
bù fā huǒ
  • misfire;fail to fire;miss-out
不发火[bù fā huǒ]
  1. 看得出她竭力控制自己不发火。

    She made a visible effort to control her anger .

  2. 你发不发火都吓不了我。

    Lose it or not , you don 't scare me .

  3. 如果主席不发火,会议就会开得顺利。

    The meeting will go smoothly if the chairman keeps his temper .

  4. 他从来不发脾气,即使遇到烦恼也不发火。

    He is never out of temper , not even in trouble .

  5. 你得保证听我说完之后不发火。

    Promise you won 't hit the roof when I tell you this .

  6. 他忍受对自己人品的攻击而不发火,表现出巨大的自我控制能力。

    He showed great moderation in not responding angrily to the attacks on his character .

  7. 刚拖完的地板被他踩的脏乱不堪时,你却不发火。

    Being able to keep cool when he makes the floors dirty just after you 've cleaned them .

  8. 那些分心的短暂时刻让我得到休整,我可以不发火地再次集中到路上。

    Those quick moments of distraction recharge me , and I can again focus on the road without being irritated .

  9. 此外,通过对电雷管进行电磁干扰试验和50%射频发火感度试验,推算电雷管的最大不发火功率,进一步分析其安全性。

    On the other hand , the properties of electromagnetic interference and 50 % radio-frequency fire of detonator were tested , the maximum no-fire energy of detonator was calculated and the radio-frequency safety of detonator was evaluated .

  10. 由不发火水磨石白石碴与普通硅酸盐水泥施工的水磨石地面,能够避免由于操作人员不慎等原因造成金属碰撞而产生的火花,使安全生产得到有效保障。

    The water polished stone floor that constructed by the non ignite terrazzo white ballast and common Portland cement can avoid spark by the inadvertent operation of operators . This makes a effective safeguard for safety in production .

  11. 本说他父亲的脾气温和,不轻易发火或是发表尖锐的意见。

    Ben says his father was good-natured , a man not quickly roused to anger or harsh opinions .

  12. 即便你有理,也不应该发火啊!

    You shouldn 't have lost your temper even if you were in the right .

  13. 孩子们举止失礼时,家长不应该发火。

    When children misbehave , their parents shouldn 't become angry .

  14. 她总是对不该发火的人发火,还老跟踪形迹可疑的人。

    She often mouths off to the wrong person , or follows someone who looks shady .

  15. 尼姆控制着自己的声音,责怪自己刚才不该发火。

    Nim kept his voice controlled , annoyed at himself for revealing his anger a moment ago .

  16. 他累了,动不动就发火。

    He was tired and crotchety .

  17. 我希望我不那么容易发火儿。

    I wish I didn 't get angry so easily .

  18. 别惹她,她今天动不动就发火。

    Don 't irritate her , she 's on a short fuse today .

  19. 我不喜欢你发火。

    I hate it when you get angry .

  20. 你今天动不动就发火!

    You 're a bit prickly today !

  21. 因为他手里抓着老板的把柄,所以老板不向他发火。

    Because he has something on the boss , the boss does not rage against him .

  22. 看到男孩已经有钱了,父亲又忍不住要发火。

    The man , seeing that the boy already had money , started to get angry again .

  23. 别动不动就发火,记住:要保持冷静。

    Don 't fly into a rage at the drop of a hat . Remember : keep cucumber cool !

  24. 哦,我不想再发火了,我很高兴听到这些,我非常为你骄傲。

    Oh , I don 't wanna be mad anymore , and I 'm so happy to hear all that and I am so proud of you .

  25. 你不需要冲我发火,我不过是在引用朱莉娅的话。

    You don 't have to bite my head off . I 'm just quoting Julia .

  26. 干嘛不让他发发火,泄泄气

    Why shouldn 't the guy let off a little steam ?

  27. 最后进一步阐明了最小点火冲量和最大不点火冲量在发火感度指标中的重要性。

    The importance of the minimum initiation impulse and the maximal no-firing initiation impulse in the indexes of firing sensitivity is further clarified .

  28. 我歉疚地说:“对不起,我错过了它们。我今天也不应该朝你发火。”

    I said ," I am so sorry that I missed them today & and I shouldn 't have fussed at you that way . "

  29. 如果感到自己被诬告,他们在整个对话过程中都会非常气愤,而不只是短时间发火;

    They 're going to be infuriated if they sense they 're wrongly accused throughout the entire course of the interview , not just in flashes ;

  30. 我们不可能解决中东或原教旨主义分子问题,除非当有人驾车挡住路时我们能不让自己发火。

    We won 't have a resolution in the Middle East or with religious fundamentalists until we stop ourselves from going into anger when someone pulls out in front of us in an automobile .