
  • 网络north coast;The North Shore
  1. 加拿大北海岸冰酒市场营销策略研究

    A Marketing Strategy Research on Canadian North Shore Icewine

  2. 北海岸那边是个山地自行车热点,每周末我都会去骑车穿梭在雨林之间。

    The north shore is a mountain biking mecca and I run on rainforest trails every weekend .

  3. 狂风一直在北海岸肆虐。

    Severe winds have been battering the north coast .

  4. 西南极乔治王岛北海岸火山岩的~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar和K-Ar年龄测定

    40 ar / 39 AR and K Ar dating of the volcanic rocks from the northern coast of King George island , West Antarctica

  5. 沿着北海岸有许多高悬崖。

    Along the northern coast there are many high cliffs .

  6. 沿该大陆的北海岸线上有许多峭壁。

    Along the northern coast of this continent , there are many crags .

  7. 苏格兰的北海岸现在有了一项前端的技术项目。

    Here is another cutting-edge technological project off the north coast of Scotland .

  8. 大西洋北海岸出产的富含脂肪的粉红色鱼肉;鱼肉常在市场上交易。

    Fatty pink flesh of fish from northern coastal Atlantic ; usually marketed fresh .

  9. 它位于大西洋北部,与欧洲大陆的北海岸隔海相望。

    It lies in the North Atlantic Ocean off the north coast of Europe .

  10. 史密斯一家去年夏天在西班牙的北海岸度假。

    The Smiths spent the summer holiday on the north coast of Spain last year .

  11. 围绕岛上最大的城市的北海岸区域,福冈,非常繁荣。

    The area on the north coast around the island 's biggest city , Fukuoka , is abuzz .

  12. 大西洋和太平洋之间欧亚北海岸的水道。

    A water route along the northern coast of Europe and Asia between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans .

  13. 黄河流经山东省西部地区,在山东省北海岸入海。

    The Yellow River passes through Shandong 's western areas , entering the sea along Shandong 's northern coast ;

  14. 征服的浪潮沿着非洲的北海岸涌向直布罗陀海峡及西班牙。

    The tide of conquest poured along the north coast of Africa to the Straits of Gibraltar and Spain .

  15. 在南部主要是草原,北部都是森林,它包括沿着北海岸的冻土地带。

    These plains are predominantly steppe to the south and heavily forested to the north , with tundra along the northern coast .

  16. 欧洲西部大西洋的一个海湾;被法国西海岸和西班牙北海岸环绕。

    An arm of the Atlantic Ocean in Western europe ; bordered by the west coast of France and the north coast of spain .

  17. 现场经过回填标高提升,地基土质为杭州湾北海岸常见的沉积层。

    The site elevation was created by raising it with reclaimed fill , which overlies sedimentary deposits common to the north coastline of Hangzhou Bay .

  18. 夏威夷北海岸小棚中孩子已经和他们来的地方越来越少,联系更多的是和他们将要去的地方。

    The kids next to us in the North Shore shack seemed much less concerned with where they came from than with where they were headed .

  19. 住在澳大利亚北海岸的土著人几周或几个月都不用为食物发愁。在这里,人们住的是比较坚固的房屋。

    But on the northern coasts of Australia , where the aborigines are assured of food for weeks or even months , they build more substantial shelters .

  20. 其最早的解百纳标着北海岸产区的标签,表明葡萄来自加州北部各个地区。

    Its earliest Cabernets bore a ' North Coast ' appellation , suggesting the grapes had been sourced from all over the northern part of the state .

  21. 想象一下当你每天回家时穿过索诺玛县的中心,在美丽的加利福尼亚北海岸线上看见超过450家的酿酒厂。

    Imagine moving to the heart of Sonoma County , where every day you 'll come home to more than 450 wineries along the beautiful northern coast of California .

  22. 1963年,当先前的英国殖民地新加坡,还有位于婆罗洲北海岸的东马来国家沙巴和砂劳越加入联盟后,马来西亚诞生了。

    Malaysia was formed in1963 when the former British colonies of Singapore and the East Malaysian states of Sabah and Sarawak on the northern coast of Borneo joined the Federation .

  23. 美国最常食用的龙虾是美洲鳌龙虾,这是唯一一个拥有两个大钳子、在加拿大和美国的大西洋北海岸捕捞的品种。

    The lobster eaten most often in the U.S. is Homarus americanus , the only species with two large claws that is caught along the north Atlantic coast in Canada and the U.S.

  24. 别的水手以前就绘制了澳大利亚西海岸和北海岸的部分海图,并且把南边的塔斯马尼亚岛也绘制出来了,而库克则是第一个绘制东海岸地图的人。

    Other sailors had already charted parts of the west and north coasts of Australia and the island of Tasmania in the south , but Cook was the first to map the east coast .

  25. 66岁的戴维·葛拉辛则将自己的独居经历比作“去了一趟月球”。自1996年起,他就和他那条混血狗住在澳大利亚北海岸以外的复原岛上。

    David Glasheen , 66 , likened his experience of living alone to " going to the moon . " He lives on Restoration Island , off the northern coast of Australia , with his mixed-breed dog , and has been there since 1996 .

  26. 渡船在北威尔士海岸附近被一股反常的海浪击中。

    The ferry was hit by a freak wave off the North Wales coast .

  27. 北太平洋海岸的大型海生水獭,有非常浓密的深褐色皮毛。

    Large marine otter of northern Pacific coasts having very thick dark brown fur .

  28. 渤海湾和北黄海海岸带及滩涂的土地和生物资源

    Land resources and biological resources of sea coast and tidal-flat region of Gulf of Bohai and North Yellow Sea

  29. 气象预报员发布了北卡海岸丹尼风暴前锋的热带风暴消息。

    Forecasters have issued a tropical storm watch for the North Carolina coast ahead of tropical storm " Danny " .

  30. 它们原生于喜马拉雅山脉、东南亚、马来西亚山上及北半球海岸。

    They are native to the Himalayas , southeastern Asia , the mountains of Malaysia and the coast of the Northern Hemisphere .