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bù xiào
  • Unfilial;not in accordance with filial;not to show filial obedience;your son
不孝 [bù xiào]
  • (1)

  • [not to show filial obedience]∶不孝顺

  • (2)

  • [your son]∶旧时父母丧事中用于自称

不孝[bù xiào]
  1. 旧时以为无后便是不孝。

    Having no male heir was once considered as an unfilial behaviour .

  2. “不孝的儿子!如果上帝是公正的,你一定会受惩罚。”

    " unnatural son ! you will be punished if there 's a just God in heaven . "

  3. 他对父母不孝,令他的朋友们大为吃惊。

    His friends were shocked by his ingratitude to his parents .

  4. 不孝顺父母的;不孝的儿子。

    Impious toward one 's parents ; an undutiful son .

  5. 他最后的行为就是这一种不孝。

    His last act must be a deed of impiety .

  6. 不孝罪随着时代的发展、孝观念的变迁而变迁。

    The unfilial crime changed with the filial conception .

  7. 那不孝的男孩轻蔑地说他的家人。

    The unfilial boy spoke poorly of his family .

  8. 这个不孝的儿子的故事给我母亲留下了深刻的影像。

    The story of the faithless son left a deep impression on my mother .

  9. 我们这一对不孝的儿子又要如何面对九泉下的母亲?!

    These two unfilial sons how to face the mother who already passed away ?

  10. 新加坡普遍认为不孝是不可接受的。

    People consider unfilial behaviour out-of-bounds in Singapore .

  11. 他悉心养育的儿女会不忠不孝。

    His son or daughter that he has reared with loving care may prove ungrateful .

  12. 这时,你该骂我不孝子孙了。

    Then you Gaima I unfilial descendants .

  13. 你怎么会有个不孝的儿子啊!

    What an ingrateful son you are !

  14. 按照中国人的传统习俗,晚生孩子也是不孝。

    According to Chiese conventional consuetude , it 's also unfilial to having baby late .

  15. 宠狗上灶,宠子不孝。

    A spoiled dog climb onto the stove , a spoiled child is not filial .

  16. 或许让一个不孝的女儿生活在内疚中也不错?

    Isn 't it better for an unfilial daughter to live with the guilt she deserves ?

  17. 他对父母不孝,令他的朋友们大为吃惊。对父母的孝敬[顺从]

    His friends were shocked by his ingratitude to his parents . filial respect [ obedience ]

  18. 我的奶奶,您不相信我的无知和不孝吧。

    My Grandma , I do not believe that your ignorance and a disservice to the bar .

  19. 可怜的汤姆,他是这一家人的不孝之子,总让人看不起。

    Poor tom , who is always the black sheep of the family , always in disgrace .

  20. 他们甚至会数落孩子不忠不孝,或者还会讲些唾弃那些家长的话。

    They may even accuse them of disloyalty , or make some spiteful remark about the friends'parents .

  21. 两汉四百余年,不孝罪又随着以礼入法的进程越来越受到重视,涵盖的内容越来越多。

    During Han Dynasty , the unfilial crime had been taken seriously and put more and more content .

  22. 一个不孝父母,不敬长老的人,是不可能获得??的。

    A person who is unfilial to his parents and disrespectful to his elders cannot possibly attain blessings and protection .

  23. 原谅儿子的不孝,下辈子一定好好学习,不让你们操心,做你们的骄傲。

    If I can have another life , I will surely study hard and spare your concern and become your pride .

  24. 假如他知道这一切,我现在感到很遗憾,因为我从没告诉过他我是多么愧疚、多么不孝、多么悔恨。

    If he did , I am sorry I never told him how sorry I was , how unworthy I was , how I regretted it .

  25. 如:尊敬教育、尊重教育、关爱教育、理解教育、何谓不孝教育。

    For instance : Respect and educate , respect and educate , care about and educate , understand educating , what is meant by unfilial education .

  26. 不论烨哥儿在外头多风光,不孝母亲便是头一条罪过的。

    Whether the elder brother Ye son is many to is colossal in the outside or not , the not filial mother would is head a fault .

  27. 但是随着社会的变迁,传统孝道的标准已经发生了很大变化,何者为孝,何者为不孝引起了人们的广泛争论。

    But as the society changes , the rules of traditional filial duty have changed a lot . Which is filial and which is unfilial are widely debated .

  28. 国王把臣民看作是自己的儿子,因此殖民地居民脱离英国的要求就犹如儿女做出最不孝的行为那样对他造成巨大的打击。

    Since the king looked upon his subjects as his own children , the demand of the colonists to separate from Britain struck him as the worst kind of filial ingratitude .

  29. 原注二:白善孝为先,不孝之罪有时候是严重到可以用家法处死的。他最后的行为就是这一种不孝。

    Violation of filial piety ," The first of a hundred virtues ," sometimes was punished by death within the clan . His last act must be a deed of impiety .

  30. 不忠,不孝,损人利己,不洗手就在祖宗牌位前上香之类。

    Bad deeds consisted of being disloyal , unfilial , gaining advantage at the expense of others or burning incense in front of the ancestral tablets without first washing your hands .