
  • 网络Minzu Rd
  1. 天津市意大利租界民族路片区改造分析

    Reconstruction of Minzu Road in Italy Concession Area of Tianjin

  2. 最后以民族路的改建为例,分析研究意租界历史街区当前改建中存在的问题。

    In the end , I take rebuilding of nationality as an example , analyze and study problems during we rebuild Italy concession history District . 4 .

  3. 他是巴基斯坦少数民族俾路支人。

    He is Baloch , an ethnic minority in Pakistan .

  4. 研究新疆油画发展到民族之路任重而道远。

    This dissertation concludes that Xinjiang painting development has a long way to go .

  5. 明天我们喝什么&民族酒业路该怎样走

    What to Drink in the Future

  6. (我们的民族一路走来),这旅途之中从未有过捷径或者妥协,这旅途也不适合胆怯之人、或者爱安逸胜过爱工作之人、或者单单追求名利之人。

    Our journey has never been one of short-cuts or settling for less . It has not been the path for the faint-hearted - for those who prefer leisure over work , or seek only the pleasures of riches and fame .

  7. 浅谈中国油画的民族化之路

    The Localization of oil Painting in China

  8. 论中国民族经济学之路&发展轨迹与理论创新

    Discussion on the Road of Chinese National Economics & The Development Track and the Theory Innovation

  9. 探寻民族复兴之路

    In Pursuit of National Rejuvenation

  10. 第五章,根据前文归纳总结了今后我国的现代招贴设计走民族化之路要遵循的原则。

    Chapter 6 , according to earlier in the future are summarized in traditional into a modern design should follow the principles .

  11. 中国特色社会主义道路有丰富的内涵,是实现民族复兴之路、实现共同富裕之路和实现社会和谐之路。

    Socialism with Chinese characteristics has rich connotations , it is the way to achieve national rejuvenation 、 common prosperity and social harmony .

  12. 在中国近代思想史上,郭嵩焘是一位极为孤独的热眼向洋、寻求民族振兴之路的先行者。

    In the ideology history of modern china , Guo Song Tao was a lonely forerunner , who had been probing for methods of rejuvenating the nation by learning from foreign countries .

  13. 民族音乐复兴之路探索

    The Exploration in to the Revival of National Music

  14. 中华民族伟大复兴之路&论中国和平崛起的重要战略机遇期

    On Ch. People 's Great Revival Route

  15. 民族教育发展之路探索

    Exploration of Development of National Education

  16. 中国特色社会主义道路就是中华民族的复兴之路。

    The socialist road of Chinese features is the road to the Chinese national great renaissance .

  17. 实现社会,经济的现代化,是每个民族兴旺发达之路。

    To realize the modernization of society and economy is the way for every ethnic group to develop .

  18. 从文化训适的角度,探索中国少数民族可持续发展之路。

    From the view of cultural adaptation , the dissertation explores the sustaining development of Chinese ethnic minorities .

  19. 希望本文能给国产动画的民族文化传播之路带来一点启发。

    We hope this paper will bring some inspiration to the process of national culture transmission of domestic animation .

  20. 三种思想文化思潮虽然各执一端,但出发点都是为民族探寻自强之路,都体现一种十分执著的爱国精神。

    Though they have different stands , their starting point is to seek a way of self-development for the nation and embody a firm patriotic spirit .

  21. 在其短暂的革命生涯中,他积极投于社会变革的理论探索中,为寻求国家民族的发展之路,孜孜矻矻,勤勉不辍。

    In short revolutionary career , he took an active part in theoretical explorations on social change , in the search for the nation 's development path continuously .

  22. 诚邀国内外生产商、进出口商,认识振华,了解振华,与振华携手探索中华民族服装业之路。

    Sincerely inviting the producers , the exporters and importers from domestic and abroad come to know Zhenhua , and searching the road of Chinese nationality garments with Zhenhua hand in hand .

  23. 郑观应的经济思想在唤起民族觉醒,探索民族振兴之路,推动近代工商业发展,捍卫国家经济利益等方面起了积极的作用。

    Zheng Guan-ying 's economic ideas played a positive role in arousing national consciousness , exploring the road of national rejuvenation , promoting modern industrial and business development and defending the national economic interests .

  24. 要防止民族歧视和隔离,走民族团结、民族平等、各民族共同繁荣之路。

    We should continue to forge ahead on the road of National Unity , National Equality and Mutual Prosperity of all Nations .

  25. 我们民族的灾难深重极了,惟有科学的态度和负责的精神,能够引导我们民族到解放之路。

    The troubles that have befallen our nation are extremely serious , and only a scientific approach and a spirit of responsibility can lead it on to the road of liberation .