首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 女性的那一眼很象某些成套的齿轮,外表平静,力量却猛不可当。

    The glance of women resembles certain combinations of wheels , which are tranquil in appearance yet formidable .

  2. 我们共同有的,是一具具让欲望焚恋得痛不可当的躯体,一颗颗寂寞得发疯发狂的心。

    The only one in common is our bodies are suffering in desire , and our lonely hearts drive us crazy .

  3. 银行保险的发展已成不可当之势利,然而我国银行保险的发展仍然需要借鉴大量国外成功的经验,需要理论上的有力支撑。

    The bancassurance development has become an inevitable industry , however our bancassurance still needs to be profited from the massive overseas successful experience , needs the theoretically powerful support .

  4. 不可否认,当法官让我协助执行汤姆的缓刑时,我很烦恼。

    I was admittedly upset when the judge asked me to help administer Tom 's probation .

  5. 不可否认,当季增速为两年半以来最低,但仍高于大多数人的预期。

    Admittedly , growth ended 2011 at the slowest pace in 2-1 / 2 years , but still higher than most expected .

  6. 在我参加过的体育项目上,如果某种程度上太过努力,想得太多不可,只有当你在这一刻顺其自然,会发生很奇妙的事情。

    With the sports I played , if you 're trying too hard in some ways , if you 're thinking about it too much , but when you let yourself be in the moment , It 's really amazing what happens .

  7. 电动燃油泵为不可修复件,当判定为损坏时,必须更换。

    Electric fuel pump for non-repair parts , when judged to be damaged must be replaced .

  8. 也许现在的你不太赞同,可当你到了我这个年纪的时候就会明白了。

    I know you don 't appreciate it now , but you will when you 're my age .

  9. 要持定训诲,不可放松;必当谨守,因为她是你的生命。

    Hold on to instruction , do not let it go ; guard it well , for it is your life .

  10. 你手若有行善的力量,不可推辞,就当向那应得的人施行。

    Do not keep back good from those who have a right to it , when it is in the power of your hand to do it .

  11. 星辰唤醒心中的景仰,即使它们常在,也遥远而不可触摸;而当思想敞开心门,自然景物总会留下熟稔而亲切的印迹。

    The stars awaken a certain reverence , because though always present , they are inaccessible ; but all natural objects make a kindred impression , when the mind is open to their influence .

  12. 警告:不可食用;不可让儿童当玩具玩耍;避免香熏与皮肤、眼睛、表板或明火直接接触。

    Note : Warning : not for human consumption ; not allow children as toys to play ; to avoid fragrance and skin , eyes , table board or direct contact with open flame .

  13. 不要把年轻看的那么理所当然!做一个不需要负太多责任的小孩是一件很美妙的事情。也许现在的你不太赞同,可当你到了我这个年纪的时候就会明白了。

    Don 't take being young for granted ! Being a kid without responsibility is a thing of beauty . I know you don 't appreciate it now , but you will when you 're my age .