
mín zú zì zūn xīn
  • national pride;national self-respect
  1. 就那些移民输出国来说,让一些人移居国外有损于民族自尊心。

    In the sending countries , having some people emigrate can wound national pride .

  2. 受到伤害的民族自尊心和经济上不满情绪交织在一起,一触即发,导致了战争。

    Wounded national pride and economic discontent combined to form an explosive mixture that led to war .

  3. 中国人民有自己的民族自尊心和自豪感。

    We , the Chinese people , have our national self-respect and pride .

  4. 我倾向于维护人民的民族自尊心。

    I intend to defend the pride of our people .

  5. 必须发扬爱国主义精神,提高民族自尊心和民族自信心。

    We must encourage patriotism and a sense of national dignity and self-confidence .

  6. 最近几年,外国观察人士已经注意到日本国内日益增强的民族自尊心。

    In recent years foreign observers have reported increasing nationalistic pride in Japan .

  7. 做经济投降的时代结束了--新的民族自尊心在席卷我们的国土。

    The era of economic surrender is over - and a new national pride is sweeping across our land .

  8. 全球化是由资本主义世界所主导的,这直接影响国民的民族自尊心和自信心,冲击传统的民族精神;

    The globalization is lead by the capitalism world directly , which affects the national self-respect , the self-confidence and the traditional national spirit ;

  9. 首先,他所提美国干涉中国内战的主张,伤害了许多中国知识分子的民族自尊心。

    In the first place , his proposal that the United States intervene in China 's civil war offended the nationalist sentiments of many Chinese intellectuals .

  10. 应以提高和普及人民大众的抗日的知识技能和民族自尊心为中心。

    This should centre on promoting and spreading the knowledge and skills needed for the war and a sense of national pride among the masses of the people .

  11. 应该说,这种思想观念有着进步积极的一面,有利于培养受教育的民族自尊心和民族自豪感,有利于养成团结互助的精神。

    It cannot be denied that this concept has a positive side , that is , it helps children develop the sense of national pride and the spirit of unity and mutual assistance .

  12. 对于一个经济繁荣、民族自尊心增强的韩国来讲,仅仅在大国的夹缝中求得国家的安全与生存显然不是其对外关系的根本目标。

    So far as Korea with economic prosperity and national pride was concerned , the basic goals of its foreign relations was not look for and obtain security and survive from the struggle of powerful nations .

  13. 大学生爱国主义教育的主要内容包括国家主权教育、国家安全教育、改革开放观念教育、民族自尊心和自豪感教育、民族传统文化教育、社会主义教育。

    The patriotic education of college students consists mainly in multiple education in national security , the concepts of reform and opening-up , national self-esteem and the sense of national pride , traditional national culture , and socialism .

  14. 因此,把传统武术引入普通高校体育课程,将有效地促进大学生身心健康、培养大学生优秀道德品质、树立当代中国大学生的民族自尊心和自豪感,从而传承和弘扬了民族传统文化。

    So , teaching them traditional Wushu will promote their physical and mental health , cultivate good values and build a sense of national pride and dignity . Thus , the college students can inherit and develop Chinese traditional culture .

  15. 在增强大学生身心健康、培养优秀道德品质、树立民族自尊心、传承中国传统文化等方面有着其他体育项目不可替代的作用。

    It also has its unreplaceable functions in strengthening the health of college students ' body and mind , developing their moral qualities , setting up their national self-esteem and carrying forward the traditional Chinese culture , which actually ensures its position in PE teaching .

  16. 在高校公共艺术教育中开展少数民族音乐教育,是传承民族音乐文化、增强民族自尊心、自豪感,为国家培养新世纪合格人才的重要途径。

    The minority folk education of public art education in high schools does not only depend on setting up a few minority folk conspectus or appreciation lessons .

  17. 并且这也是针对我们中国现代社会中,普遍存在的道德滑坡,传统民族文化日益受到外来文化的冲击而导致的民族自尊心的弱化提出来的。

    In the same time , this is put forward aimed at the ubiquitous moral lapse in Chinese modern society and the nation inferiority complex induced by the impulsion of extra culture on traditional culture .

  18. 民族精神是民族文化的精华,是民族自豪感、自尊心和自信心的集中体现,是一个民族的灵魂,是一个民族不断繁衍、发展壮大的强大精神动力。

    As the essence of national culture , national spirit is the embodiment of national pride , national self-esteem and national self-confidence .

  19. 目前,德育教育内容中严重缺乏中华民族优秀传统文化内容,致使我国青少年的道德精神贫乏,民族自尊心、自信心不足。

    At present , teenager morality education in China lacks elements of the fine Chinese traditional culture , which leads to the deficiency of morality , national self-esteem and self confidence .

  20. 梳理和弘扬少数民族传统文化中的优良传统,是社会主义精神文明和精神文明建设的时代要求,有助于提高民族自尊心和民族自信心,增强民族自豪感和民族责任感。

    And carry forward the traditional culture of ethnic minorities combing the fine tradition of socialist spiritual civilization and spiritual civilization of the times , help to improve national pride and national self-confidence , enhance national pride and sense of responsibility .