
  • Carla;Kara;Cara
  1. 由奥兰多·布鲁姆(OrlandoBloom)和卡拉·迪瓦伊(CaraDelevingne)主演、亚马逊延后已久的维多利亚时代奇幻系列剧《狂欢命案》,终于确定上映时间了。

    We finally know when Carnival Row , Amazon 's long-delayed Victorian fantasy series starring Orlando Bloom and Cara Delevingne , will arrive .

  2. 嘿!卡拉,我和几个朋友这个周末一起去KTV,你要来吗?

    D : Hey Cara , me and some friends are going out to KTV this weekend , would you care to join us ?

  3. 你对卡拉有多了解?

    How well do you know Carla ?

  4. 她行走到莫纳卡拉的一个居民区附近时遭人攻击。

    The attacker struck as she was walking near a housing estate at Monacurra

  5. 卡拉的电话飞速增多。

    The frequency of Kara 's phone calls increased rapidly

  6. 米克一直迷恋卡拉。

    Mick has always been very keen on Carla .

  7. “呀——”卡拉放开喉咙,发出女武神瓦尔基里一般的嘶喊声。

    ' Yaaaaaaa , ' Carla let rip with the cry of the Valkyries .

  8. 卡拉正蜷缩在沙发上,一边吸着烟,一边轻抚着她的猫咪。

    Carla , curled up on the sofa , was smoking a cigarette and stroking her cat

  9. 卡拉为儿子担心。

    Carla fears for her son

  10. 全家人在吃完节日大餐后可以来一场卡拉OK。

    You can end your family holiday dinners with a round of karaoke .

  11. 电影卡拉OK是一种娱乐形式,指电影去掉原声后播放,参与的人按照影片情节现场进行表演。

    Movieoke is a form of entertainment in which a person acts out scenes from a movie while a silent version of the movie plays in the background .

  12. 电影卡拉OK的英文movieoke是movie和karaoke两词的合成形式,卡拉OK现在已是经典的娱乐方式,业余歌手们跟着无人声演唱版本的流行歌曲伴奏引吭高歌。

    This term combines movie with karaoke , that now classic entertainment form in which amateur crooners sing along to vocal-less versions of popular songs .

  13. 影片会在参与者身后的屏幕上播放,同时会在另一个显示器上显示台词和表演提示。电影卡拉OK这种兼具表演和互动的娱乐形式是由安娜斯塔西娅·菲特于2003年在纽约首创的,之后传遍全球。

    The film is projected onto a screen behind the actor and onto an alternate monitor which provides subtitles entertainment created by Anastasia Fite in New York City in 2003 , and has since spread to other parts of the world .

  14. 卡拉赞各BOSS掉落及其布衣职业需求分析。

    The BOSS karaoke Zan falling demand analysis and commoner career .

  15. 句子换成嬉皮士“希特勒”卡拉OK

    Replace the word " like " with the word " Hitler "

  16. 但那就是卡拉OK有趣的地方

    But that 's what 's fun about karaoke .

  17. 卡拉:好吧,不管怎样,DNA测试会给你答案。

    Karla : Well , the DNA test will give you proof , one way or the other .

  18. 卡拉高莱斯油田U油组储层特征及其评价

    Reservoir characteristic and evaluation of group u in the Caracoles oil field

  19. 1985~1988年全国黑热病疫情动态GPS在卡拉电站滑坡监测中的应用

    KALA - AZAR IN CHINA FROM 1985 TO 1988 The Landslide Monitoring in Kala Reservoir Area

  20. 一次脂肪海藻瘦身,一个钻石狗项圈,和一台卡拉OK机怎样?

    A cellulite seaweed wrap , a diamond dog collar , and a karaoke machine .

  21. 现在是神风特攻队卡拉OK的时间了!

    It 's time for Kamikaze Karaoke !

  22. 2009年,二人经共同好友介绍在卡拉OK吧中相识。

    The couple met in 2009 when a mutual friend introduced them at a karaoke bar .

  23. 你有什么想法吗你喜欢唱卡拉OK吗不喜欢

    Well , what did you have in mind ? - Do you like karaoke ? No.

  24. 酷玩乐队知道如何去创造一首歌,能够用简单的卡拉OK节奏把你吸引住。

    Coldplay knows how to build a song that draws you in with easy , karaoke-ready moves .

  25. 文中结合雅砻江卡拉电站滑坡变形监测的过程,探讨该项目中GPS变形测量方案的设计和数据处理过程,结果表明监测精度达到了设计要求。

    This paper presents the process of landslide monitoring using GPS and the design of deformation monitoring in Kala reservoir area .

  26. 巴格德雷合同区b区块所在区域处于卡拉库姆大沙漠中,地面固定沙垄广布,少部分为丘状沙地与平坦戈壁。

    Block B of bagtyjiarlyk contractual area is contained in the Karakum desert , covering extensively distributed ground sand ribbons and some sand dune and flat Gobi desert .

  27. 在俱乐部以不同寻常的方式舞蹈,或者选择一首奇怪的卡拉OK歌曲,风格比别人更夸张。

    Shine at the club by dancing in an unusual way , or picking a strange karaoke song and rocking it harder than anyone else .

  28. 当地人说这让我们特别擅长于音乐(在某些卡拉OK聚会里,这种理论并不成立),也有研究证明了这一点。

    Localslike to say this makes us particularly good at music ( certain karaoke sessionshave proven otherwise ) and studies have shown there 's some truth to this .

  29. 虽然刚开始会很尴尬,但的确在提高我的语言上帮了大忙,还为谈生意做好了准备(卡拉OK可是最普遍的交际活动呀!)

    While it was embarrassing at first , it did help me practice my language , and also prepare for business situations ( where karaoke is a common networking event ) .

  30. 他和卡拉•布鲁尼(CarlaBruni)离婚以及与麦当娜(Madonna)的婚姻,只是暂时令其分心。

    His divorce from Carla Bruni and marriage to Madonna had only briefly distracted him .