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mín quán
  • civil rights;civil liberties;democratic rights
民权 [mín quán]
  • [civil rights;democratic rights] 公民在政治领域里享有的民主权利

民权[mín quán]
  1. 罢工带上了民权运动的意味。

    The strike has taken on overtones of a civil rights campaign

  2. 那项判决已遭到了民权组织的严厉批评。

    That ruling had drawn sharp criticism from civil rights groups .

  3. 他承认自己有被民权领袖出卖了的感觉。

    He acknowledged the sense of betrayal by civil rights leaders .

  4. 这些观念在美国民权运动中重新抬头。

    These ideas resurfaced again in the American civil rights movement

  5. 负责民权事务的官员说可能还有数百宗种族暴力事件。

    Civil rights officials say there may be hundreds of other cases of racial violence

  6. 但是政府的计划意外遭到了民权运动人士的强烈反对。

    But the government 's plans have run into strong opposition from civil rights campaigners .

  7. 大约有50个民权组织、女性社团和拉丁裔社团联合起来反对他。

    He had been opposed by a coalition of about 50 civil rights , women 's and Latino organizations .

  8. 那位候选人明确表示了他对民权问题的观点。

    The candidate nailed his colours to the mast on the question of civil rights .

  9. 它持续了一年多,掀起了民权运动。

    It lasted for more than a year , and kicked off the civil-rights movement .

  10. 没错,过去也有使用阻挠立法手段的——尤其是种族隔离分子阻止民权法案使用过

    Yes , there were filibusters in the past-most notably by segregationists trying to block civil rights legislation .

  11. 第一天上美国历史课时,教授布置学习第五章有关公民权的材料。

    On the first day of an American history class , the professor assigned five chapters on civil rights .

  12. 不管你们是否意识到,与民权运动那一代相比,你们拥有更多的指导、更多的榜样和更多的资源。

    Whether you realize it or not , you ’ ve got more road maps , more role models , more resources than the civil rights generation did .

  13. 你们选择了追随那些撼动整个体制的人的无畏脚步——瑟古德·马歇尔和金博士那样的民权标杆,托尼·莫里森和斯派克·李那样的故事创作者。

    You chose to follow in the fearless footsteps of people who shook the system to its core — civil rights icons15 like Thurgood Marshall and Dr. King , storytellers like Toni Morrison and Spike16 Lee .

  14. 约翰·刘易斯(JohnLewis),国会议员、民权领袖

    John Lewis , congressman and civil rights leader

  15. 在美国民权运动期间马丁路德金(MartinLutherKing)也利用了这一点。

    Martin Luther King also put it to work during the US civil rights movement .

  16. 民权大会(CivilRightsCongress)称,暴力活动主要发生在该国北部的卡杜纳,而且遇难者的数量可能会更高。

    The Civil Rights Congress said the violence happened mostly in Kaduna state , in the north of the country , and the number of victims could be even higher .

  17. 不过,民权中心的实习生埃斯特尔·林(EsterRim)能体会最高法院的裁决带来的失望之情。

    Ester Rim , an intern at MinKwon , could , however , relate to the disappointment in the Supreme Court .

  18. 对该职位感兴趣的人之一是众议院的JesseJackson,美国民权运动领导的儿子。

    Among those interested in the seat is Representative Jesse Jackson Junior , the son of the civil rights leader .

  19. 近日,美国人民失去了20世纪两位民权领袖,多萝西·海特(DorothyHeight)和本杰明·胡克斯(BenjaminHooks)。

    In recent days , Americans have lost two civil rights leaders of the twentieth century , Dorothy Height and Benjamin Hooks .

  20. 美国民权运动的标志人物约瑟夫·洛厄里(JosephLowery)也获得了奖章。

    Joseph Lowrey , an icon of the American civil rights movement , was also honored .

  21. 五月,美国民权同盟(AmericanCivilLibertiesUnion)给州立和联邦机构发去信函,要求调查好莱坞主要制片公司、网络和人才经纪机构的雇员情况。

    In May , the American Civil Liberties Union sent letters to state and federal agencies seeking an investigation of the hiring practices of the major Hollywood studios , networks and talent agencies .

  22. 50年前,三K党在伯明翰16街的浸礼会教堂制造了爆炸案,造成黑人女孩遇难,这家教堂成为袭击目标的原因是其在民权运动中所发挥的重要作用。

    The honor comes 50 years after the black girls were killed by a Ku Klux Klan bomb , at Birmingham 16th street Baptist church , targeted because of its role in the civil rights movement .

  23. 从戛纳电影节、到F1方程式锦标赛、到有色人种民权促进协会,到处都有他们的身影。

    The pair are often spotted hand-in-hand on the red carpet , everywhere from the Cannes Film Festival to Formula One Grand Prix races to the NAACP awards .

  24. 亚拉巴马州塞尔玛市(Selma,Alabama)是上世纪60年代在民权问题上,尤其是选举权问题上发生冲突的中心。

    Selma , Alabama , was a center of conflict over civil rights in the1960s , particularly voting rights .

  25. 他的母亲制作过一部关于民权运动时期取消学校种族隔离的电影,并因此获得“皮博迪”奖(peabodyaward);他的父亲是电视电影制作人,一度曾效力于派拉蒙。

    His mother won a Peabody Award for a film she produced about school integration during the civil rights era while his father made television movies and worked , for a time , at Paramount .

  26. 多位民权领袖、诗人和音乐家也参加了仪式,其中著名歌手艾瑞莎·富兰克林(ArethaFranklin)致辞并献唱。

    A host of civil rights leaders , poets and musicians also took part in the ceremony , including celebrated singer Aretha Franklin , who delivered remarks and a performance .

  27. 热火队后卫詹姆斯•琼斯(JamesJones)说他有一副类似马尔科姆•艾克斯(MalcolmX,美国民权运动领袖)曾戴过的ShuronRonsirs眼镜,他称威斯布鲁克的形象很“古怪”。这还是比较客气的说法。

    Miami guard James Jones , who said he has a pair of Shuron Ronsirs similar to the ones Malcolm X once wore , dismissed Mr. Westbrook 's look as " quirky . " And that was before he really cut deep .

  28. 客户们不只是投资,他们真的想做更多,居住权和公民权规划公司亨利合伙公司(Henley&Partners)马耳他办事处的总经理马克·斯坦纳德(MarkStannard)说。

    Clients genuinely want to do more than just make the investment , said Mark Stannard , managing director of the Maltese office of Henley & Partners , a residence and citizenship planning firm .

  29. 他们兄弟俩被判欺诈法国化妆品公司伊芙黎雪(YvesRocher)罪名成立。他们的支持者及民权运动人士表示,这些指控带有政治目的。

    The brothers were found guilty of defrauding Yves Rocher , the French cosmetics firm , charges which their supporters and civil rights activists say are politically motivated .

  30. 如今无论组织规模还是影响力,ACLU都已经成为美国民权组织中最重要的一支力量,享有美国最大的法律事务所之称和被誉为公民权利的看门狗。

    No matter the organization size or influence , ACLU has become the most important force in many civil rights groups on America society in today .