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  • 网络atelectasis
  1. C组术后肺不张、肺部感染的发生率低于A组,差异有显著意义(P<005);

    The incidence of postoperative atelectasis and pulmonary infection in group C were lower than those in group A ( P < 0.05 ) .

  2. 方法X线、CT诊断肺不张116例,经电镜观察、活检、刷检及细菌学等明确诊断。

    Methods 116 cases diagnosed as atelectasis by X-ray and CT were examined through electron bronchoscopy , biopsy , and brush biopsy .

  3. 肺不张的CT介入诊断:附114例分析

    CT Interventional Diagnosis for Atelectasls : An Analysis of 114 Cases

  4. 胸腔积液所致下叶肺不张CT征象的分析

    CT analysis of lower lobe atelectasis due to pleural effusion

  5. 圆形肺不张的CT诊断(附4例报告)

    Rounded atelectasis : Diagnosis by CT ( Report of 4 cases )

  6. 方法采用常规CT和高分辨CT扫描,分析球形肺不张的CT表现,并与穿刺结果及手术结果相对照。

    Methods Using routine and high resolution CT scan .

  7. 目的探讨胸腔积液所致球形肺不张的CT特征。

    Objective To evaluate the CT features of round atelectasis induced by pleural effusion .

  8. 方法经胸部X线或CT证实为肺不张的老年患者243例,行纤支镜检查并取活检,刷检及抗酸杆菌检查。

    Method 243 elderly patients with atelectasis were confirmed by chest X-ray or CT accepted bronchofibroscope examination .

  9. 外伤性肺不张的CT诊断

    CT diagnosis of traumatic atelectasis

  10. 与未应用SI的绵羊比较,实施SI后的绵羊肺损伤减轻,肺不张改善。

    Compared with ventilation without SI , lung injury was abated after SI .

  11. CT表现:中央型3例,表现为肺门肿块伴肺不张;

    CT manifestations : 3 cases were of the central type lung carcinoma and showed hilar mass accompanying atelectasis ;

  12. 探讨了增强CT区分中央型肺非小细胞癌肿块与肺不张的可行性。

    Discusses the feasibility of differentiating the central non-small-cell lung cancer from the post-obstructive lobar collapse with contrast-enhanced CT .

  13. MRI可辨别肺癌放疗后纤维化抑或肿瘤复发,区分肺门癌块与阻塞性肺不张;

    MRI could distinguish porstradiotherapy lung fibroid masses from carcinoma recurrence and pulmonary neoplasm from obstructive atelectasis .

  14. 目的:回顾性复习圆形肺不张的CT表现,并结合文献探讨CT诊断的可能性。

    Objective : To retrospectively review the CT finding of rounded atelectasis and to evaluate the probability of the diagnosis by CT .

  15. 方法回顾性分析了48例胸部X线误诊的少见类型肺不张,男17例,女31例。所有病例均由CT或纤维支气管镜证实。

    Methods Radiographic findings of 48 patients with unusual pulmonary atelectasis misdiagnosed on chest radiography and confirmed with CT and fiber bronchoscopy were reviewed .

  16. 方法用纤维支气管镜(纤支镜)对126例经胸片及/或胸部CT诊断为肺不张的患者作常规检查,结合活检、刷检、抗酸染色等。

    Methods 126 patients with CT diagnosed atelectasis were examined with bronchoscopy . Bronchial biopsy , bronchial brush , anti-acid stain was performed as necessary .

  17. 目的:分析胸腔积液所致肺下叶被动性不张CT表现并研究全下叶或次全下叶不张移位方向。

    Objective : To analyze manifestation of lower lobe atelectasis due to pleural effusion on CT and study orientation of dislocated total or subtotal lobar atelectasis .

  18. 结论超声在检查中央型肺癌并阻塞性肺不张肺门肿块时可弥补胸片、CT的不足,从而提高了诊断的准确率。

    Conclusions Ultrasound can remedy the defect of X-ray and CT in detecting central pulmonary hilar lung cancer with obstructive atelectasis and improve the diagnostic accurate rate .

  19. 呼吸音减低则可以在胸腔积液、慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD)、肺不张和气胸时被发现。

    Decreased breath sounds may be noted with a pleural effusion , COPD , atelectasis and pneumothorax .

  20. 结果表明:CT增强扫描能够区分多数中央型肺癌肿物与阻塞性肺不张组织,实质期优于主动脉期。

    The result shows that contrast-enhanced CT scanning can differentiate central lungs cancer from the collapsed lung in most cases and the parenchymal phase is better than aortic phase .

  21. CT未检出原发灶的胸腔积液或肺不张患者~(18)F-FDG显像结果分析

    The result analysis of ~ ( 18 ) F-FDG imaging in suspected malignant pleural effusion or atelectasis on CT scanning

  22. 方法采用前瞻性双盲自身对照,对随机选择的171例中央型肺癌并阻塞性肺不张的患者超声、胸片、CT进行比较。

    Methods We compared the ultrasound results with those of CT and X-ray in randomized selecting 171 central lung cancer patients complicated with obstructive atelectasis by prospective double blind self-contral method .

  23. 经24h无创正压通气治疗后,患者的动脉血气指标、肺活量和肺不张情况均较对照组明显改善(P<005),无创正压通气对术后疼痛有一定的缓解作用(P<005)。

    Arterial blood gas parameters and vital capacity in NIPPV group were better than those in control group .

  24. 结论ARDS时出现重力压迫性肺不张,旋转体位能减轻压迫性肺不张的程度。

    Conclusions The continuous rotation of body position can relieve the severity of compressive lung collapse in ARDS .

  25. 方法总结10年间106例ICU机械通气肺不张行纤支镜检查和肺灌洗治疗患者的病历资料。

    Methods A retrospective review for 106 cases of patients with ICU mechanical ventilation , who received fiberoptic bronchoscope examination and lung-lavage treatment .

  26. 同时,CT显示合并支气管扩张24例、肺结核9例、细支气管炎10例和节段性肺不张2例,而胸片发现肺结核6例,细支气管炎4例。

    In one case with bronchogram , bronchiectasis and bronchiolitis obliterans were demonstrated . CT showed 24 patients with bronchiectasis , 9 patients with TB , 10 patients with bronchiolitis , and 2 with segmental collapse .

  27. PETCT在病灶定性、边界确定、显示病灶对周围组织的侵犯及在区分肺癌与肺不张、阻塞性肺炎、胸腔积液方面优于单纯PET和CT。

    PET / CT was superior to PET and CT in final diagnosis , delineating the border , detecting tumor invasion and in differentiating lung cancer from atelectasis , obstructive pneumonitis and pleural effusion .

  28. 并发症36例,包括心律失常、低氧血症、肾功能衰竭、肺不张、肺部感染等。结论CPB中要有良好平稳的灌注技巧;

    The complications were in 36 cases including arrhythmia , hypoxemia , pulmonary hypertension crisis , renal failure , atelectasis and pulmonary infection .

  29. 胸壁血肿、纵隔及皮下气肿、气胸、血气胸、肺实质损伤、创伤性肺不张等均以CT阳性检出率高。

    But the positive rate of chest wall hematoma , mediastinum and subcutaneous emphysema , pneumothorax , hydropneumothorax , damage of lung parenchyma and traumatic pulmonary atelectasis was higher in CT scan than those in chest radiograph .

  30. 结果发现,胰腺炎后6h肺系数和肺血管外水量显著增高,肺有充血、出血、水肿和肺不张。

    It was found that lung index and extravascular lung water were significantly increased 6 h after the induction of pancreatitis .