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zhǔ shì
  • chancellor
  • take charge;manage;be in charge
主事 [zhǔ shì]
  • [manage] 主持处理事情

  • 主事人

  • 当家主事

  • 户部主事。--《明史》

  1. 他成为一个小教区的教区长,在那里主事了几年圣事。

    He became a rector of a small parish where he ministered for several years .

  2. N1+N(主事者)+V+N2。本文还将观念被动句跟被字句和把字句进行比较,指出它们的句式转换关系。

    N_1 + N ( actor ) + V + N_2 . We also contrast this kind of sentence with Bei-Construction and Ba-Construc - tion and give transformational forms between them .

  3. 我习惯了主事仅此而已

    I 'm used to taking charge . That 's all .

  4. 不及物动词带主事宾语句研究

    A Study on the Construction of Intransitive Verbs Taking a Theme Object

  5. 主事也就相当于文秘性质的人员。

    Principal and also the nature of the equivalent of clerical personnel .

  6. 他选了一座天主事工会的房子来作交易。

    He has chosen a house of Opus Dei to make the exchange .

  7. 他们希望这笔交易能在我不再主事之前成交。

    They would like the deal to be finalized before I release any keys .

  8. 未经业主事先书面同意,承包商不得签订任何分包合同。

    The Contractor shall not enter into any subcontract without the prior written consent of the company .

  9. 这听起来或许有些奇怪,但这是我第一次主事

    This may sound strange , but it 's the first time I 'm the one in charge

  10. 主事者应以少量电池配置、同时并行发展油电混合车,才是上上之策。

    It will be the best policy for vehicle employers to install fewer batteries and simultaneously develop HEV .

  11. 在为主事者分析利害之时,表现出充沛的情感和家国情怀。

    In the interest of those in charge of the analysis , showing plenty of emotion and national identity .

  12. 从西莉亚回来的第二天开始,毫无疑问,就是她在主事了。

    From the second day after her return , there was not the slightest doubt that Celia was in charge .

  13. 未经业主事先书面批准,承包商不得替换材料或修改细节。

    The Contractor shall make no substitution of materials or modifications to details without the prior written approval of the employer .

  14. 福音派新教领导人泰德哈戈德已辞去福音派新教全国联合会负责人及科罗拉多州他的教堂的主事之职。

    Evangelical leader Ted Haggard has stepped down as head of the National Association of evangelicals and his church in colorado .

  15. 伦敦的天主事工会活动中心位于奥姆宫街5号,它是一座外表朴素的砖房,从楼上可以俯瞰到肯辛顿花园的北大道。

    London 's Opus Dei Centre is a modest brick building at5 Orme Court , overlooking the North Walkat Kensington Gardens .

  16. 她成了——如同她经常说的那样——我们家庭的指定主事人,她常说她天生有份额外的责任感基因。

    She became , as she often said , our family 's designated worrier , born with an extra responsibility gene .

  17. 她上周四被法庭裁定一项意图使用文件欺骗主事人罪成。

    She was found guilty after trial last Thursday after one count of using a document with intent to deceive the Government .

  18. 讨论了变化论元,如分为受事(狭义)、材料、结果、主事。

    Section III , the Change Argument , divided into : patient ( narrow sense ), materials , the results and the principal .

  19. 未经业主事先书面同意,承包商不得将其在本合同下的权利和义务让与至他人。

    The Contractor shall not assign its rights and obligations under the contract to other person without prior written consent of the customer .

  20. 在他们看来,做个主事儿的人是如此令人兴奋的事情,所以他们很愿意承担起多数人都会觉得过于沉重的担子。

    For them , being in charge delivers such a thrill that they willingly take on levels of responsibility most rational people would find overwhelming .

  21. 未经业主事先同意,承包商不得更换合同中指定为“关键人员”的任何个人。

    The Contractor shall not replace any persons designated as " key personnel " in the contract without the prior written approval of the company .

  22. 甚至还有一个来自香拉县的主事,吹牛说自己最大的功劳就是把十个九年级的男孩送去克什米尔接受圣战士训练。

    There was even a headmaster from Shangla who would boast that his greatest success was to send ten boys in Grade 9 for jihad training in Kashmir .

  23. 未经业主事先书面同意,承包商不得转让本合同的全部或任何部分、或本合同下的任何利益。

    The Contractor shall not assign the whole or any part of the contract nor any benefit or interest under it without the prior written approval of the company .

  24. 由于他们分别主事于不同的历史时期,处于不同的国内经济政治条件和不同的国际环境,因而,他们的国际战略思想又具有不同的时代内容,体现着不同的个人风格。

    Because they are at different historical times , in different domestically political and economic conditions and in different international environment , their internationally strategic thoughts have different contents and embody different individual style .

  25. 秘书是领导者、主事者身边的综合辅助工作人员和公务服务人员。以辅助决策,综合协调,沟通信息,办文、办会、办事等为主要职能,是领导者、主事者的参谋和助手。

    To support decision-making , coordination , communication of information , doing paper work and to do so , act as the main function is the leader , in charge of staff and assistants .

  26. 西奥多里克获悉主事法官姓名之后,下令他们尽快处理,结果两天就有判决。这判决令朱韦纳利斯十分满意。

    The king , being informed who were her judges , gave orders that they should give all expedition to the woman 's cause , and in two days it was decided to her satisfaction .

  27. 本文根据主事的语义差别,把动词分为5类,即:动作动词、性状动词、致使动词、感知动词和关系动词。

    According to the semantic distinctions of themes , the verbs fall into 5 classes , namely the behavioral verb , the state verb , the rendering verb , the perceptive verb and the linking verb .

  28. 此事的讽刺意味在于,至少在开始的时候,英国石油似乎采取了教科书上有关如何应对企业危机的标准方法派首席执行官到第一线主事,负起清理油污的责任,并补偿受害者。

    The irony of this is that , early on at least , BP appeared to be adopting a textbook approach to corporate crises dispatching its chief executive to lead from the front , taking responsibility for cleaning the spill and compensating victims .

  29. 在鉴定汇票签名属主事人或代理人手笔时,应采取对票据效力最有利之方法予以推定。它既可以判定一个命题公式是重言式、盾式或协调式,也可以判定命题推理是否有效。

    " In determining whether a signature on a bill is that of the principal or that of the agent by whose hand it is written , the construction most favorable to the validity of the instrument shall be adopted . " It can judge if a proposition is valid .