
  1. 阿伊努人是北日本大部分地区的原住民,在库页岛和堪察加半岛也定居着与他们有关系的部落。

    The Ainu were the originalinhabitants of much of northern Japan , while related groups had long settledSakhalin and Kamchatka .

  2. 在那里,他马上爱上了北日本所没有的各式野生动物、艳阳,以及多采的文化,而他的作品,也表现出南半球的暖和与热情。

    Promptly enamored with safari animals , the hot sun and vibrant cultures unknown in Northern Japan , Yayanagi 's oeuvre vividly depicts the contagious warmth and glee of the Southern hemisphere .

  3. 北九州日本九州岛北端一城市,位于连接濑户内海和朝鲜海峡的海峡边。

    A city of northern Kyushu , Japan , on the channel connecting the Inland Sea with the Korea Strait .

  4. 印度-太平洋:红海南至莫三比克而且东至凤凰岛,北至日本,南至澳洲。

    Indo-Pacific : Red Sea south to Mozambique and east to the Phoenix Islands , north to Japan , south to Australia .

  5. 东印度洋与西太平洋:印度到美属萨摩亚,北至日本南部,南至澳洲新南威尔斯。

    Eastern Indian Ocean and Western Pacific : India to Samoa , north to southern Japan , south to New South Wales , Australia .

  6. 印度-西太平洋:红海而且东非到巴布亚新几内亚,北至日本,南至澳洲新南威尔斯。

    Indo-West Pacific : Red Sea and East Africa to Papua New Guinea , north to Japan , south to New South Wales , Australia .

  7. 印度-太平洋:东非到列岛群岛,马贵斯群岛与社会群岛,北至日本南部,南至罗得豪岛。

    Gazetteer Indo-Pacific : East Africa to the Line , Marquesan and Society islands , north to southern Japan , south to Lord Howe Island .

  8. 整个11月,女排和男排世界杯将先后在北起日本仙台,南至鹿儿岛的10座城市举行。

    In November , the Chinese men 's and women 's volleyball teams will play in the World Cup tournaments to be held in 10 Japanese cities .

  9. 印度-太平洋:红海与东非(参考文献3972)到列岛群岛与社会群岛,北至日本南部与詹斯顿岛,南至拉帕岛与大堡礁的南方;

    Indo-Pacific : Red Sea and East Africa ( Ref.3972 ) to the Line and Society islands , north to southern Japan and Johnston Island , south to Rapa and the southern Great Barrier Reef ;

  10. 这条新环形光缆EACPacific将连接菲律宾、关岛、夏威夷和加州,然后往回穿越北太平洋至日本。

    The new loop cable , EAC Pacific , will link the Philippines , Guam , Hawaii and California before doubling back across the northern Pacific to Japan .

  11. “这个党的会议将是金正云亮相的盛会,”彼得说贝克,一个北朝鲜在日本庆应义塾大学的专家。

    " This party meeting will be a coming-out party for Kim Jong-un ," said Peter Beck , a North Korea expert at Keio University in Japan .

  12. 日本座落在亚洲东部,它的群岛位于北太平洋和日本海峡,韩国半岛东部之间。

    Japan is situated in the eastern Asia and it is island chain between the North Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Japan , east of the Korean Peninsula .

  13. 千岛群岛地震是本季度的最大事件,它发生在45°N以北.不属于日本海沟相关区范围。

    Earth - quake is the largest event of the 4th quarter and occurred to the north of 45 ° N ( outside the range of the Japan Trench area ) .

  14. 舞鹤[日本本州岛中西岸港市]-一艘北朝鲜船在日本海岸警卫队船只监看之下装载自行车和冰箱。

    North Korean ship packs a load of used bicycles and refrigerators while a Japanese Coast Guard boat stands watch at the Maizuru port October 13 , 2006 in Maizuru , Japan .

  15. 迪克在书中假设二战有了另外一种结局,反法西斯同盟被打败,全北美洲都被日本帝国和纳粹德国所征服,接下来这两大轴心国之间便开始冷战。

    Dick postulates an alternate ending to the Second World War , one which witnessed the defeat of the Allies , the conquest of the American continent by the Japanese Empire and Nazi Germany , and the subsequent Cold War fought between the two new Axis Powers .