
  • 网络kitamura;north village
  1. 型铁心变压器为使用了北村机电发明的圆形无断面切割R型铁心的变压器。

    The R-core transformers are ideal transformers making the most of R-core , the brainchild of Kitamura Kiden , which is a non-cut Core with a round section .

  2. 皈依的先锋:北村小说的叙事转变研究

    Conversion Vanguard : Kitamura Study Changes in Narrative Fiction

  3. 周国泰(音译)是泰北村(音译)的会计。

    Zhou Guo Tai is the accountant for Tai Bei village .

  4. 拿什么来拯救悲剧?&读北村的《愤怒》

    WHAT CAN SAVE TRAGEDY : After Reading Bei Cun s Indignation ;

  5. 鲁迅和北村的《伤逝》中理想爱情模式的主体是不同的。

    The subject of the ideal love model in the two homonymous novels is quite different .

  6. 他坐在一顶上面写着“泰北村办公室”的蓝色帐篷前记账。

    He sits in front of a blue tent labeled " Tai Bei Village Office " tallying numbers .

  7. 北村《施洗的河》、张行健《田野上的教堂》反映改革开放后信教的自由与宗教的影响力。

    Christened River by Bei Cun , Church in the Fields by Zhang Xingjian reflects religious freedom and influence .

  8. 北村作为先锋派作家,自20世纪90年代以后逐渐进入人类精神领域的探索。

    BEI Cun , a pioneer writer , has gradually probed into the spiritual world of human being since 1990s .

  9. 用小说的形式坚持信仰是北村选择的一条道路。

    His style as a novelist is an outpouring of his faith , and it is the path that he chose .

  10. 激荡在诗意与现实之间的存在冲突&读北村《玛卓的爱情》

    Conflict Existing between the Poetic Sense and the Reality & Reading Bei Cun s novel of Ma Zhuo s Love ;

  11. 因此北村社会制度不是指村庄内部的制度,而是不同制度相互结合的模式。

    So the social institutions of Bei Village dose not mean the inner institutions of this village but the combination pattern of different institutions .

  12. 本文从文化、文学、神学这三个层面出发,以此递进阐明北村的小说和西方基督教文化之间的阻隔,并综合分析其产生间隔的来由。

    This article in the terms of culture , the literature and theology , generally analyses the gap between the novels and western Christianity culture .

  13. 以先锋姿态步入文坛的北村,由于与基督文化的密切关系而发生创作转型。

    Marches into the literary world by took a pioneer stance , Beicun as a result of has creation reforming with the Christ culture close relation .

  14. 同时,总结足尺寸构件试验和北村新工程试验中的测试方法的优缺点,提出改进后的测量混凝土结构收缩的试验方法。

    Meanwhile , Summarize advantages and disadvantages of sufficient size component test and field test and puts forward the improvement measure of concrete structure shrinkage test method .

  15. 因而,当我读完北村的长篇小说《愤怒》之后,作为他的好朋友,不得不为他的身体而担心起来。

    So after I finished reading the long novel " Anger " by North Village , as his good friend , I began to feel concern for his health .

  16. 连平潭岛上位于巨大风车脚下的寂静的芦北村都感到了对清洁能源的迫切需求。

    The pressing need for clean and sustainable energy is felt even in Lou Bei , a sleepy farming village at the foot of Pingtan 's giant wind turbines .

  17. 意义担当与审美的离弃&北村婚恋小说的情节困境承担同意承担(义务或责任)

    Bearing of Meanings and Abandonment of Aesthetics-On the Plot Predicament of Bei Cun s Novels about Love and Marriage ; To agree to take ( a duty or responsibility ) .

  18. 第二章,分析作品揭示出的人之所以会如此痛苦绝望的渊源,推断出北村小说救赎精神的第二层内涵:寻找人的痛苦绝望的源头;

    Chapter 2 analyses the origin why humans are so painful and desperate and deduces the second intension of the healing of human spirits : searching for the origin of human sorrow and desperation .

  19. 建议在北村至大禹渡之间增设一个水位站作为水库新的控制指标站,并开展水库不同水位对该站以上河段冲淤影响的研究。

    It is suggested that a gauging station should be set up as new control index one and an effect at different levels of reservoir on erosion and deposition upstream of this station should be studied .

  20. 以锡山市张泾镇泾北村的二暗一明灌排工程为例,探讨了该类工程经济后评价方法。

    Taking an irrigation and drainage project with two kinds of closed conduits and one kind of open ditches in Xishan City for example , the secondary economical evaluation method for this mode projects is discussed .

  21. 北村说,在“工作至上”的日本,由于很多男人的工作压力太大,以至于他们没有足够的精力过性生活,但是很多其他的夫妇也没有正常的性生活。

    Kitamura said that while many men in workaholic Japan are simply too " stressed out " from their jobs to have enough energy for sex , many other couples simply do not have sex regularly .

  22. 对问题的解决构成了发展的内涵,我们通过北村的故事说明,农村发展的问题不仅仅是转移农民的过程还是留住农民的过程,而留住农民往往是最容易被忽视的。

    We want to show that the rural development is not only the transfer of the peasants but also how to keep them stay in their land , and the latter is often ignored in the rural development .

  23. 江南地区风景名胜区中新农村建设思路初探&以苏州石湖风景区新南和新北村为例

    A Research on the Construction of New Countryside in Famous Scenic Area at the Southern Areas of Yangtze River & In the Case of Xin Nan and Xin Bei Villages in Stone Lake Scenic Area , Su Zhou