
běi bù dì qū
  • upstate;north
北部地区[běi bù dì qū]
  1. BriceMason是一位来自纽约州北部地区的丈夫和父亲。

    Brice Mason is a husband and father from upstate New York .

  2. 这个公园是为了保护该州最北部地区的一些森林而建的。

    The park was created to preserve some of the forests upstate .

  3. 说来也怪,很少有其他英国人住在这一北部地区。

    There were , oddly , few other Britons living in this northern part .

  4. 北部地区房屋自用的比例低于英格兰任何其他地区。

    The Northern Region has a lower proportion of owner-occupiers than any other English region .

  5. 今天的选举将使结果有利于这个郡的北部地区。

    Today 's election will skew the results in favor of the northern end of the county .

  6. 运用遥感(RS)和地理信息系统(GIS)技术来进行中国陕西省北部地区的土壤水蚀风险评估。

    The remote sensing and GIS are applied to evaluate the soil water erosion risk in the northern part of Shaanxi Province , China .

  7. 截至周三上午,印度电网公司(PowerGridCorp.ofIndiaLtd.)已经在印度北部地区最多恢复了98%的电力供应。此前,印度电网接连两天出现故障,造成印度北部地区大面积停电。

    Power Grid Corp. of India Ltd. had restored up to 98 % of northern India 's power supply as of Wednesday morning after two consecutive days of grid collapses caused major power outages in the region .

  8. 利用MODIS数据反演沙漠化地区地表温度的简化模式&以陕西北部地区为例

    Simplified Split-window Algorithm Model to Retrieve Land Surface Temperature in Aeolian Desertification Area with MODIS Image Data & Taking North Shaanxi Province as an Example

  9. 本文通过对地震P波速度场、Q值分布、VP/VS分布和地质构造的研究,探讨了西安北部地区强震分布的深部背景。

    In this paper , by studying seismic velocity of P wave , distribution of Q value , VP / VS distribution and geological structure , the deep background of earthquake preparation in the north area of Xi'an is discussed .

  10. 根据华北GPS网1995、1996和1999年的3期观测成果,用本文提出的数学模型和方法,将华北北部地区划分为8个小块体。

    Based on three periods of data from North China GPS Networks observed in 1995,1996 and 1999 , and with the mathematical model and the methods proposed in the paper , the northern part of North China has been divided into 8 small blocks .

  11. 其它搜捕活动在叙利亚北部地区哈马(Hama)和大马士革郊区展开。活动人士说,至少五名平民在哈马被捕。

    Other raids were conducted in the Northern part of Hama , where activists said at least five civilians were arrested , and in suburbs of Damascus .

  12. 同时应进一步加强北部地区的疫源地监测工作,从而有效地控制河北省HFRS的发生和流行。

    Meanwhile , strengthen further the monitoring of epidemic focus in northern area , and control efficiently the occurrence and prevalence of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome ( HFRS ) in Hebei province .

  13. 菜粉蝶Pierisrapae(Linnaeus)广泛分布于整个北温带以及中国大多数地区,以及南亚的印度北部地区。

    Cabbage white butterfly ( Pieris rapae ) is widely distributed in the whole north temperature zone , most areas in China , South India in South Asia .

  14. 美国战略司令部的空军上校拉斯-科迪里克声称,相撞事故发生于本周二,地点位于俄罗斯北极北部地区上空,相撞卫星为美国LLC铱星公司发射的一颗卫星与俄罗斯的一颗通讯卫星。

    The crash , which took place on Tuesday above Russia 's Arctic north , involved a spacecraft of Iridium Satellite LLC and a Russian communications satellite , said Air Force Colonel Les Kodlick of the U.

  15. 哥伦比亚大学(Columbiauniversity)的ValeInstitute表示,如果2009年一季度的趋势延续下去,流向新兴市场和发展中国家(有时被称之为南部地区)的FDI就有望超过流入北部地区成熟市场的直接投资。

    If trends from the first half of 2009 continue , FDI to emerging markets and developing countries , which are sometimes referred to as the South , is on track to exceed direct investment in the mature markets of the North , according to Columbia University 's Vale Institute .

  16. 在乌干达北部地区,由于害怕被反叛集团的“圣抵抗军”(LRA)从睡梦中掠走,孩子们晚上都躲在城里过夜。

    In northern Uganda , children seek the safety of towns at night for fear of being snatched from their beds by the rebel group Lord 's Resistance Army ( LRA ) .

  17. 2009年,它甚至出资收购了自己的真丝面料供应商TessituradiNovara公司,该公司位于意大利北部地区,自1923年以来一起生产各种丝绸面料。

    Indeed , in 2009 , the group put its investment where its fibres were , and acquired Tessitura di Novara , a company based in northern Italy that has been producing silks since 1932 .

  18. 方差体技术在潜江凹陷北部地区的应用

    Application of variance cube technology in north area of Qianjiang Depression

  19. 新疆北部地区盐渍土基本性质试验的研究

    The Study on Basic Feature Test of Saline Soil in Beijiang

  20. 中国北部地区药用甘草的生态学特性及群落分类

    Ecological Characteristics and Community Taxonomy of Drug Licorice in Northern China

  21. 全球变暖环境下朝阳北部地区气温变化趋势分析

    Trend Analysis of Environment Global Warming Temperature Changes in Northern Chaoyang

  22. 塔里木盆地北部地区油气富集规律及成藏模型

    Enriching regularity and pool-forming model of hydrocarbon in North Tarim Region

  23. 宁夏北部地区一次大风天气诊断分析

    Diagnosis Analysis of a Gale Weather Case in the Northern Ningxia

  24. 鄂尔多斯盆地北部地区重力资料的解释方法及其效果

    Interpretation method of gravity data of North Ordos Basin and the effect

  25. 黑龙江省北部地区亚麻栽培技术

    The Flax Cultivate Technique in Northern Area of Heilongjiang Province

  26. 斯莱:这些是北部地区最重要的部队。

    SLY : These are the most important units in the North .

  27. 四川盆地北部地区构造样式及成因分析

    Analysis for structural styles in north area of Sichuan basin

  28. 越北腹露蝗是广东北部地区的重要害虫。

    Fruhstorferiola tonkinensis was an important insect pest in northern Guangdong province .

  29. 对新疆北部地区岩石生热率分布特征一文的商榷

    Comments on Characteristics of Heat Production Distribution in Northern Xinjiang

  30. 江苏北部地区方言俗字的考察

    The Investigation of the Dialect Characters in Northern Jiangsu Province