
mín zú yuè tuán
  • nationalities orchestra
  1. 1999年,龚琳娜与中国最负盛名的传统音乐乐团&中国中央民族乐团合作,举行了自己的首场独唱音乐会。

    She held her first solo concert in 1999 and cooperated with the China Central Nationalities Orchestra , China ` s most prestigious traditional music orchestra .

  2. 中国广播艺术团民族乐团专业艺术团体传承民族歌舞艺术研究

    China Broadcast Traditional Orchestra A Study on Professional Ensemble Handing Down Folk Dance and Music

  3. 发展,来自不断的创新&回顾前卫民族乐团的乐器改革创新活动

    Development Comes from Constant Innovation : A Review of the Innovative Instrumental Music Reform in Qianwei Chinese Orchestra

  4. 南乐会的古曲《拉般》曲谱还被中央民族乐团采用并赴维也纳演出。

    And the China National Music Group adopted the ancient music play Laban and performed it in Vienna .

  5. 现任上海民族乐团琵琶演奏家。曾多次出访台湾、洲、本等地举办音乐会。

    Tang Xiaofeng is a Pipa musician of Shanghai Traditional Orchestra . He performed in concerts in Taiwan , Europe and Japan .

  6. 多年来,中国广播民族乐团一直是蜚声海内外具有一流水准的演奏团体。

    For many years , China Broadcasting Chinese Orchestra has always been among in the first-ranking performing organization , which is well-renowned both home and abroad .

  7. 钢娃少儿合唱团作为全国一流的民族乐团,在全国比赛中多次获奖,受到国内外专家好评。

    Children 's Choir of steel baby as the country 's leading national orchestra , a number of awards in the national competition by foreign experts praise .

  8. 昨晚“第六届音乐节开幕式音乐会”的乐音才止,今晚,我院民乐系专场&中国青年民族乐团音乐会又在学院音乐厅奏响民族音乐的绚丽乐章。

    Traditional Chinese Music Instruments Concert , one of the concert series of the Sixth Music Festival of CCOM , was held tonight at our Concert Hall .

  9. 当今中国广播民族乐团的乐队基本构架模式已经被国内外许多民族音乐专业乐团广泛参照或采用。

    The current basic performing team framework of China Broadcasting Chinese Orchestra has been referred to or adopted by many professional folk orchestras both at home and abroad .

  10. 1958年担任华南电影工作者联合会民族管弦乐团指挥。

    In1958 , he was appointed conductor of South China Film Industry Workers Union Chinese Orchestra .

  11. 两个布鲁克林人,拥有对音乐的爱好和对机器人的痴迷,这样的组合催生了世界上第一个完整的加麦兰民族管弦乐团机器人。

    A love for music and a fascination for robotics prompt two Brooklyn men to build the world 's first fully robotic Gamelan Orchestra .

  12. 民族管弦乐的实践与开拓&有关中央民族乐团乐队改革与发展的思考

    Thoughts on the Reform and Development of Central Chinese Music Orchestra