
mín zhèng
  • civil administration
民政 [mín zhèng]
  • [civil administration] 政府处理的有关人民的行政事务,如户政、婚姻登记、优抚、救济等

民政[mín zhèng]
  1. 本文在对民政行业深入分析的基础上,提出了建设民政行业动态数据中心(DynamicDataCenter)完整体系框架。

    This article based on deep analysis on civil administration brings up the whole architecture of construction Dynamic Data Center ( DDC ) .

  2. 目的:调查民政医院精神分裂症住院患者抗精神病药(APD)的使用现状及影响因素。

    Objective : To investigate the antipsychotic drug ( APD ) use patterns for treating schizophrenia in hospital of Civil Administration and analyze the influence factors .

  3. 经过民政人员到处查访,他终于和失散多年的亲人团聚了。

    Thanks to lengthy searching by civil affairs personnel , he was finally reunited with his long-lost family .

  4. 没有第一款规定的监护人的,由精神病人的所在单位或者住所地的居民委员会、村民委员会或者民政部门担任监护人。

    If none of the persons listed in the first paragraph of this article is available to be the guardian , the unit to which the mentally ill person belongs , the neighbourhood or village committee in the place of his residence or the civil affairs department shall act as his guardian .

  5. 没有第一款、第二款规定的监护人的,由未成年人的父、母的所在单位或者未成年人住所地的居民委员会、村民委员会或者民政部门担任监护人。

    If none of the persons listed in the first two paragraphs of this article is available to be the guardian , the units of the minor 's parents , the neighbourhood or village committee in the place of the minor 's residence or the civil affairs department shall act as his guardian .

  6. 民政低保系统中基于XML的数据交换浅析

    Data Exchange Analyze Based on XML in System of Lowest Living Ensure

  7. 以长沙民政职业技术学院GIS开发为例予以介绍。

    The Changsha Social Work College Campus GIS as a background is take .

  8. 加入WTO与民政体制改革

    Entry into the WTO and Civil Administrative Restructuring

  9. 在周一,由世界卫生组织主持的一个全球协作组织卫生计量网络(HealthMetricsNetwork)也启动了一个项目来通过民政注册系统来计算所有的生死情况。

    Yesterday , the Health Metrics Network , a global partnership hosted by the WHO , launched a drive to count all births and deaths through civil registration .

  10. 采用基于J2EE三层结构技术的Web应用系统构架,其提供的中间层集成框架概念满足了民政系统高性价比、高可靠性和易于扩展的应用需求。

    Web application framework based on J2EE web tertiary structure provides middle layer integrated framework , meeting the practical need of high price quality , high stability and easily extended .

  11. 学分制下高职院校班级凝聚力建设探析&以长沙民政职业技术学院D1班为个案

    On the Construction of Centripetal Force of Class in College under Credit System & Case Study of the Class D1 of Changsha Social Word College

  12. 另一些人对中国民政部被旁观表达了失望,该部门在与国内外NGO打交道方面拥有长期经验。

    Others have expressed disappointment at the sidelining of the Ministry of Civil Affairs , which has long experience in dealing with foreign and domestic NGOs .

  13. 学生型法定NGO是高校公益型学生社团到民政部门登记注册,向法定NGO转型的产物,在我国尚属于一个新的现象。

    Student-legal NGO is the transformation product from the welfare student organization which has enrolled at Civil Affairs Bureau . It is a new phenomenon in China .

  14. 相比之下,英国独立党(UKIP)和法国国民阵线(NationalFront)等欧洲民粹主义反移民政党的崛起正将移民辩论推向更右倾的方向。

    In Europe , by contrast , the rise of populist anti-immigration parties , such as Britain 's UK Independence party and France 's National Front , is still driving the debate to the right .

  15. 之后BBC新闻报道称“已经在阿伯丁郡的亨特利民政局预约6月23日登记结婚”,证实了婚期。

    BBC News would later report that , " A 23 June date has been posted at the Huntly registration office in Aberdeenshire " confirming their wedding was scheduled for this weekend .

  16. 方法对在民政部门要求结婚登记的482对农村青年进行问卷调查和随机应答技术(RRT)的调查。

    Methods To provide questionnaire to 482 couples of the pre-martial rural youth when they were being marriage registration on the civil administration .

  17. 各民政业务系统中与民政人口信息及业务记录有关数据通过ETL工具加载到综合业务子系统,以数据查询和统计分析的方式为领导提供决策支持。

    Any data about district population information and business records in civil affairs is loaded to integrated services subsystem , supporting decision making processing by the meanings of data queries and statistical analysis .

  18. 在预算削减及反移民政党的施压下,意大利大规模的搜救行动&我们的海(MareNostrum),已经于去年被叫停。

    An extensive Italian search and rescue operation , Mare Nostrum , was closed last year amid budget cuts and pressure from anti-immigrant parties .

  19. 民政工作拓展大学社区建设的新思路

    Civil Administration Promoting the Establishment of Communities in Colleges and Universities

  20. 欢迎各位出席民政事务局庚寅年新春酒会。

    Welcome to the spring reception of the Home Affairs Bureau .

  21. 一是私人开办,由镇民政部门统一管理的私营养老机构。

    The other is operate by private and managed by government .

  22. 高职高专院校课程体系改革的探索与实践&以长沙民政职业技术学院为例

    Exploration and Practice of Course Structure Reform in Higher Vocational Colleges

  23. 中国公安部和民政部均拒绝置评此事。

    The public security and civil affairs ministries declined to comment .

  24. 中国民政社会工作教育发展评述

    Comments on Development of Civil Administration and Social Work Education in China

  25. 预演:民政舒展,预计亏损。

    Previews : The home stretch , expect to lose money here .

  26. 高职院校校外实践教学基地建设模式探索与实践&基于长沙民政职业技术学院校外实践教学基地建设的分析

    Exploration and Practice on Multiple Models of External Practicing and Teaching Bases

  27. 中国(深圳)民政大厦施工技术

    Construction Techniques for China ( Shenzhen ) Civil Administration Building

  28. 中国烹饪协会是经国家民政部门正式批准成立的全国餐饮业行业协会。

    CCA is an authorized guild approved by National Civil Administration Department .

  29. 民政事务总署联络主任协会

    " Association of liaison officers , Home Affairs department "

  30. 据民政部早晨7点发言,周一中午四川汶川发生的里氏7.8级地震,已造成八个省市自治区9219人死亡。

    The7.8-magnitude quake , which occurred in Wenchuan Monday afternoon .