
zhǔ yīn
  • tonic;keynote
主音 [zhǔ yīn]
  • [keynote;tonic] 调式中的核心音。当调式中的几个音排列成音阶时,第一个音即为主音

主音[zhǔ yīn]
  1. 是一个大调或小音阶的主音或与之相关的。

    Relating to or being the keynote of a major or minor scale .

  2. 中国五声调式同主音横向综合的理论与实践

    The Theory & the Practice on the Lateral Synthesis of the Same Keynote in Chinese Pentatonic Modes

  3. 乐队的主音歌手曾是一位艺术院校学生。

    A former art student fronted the band .

  4. 分析了MIDI文件的结构,然后提出了确定主音轨的方法,并从中提取出音乐文件的旋律轮廓。

    After analyzing the MIDI file format , proposed the method of determining the main track , and extracted melodic contour from the MIDI music file . 2 .

  5. 两者都以约5000Hz的主频率为主音的单音调声,但CP-叫声的主频率幅值比SP-叫声平均高10.5dB。

    Both are a monotone sound with the principal frequency at about 5000 Hz as the dominant tone , but the amplitudes of principal frequencies in the CP-call are 10.5 dB in average higher than those in the SP-call .

  6. MSR的MHSC主要继承母本性状,而父本的MPF为4050Hz的RP显性化为次主音。

    In the MSR , the MHSCs inherit mainly the charaters in the female parent , but the RP of MPF at 4050 Hz in the male parent developed into its sub-dominant tone .

  7. 我负责旋律和背景吉他部分,Tearguitar负责主音部分,我们会一起唱。

    I took charge in rhythm guitar and backing , tearguitar took charge in lead guitar , but we 're both singing together .

  8. 在管风琴上的两个主音栓的任何一个。

    Either of the two main stops on a pipe organ .

  9. 主音是一个单词的主要重音。

    A tonic syllables carries the main stress in a word .

  10. 我听另类摇滚,女主音的乐队我觉得很特别。

    I love alternative rock and bands with a female vocalist .

  11. 主音,中音和属音一同构成主音三和弦。

    Tonic , mediant and dominant together form the tonic triad .

  12. 在调性音乐中,其是仅次于主音的重要调。

    In tonal music it is next in importance to the tonic .

  13. 主音一直在听者头脑中回旋。

    The tonic is carried inside the listener 's head .

  14. 所给调子或音调中的主音。

    The dominant in a given key or tonality .

  15. 主音音高作为一种低沉底音(低音调)奏出,在整个演奏中贯穿始终。

    The tonic pitch is played as a drone that runs throughout the performance .

  16. 这些日子他是一个名叫“和平药丸”的东京乐队的主音吉他手。

    These days he 's playing lead guitar for a Tokyo-based band named Peace Pill .

  17. 那当时你被邀请做主音吉他的时候那感觉是什么样的呢?

    GB : So what did you feel like when you were asked to join as the lead guitarist ?

  18. 在韩国,一个人从背景伴唱到主音歌手是很困难且耗时很漫长。

    In Korea , it will be difficult and slow for someone who is a backup vocal becoming a main singer .

  19. 惠特妮休斯顿最初是在俱乐部里为很多组合做背景伴唱后来才成为主音歌手。

    WH started singing as a backup vocal for many groups in the club and was able to be a main singer .

  20. 你们都弹奏吉他和唱歌,你们各自的角色是什麽?你负责主音吗?

    You both play the guitar and singing , what 's your each role ? Heard you take charge of lead guitar .

  21. (音乐)有音调的;也就是音调和和音组织成关于一个音,例如基调或主音。

    ( music ) having tonality ; i.e. tones and chords organized in relation to one tone such as a keynote or tonic .

  22. 完全终止的在乐章或乐曲结尾指出由第五音到主音的和声或和弦的。

    Designating a cadence or chord progression from the dominant to the tonic at the end of a phrase or piece of music .

  23. 事实上,将这支合唱团转化成为真正的摇滚乐团的,就是主音吉他手哈里森。

    In fact , it was harrison 's lead guitar that transformed the ensemble into a bona fide rock @ n @ roll band .

  24. 摇滚乐队皇后的主音吉他手布莱恩·梅刚念完天体物理学的博士课程,就获利物浦约翰莫尔斯大学委任为校监。

    Brian May , lead guitarist from rock band Queen who has just completed a doctorate in astrophysics , was named as the next chancellor to Liverpool John Moores University .

  25. 在2009年,科伊斯和邓恩宣布在2010年一场告别巡演后他们正式分道扬镳。在二人组合时期,科伊斯演奏主音吉他并演唱人声合唱。

    In 2009 , Kix and Dunn announced they were going their separate ways after performing a farewell tour in 2010 . Kix played lead guitar and sang harmony vocals in Kix & Dunn .

  26. 死亡金属的常用装备是两把电吉他、一把低音吉他(贝司)、一位主音歌手(主唱)和一套爵士鼓(即架子鼓,普遍使用两个低音鼓或底鼓双踩踏板)。

    The setup most frequently used in death metal is two electric guitars , a bass guitar , a vocalist and a drum kit almost universally using two bass drums or a double bass drum pedal .

  27. 调、主音包括七个与主音有固定关系的音色的调音系统,有独特的调号,自文艺复兴以来一直是西方音乐主体的结构基础;调性。

    A tonal system consisting of seven tones in fixed relationship to a tonic , having a characteristic key signature and being since the Renaissance the structural foundation of the bulk of Western music ; tonality .

  28. 虽然也用来演奏一些小调歌曲及少量的蓝调,但由于主音是压音取得的,因此建议多用第三或第五把位演奏小调歌曲。

    If you play in5th position on a key of " C " harmonica you will now be in the key of " E "( actually it would be more accurately called " E minor ") .

  29. 回眸历史,1979&2001年间日本对华直接投资的增长始终是中日经济交流中不可忽视的亮点和主音。

    Looking back the history , The increase of Japanese direct investment in China between 1979 and 2001 is always the sparkle which can not be neglected and main melody in the China - Japan economic interflow .

  30. 下面是麦克风下面是正确跳舞下面是正确木琴吉他摇滚乐手主音键盘弹琴到底什么啊

    Ok , this is , Microphone , Ok , this is , yes , dancing , This is , yes , Xylophone , Guitar , lead rock and roll , lead guitar , strumming , what ?