25. 一篇名为文件上传的不为人知一面的文章揭示了更多有关与IIS配合完成文件上传的细节。

    An article titled The Dark Side of File Uploads reveals some of the more intricate details of reliably getting large files uploaded with IIS .

  26. 斯蒂芬库里和我谈起了他的诸多怪癖:牙套,咬指甲,“Lockin!”推特,赛前的冲刺跑以及许许多多的不为人知的“秘密”。

    Steph Curry , on his many quirks , in his own words : The mouthpiece , the fingernail-chewing , the " Lock in ! " Tweet , the sprint to the rim before tip-off and more ......

  27. 其他入围者分别是:《失去信号:黑莓离奇崛起与惊人陨落背后不为人知的故事》(LosingtheSignal:TheUntoldStoryBehindtheExtraordinaryRiseandSpectacularFallofBlackberry),作者杰基麦克尼什(JacquieMcnish)和肖恩缠尔科夫(SeanSilcoff)回顾了黑莓是怎样偏离了航向;

    The other finalists , each of which will receive 10000 , were : Losing the Signal , by Jacque McNish and Sean Silcoff , who look at how BlackBerry went off course ;

  28. 但是由于路由级Internet拓扑结构的复杂性,人们至今也未能对其有个清楚的认识,在这个看似混沌的网络之中还蕴涵着一些不为人知的规律有待进行深入的挖掘。

    However , because of the complexity of Internet router-level topology , people have not got a clear understanding on it up to now . There are still some laws in this seemingly chaotic network that we have not known , and need us to further excavate .

  29. 赫弗斯坦托尔女士(MsHvistendahl)令人信服地讲述了一个不为人知的故事:西方人如何助长性别选择在亚洲开始的情形。

    Ms Hvistendahl is convincing in telling the little-known story of how Westerners helped create the conditions under which sex selection began in Asia .

  30. 本文研究是我们揭示大多不为人知的BIV致病机制的第一步,也是联系BIV研究与HIV研究的桥梁。

    This study is the first step of our effort to reveal the largely unknown mechanisms of BIV pathology and to bridge researches on BIV and HIV .